Indulging (1)

'Ah... Although I said the ribbon was ugly, that didn't mean I was asking for something grander or better than it.'

Ellendise set her teacup down and calmly pushed the necklace back towards Agnus with her index finger.

"I couldn't possibly accept such a gift. To be honest, I am not a fan of jewelry but I do appreciate the thought that you had considered giving me such a valuable item."

Agnus tilted his head. He wore his cloak down this time so his disguised hair that was a dark blue was plain for her to see. His mask still kept her from seeing his face but that didn't stop her from seeing that he was indeed quite young.

Practically the same age as her brother.

'Well.. The current Emperor is also very young and is only 35. So the Archduke should be 14 or 15..'

"If you don't like it, then just throw it away." He grabbed the necklace with his hand and threw it out the window without even blinking.

Ellendise wasn't ignorant. That necklace must have cost a fortune but he didn't even act all bothered when he threw it away.

'But what would you expect from royalty..? The Emperor's only brother? The next in line as the Tower Master?'

Ellendise lifted her teacup and took a sip.

As expected, reality was different from the novel. It was too early for the Tower Master to kick the bucket. It was supposed to happen after a few more years..

In the novel, Lord Reinstrom ascended the position at the age of 18 because Rogen mysteriously 'disappeared'. That wasn't actually the case...

It turns out that Rogen was an inhuman bastard and a scum. The Archduke made his move early and even seized the position after being publicly supported and backed by the Emperor.

He was also the 'hero' who uncovered the truth.

But Ellendise knew that his true actions were far from heroic. Although Rogen was said to have ended his life, Ellendise guessed that the Archduke made him 'disappear'.

His bones are probably slowly decomposing in one of the Archduke's many flower pots.

Or was it on display..?

Ellendise wasn't very sure. The Archduke was very selfish and random, and only acted on his own self-interest.

Ellendise raised her finger again. The discarded necklace from outside floated back inside and landed on the table.

"Although I rejected your gift, it's counterproductive to throw it away. Just how many people would be able to drink and eat if this was sold? Rather than throwing it away, if you have no further use for it then please sell it and donate the money to charity or maybe use the money for investment." Ellendise still maintained her polite tone.

No matter how annoying he was, he was still the Archduke and the next Tower Master. He was both royalty and powerful. He was basically someone she couldn't afford to offend at the moment.

"It's a pity since I'm not a charitable person nor do I have an inkling to involve myself in trade and economy." Agnus grabbed her hand that had made the necklace float. Ellendise set her teacup down again.

"My apologies, since you aren't interested in those two things then why not use the money to fund magical development and research."

His hands closed around her hand.

"Rabbit girl, don't you know that the Mage Tower is under pressure right now?" His tone carried a hint of ridicule. She has observed that he often uses this tone.

Was he trying to scare her?

She was indeed scared but she was not stupid enough to show it.

"I am aware of the recent news and events that have plagued the empire and its citizens. Not only was the Mage Tower severely criticized but even the royal family has experienced some of the criticism for letting this kind of thing happen. However.." Ellendise looked up and smiled gently.

"It doesn't mean that we should let it affect future prospects. There's a saying: It's just a bad day, not a bad life. This is simply one of the many troubles and problems of the empire. There are probably a lot more hidden in the dark. The prejudice between the mage and non-mage faction is one example. And what about dark mages themselves? There's also the unprecedented monster attacks in small villages and towns. Moreover, if you feel uncomfortable using money to fund the Mage Tower, then you can 'try' experiencing what it means to be a 'charitable person.' Helping the Empire's citizens will surely lessen the Emperor's burden and ensure many prosperous days for the empire."

After saying all this flowery words, Ellendise felt troubled. There would be war soon..

Although she wasn't happy that Nitense was going to participate, she couldn't exactly stop him from fulfilling his dreams and ambitions. The only thing she could do was to support him.

"Ah.. And please refrain from insulting my fairy friend. I feel bad for her since no one likes to be called an insect."

The Archduke smiled mysteriously.

"Rabbit girl--"

"Please call me Ellen. Or would you prefer to call me Ariadne or Mielle? I'll have to remind you that my name is most certainly not 'Rabbit girl' and as you can see, my hair might seem white but it is actually silver white and my eyes are like this because I inherited it from my mother. I also hope that sir would tell me his name so I know how to properly address you."

Agnus was silent. He merely listened and watched as she spoke. He didn't seem to mind how talkative she was being.

His aqua blue eyes were trained on her without moving away, not even once.

It was a bit creepy? Yes.

But his interest was totally deadset on her at the moment.

Ellendise was also slightly curious why he suddenly became silent.

"I am merely asking because it is a bit hard for me to continue talking to an unknown person. Afterall.." you tried to kill me.

But Ellendise didn't say that.

"..sir is really suspicious and I really feel uncomfortable talking to someone I don't know. I'm still a ten year old girl so it's natural for me to feel this way." She explained, thinking that maybe he would explain himself or atleast get bored and leave.

Who would have thought that he would say something else?

"If you don't like this necklace, I'll find something better. " With that, he took the necklace and left.

Ellendise pursed her lips.

She has the sudden urge to scream.
