Indulging (2)

The next day, Ellendise had to tell Rachel and Jill to leave her room due to some inconveniences....

"This is really a bit.."

There was a gold necklace with diamonds thrusted towards her.

"Rabbit girl, you don't like it?"

Ellendise shook her head, wanting to tell him that there was no need for something like this.

"I will search for something else."

He left without waiting for her to answer. Ellendise frowned when he came back again the next day, bringing over a different necklace.

It was made of lacrima crystals or atleast it looks like lacrima crystals.

The market price of one is enough to ensure food and lodging for fifty years.

She rejected that too.

But the Archduke kept coming back repeatedly and trying to give her a necklace. Some were even inlaid with mana stones which must've really cost a lot of money.

"This mana stone has a very high concentration. You can use it to amplify your magic."

"I'm sorry.. I can't accept this gift. You can stop trying to.."

He left before Ellendise could finish. Again. She sighed and leaned on the chair.

What a strange person. The royal family doesn't lack money and with the title of Archduke, he was capable of getting his hands on an items that people could only dream of holding or he could just snatch them from someone elese without batting an eyelash.

Ellendise felt itchy in her heart. This difference in wealth is a little too...

The next day, Ellendise didn't even bother looking up to see if he was there again.

He had gotten used to sliding inside her room through the balcony and even though she kept the door close, he would still be able to enter.

Ellendise just stopped trying to prevent him from entering. First, he was the Archduke. Second, he was a magic swordsman. And third, he was a madman who was currently the next candidate for Tower Master.

"This is a reinforced magic necklace crafted by Duen the Dwarven Craftsman. It contains 99 red dragon gems and made of the hardest metal, Duenium, known for its magical properties and durability."

The tone he used to describe this amazing national treasure was akin to a person bored of telling the news about weather.

If she wasn't mistaken, Duenium is considered a super rare Dwarven metal and only the Dwarven royal family is in possession of it..

While dragon gems were spiritually condensed cores of dragons that contains ten times the amount of mana a regular mana stone has.

And this guy was going to give it to her? This super rare national treasure of the Dwarven Country..? She doesn't even want to ask how he got his hands on this one..

The issue was that normal people wouldn't even dare to show this precious necklace in public. Just the possibility of being able to see it is almost next to none. Moreover, going out while wearing this is just asking to be assassinated or robbed.

Who would not want to have this national treasure who could ensure people to live a luxurious life for many generations?

Ellendise inhaled deeply, trying to calm her nerves.

"Please sit down." She gestured to the chair while massaging her temples. The cakes and sweets infront of her, they no longer seemed appetizing.

"You don't like it?"

He questioned her though he doesn't seem very surprised that she rejected him yet again.

Ellendise tipped her chin down and met his aqua blue gaze head on.

"Would you mind telling me why you want to give me a necklace?" This was what Ellendise wanted to know.

"It is a collar for my rabbit.."

And she was that 'rabbit' he was speaking to.

Her toes curled under her dress. The Archduke was really treating her like a pet. Well, she was expecting that.

It'd be a surprise if he said that he was going to give it to her as a genuine gift.

"When a master accepts a disciple, they would give the disciple a ceremonial gift as a sign of their relationship. "

She wasn't his disciple, okay? Still, Ellendise hadn't expected that he would still say that. Was he really looking for an apprentice?

Ah.. Even if he wants to, there's no way she would accept it. He just killed his previous master recently. What if she ended up suffering the same fate just because she annoyed this great Buddha?

There's no way this great ancestor would treat her kindly. His stare alone was penetrating and gave her a feeling of discomfort. It was like he was trying to look inside her... ugh.. Ellendise wasn't very comfortable about the idea.

"Sir, I'm sorry to say this but I already have a tutor. I am not in need of a master.. " This was as polite she can be with how annoying he was. If it weren't for his status and crazy background, she would be cursing him this instant.

Aiyoo.. if only this punk didn't have the Emperor's backing..

If only he wasn't an Archduke.. Ellendise would definitely-

"You have a tutor?" His eyes narrowed dangerously. Ellendise forcibly smiled.

"Yes.. She is a former instructor from Eiron Academy. She's been very good to-"

"For how long."


"Since when."


"It's someone below me."

Ellendise's cheeks and jaws hurt from smiling too much so she stopped. His words was ridiculous but she could not rebuke.

He was indeed someone in a high position. Though she was going to continue acting ignorant... There was no use being scared.

"Ah, really? I didn't know that. What is your position then?"

"For how long?"

Hey, you shouldn't answer a question with another question, is what Ellendise wanted to say but his hard stare was really scary which was why she could only answer with the truth.

He nodded and then rubbed his chin as if he was thinking.

"Rabbit girl, dismiss your tutor. Your only choice is to accept me as your only master."

"That is bit unreasonable for you to.."

"Are you going to refuse me..?" His deadly stare really made goosebumps rise on her skin. If she was a normal ten yeard old, she would have started trembling and crying from the intensity of his stare.

The layer of frost in his eyes was something that even Ellendise who had lived until 28 before, was incapable of doing.

Still, she was mentally older than him and knows how to compose herself.

Ellendise smiled.

"Yes. I'll have to refuse. The reason? It's very simple." She said softly while crossing her legs together and sitting straight in a dignified manner.

"I don't know you nor do I wish to be your disciple. For one thing, I prefer to have a master who has a credible background and pleasant personality. Not someone who will enter my room without permission every other night. I won't accept a suspicious person hiding behind a mask as my master. Visiting late at night without revealing one's identity. It's simply the act of a degenerate who disregards social etiquette and propriety. Even a cat knows common sense."
