Disloyal Dogs

Jill trembled, her eyes widening in fear.

Ellendise waved her free hand. "Don't be so nervous. You may raise your head. I want to get a good look at your face, Jill."

'Yes, I want to see the face of the person who betrayed me.'

Jill raised her head, clearly nervous at how Ellendise was acting.

"I haven't told any of you yet... But, I really dislike dogs eating other people's food when they already have their own bowl given by their master." She stood up. Even while in her bedroom dress, Ellendise did not lose her dignity while infront of other people.

"Isn't it annoying to see a dog being so greedy and pining for other people's attention as if its master isn't treating it right? Afterall, as the master, they would give it food and shelter, ensuring that the dog is able to live well. And yet…" Ellendise tapped her fingers on her crossed arms, pacing slowly around the room.

"...the dog doesn't seem to be satisfied with its treatment."


There was silence in Ellendise's room.

Both her personal maids were quaking in fear and unable to respond to her words. This was the first time that their lady has said such vicious words and it caught them off guard.

"I wonder what the master should do." Ellendise continued, encircling a lock of hair using her index finger, twirling it around playfully.

"Perhaps the master should just sell the dog?"

"Or maybe the master should be harsher and use punishment. How does a whipping sound?"

"The master can also butcher the dog and feed it to the..."

"My lady!" Jill suddenly yelled, her fists clenching the bottom of her dress. Her pitiful figure was shaking like a flower in the rain.

Ellendise paused and said, "Yes? Do you have something to say to me?"

"My lady, I…"

"Jill," Ellendise called, stopping her from her stuttering. She calmly walked towards Jill who was much taller than her.

"I don't think I need to remind you who your master is, right?"

Jill shivered.

Ellendise looked at her coldly, her red eyes appeared to be glowing and there was a strange oppressive aura surrounding the ten-year-old girl. It was suffocating and Jill felt as though her lungs were being deprived of oxygen. Was this an illusion?


Ellendise watched as the older girl fell to her knees, holding onto their throat and gasping for air.

"Keugh!" Jill struggled for air on the floor. Ellendise stood in her place while watching the girl who still writhing on the ground. She seemed to be acting the role of a spectator.

Rachel had shouted in fright.

"Lady Ellen, please have mercy!"

Ellendise turned her red gaze towards Rachel who was petrified under her stare.

"Rachel, the dog should obey its owner. The dog must be loyal only to the owner. Otherwise, the owner might be displeased."

Rachel felt the hairs on the back of her neck standing as she looked at her young lady who was smiling at her.

Ellendise snapped her fingers.

Jill stopped rolling on the floor as she finally breathed for air, coughing repeatedly. There were tears on the corner of her eyes. Ellendise sat back on her chair and took a sip of her tea, unaffected.

"This is why I prefer snakes. As long as you train it well, it'll listen to you." Ellendise mumbled under her breath.

During this incident, Ellendise's suspicions were confirmed and she found out from her two personal maids that the Countess was indeed keeping tabs on her and the Countess was reporting it to the Count. Ellendise was not happy that her involvement with the Viscountess' sudden awakening was revealed to both of her parents nor was her private training that she had tried hard to conceal.

But she was also realistic. Making too many big moves would normally alert the people around them especially the adults. These people aren't stupid at all.

"I don't like disloyal dogs and when I don't like something, it makes me want to throw it away." Ellendise poured the cup of tea down on the carpeted floor while looking at Rachel and Jill, clearly giving them a warning.

'The both of you better wise up because I don't take kindly to betrayals.' She looked at them without any signs of gentleness.

The two of them gulped, immediately understanding what Ellendise meant. She was asking them to choose a side if they want to remain in service.

"Lady Ellen, it was my fault for not being truthful. I will do my best to serve my lady from now on." Rachel bowed her head, her hands trembling as she did so.

Jill also followed despite being scared witless when Ellendise cut her source of air. "I w-will also follow and serve Lady Ellen faithfully from now on. I admit my mistakes! I will never be disloyal to the lady starting today!"

"Yes, I shall be in your care," Ellendise said, raising her finger and lifting the spilled liquid she had poured and gathered them into her hands. She incinerated it all, giving her two maids one last scare at her sudden display of magic, her hands emitting smoke.

"I also don't mind committing arson."

The two women choked.
