Gambling For Her Future

Ellendise's first order to Rachel and Jill after being in her room for three weeks was for them to move all of her things to the west house. She was moving out of the main building since she felt suffocated in that place.

It was also a place with too many eyes watching and she was not dumb enough to repeat the same mistake. She would no longer be so complacent.

"My lady, is this really okay?" Rachel asked as the servants moved her things. Ellendise watched them with a cool gaze.

"No need to worry. I will talk to mother later."

"I heard that the Countess is out on a banquet today... I am afraid that Lady Ellen might not be able to meet her."

"What about my father?"

"The Count is currently at his office right now. My lady, do you wish for me to inform the Count that you are moving out from the main building?" Rachel offered. Ellendise thought for a second.

"No need. I will talk to him." This was a personal matter and although she would have usually ignored this and left a menial task to a maid, Ellendise needed to talk to the Count about some important matters.

Earlier, she had interrogated people and learn just what kind of abominable existence an elf priest was.

'Even if an elf priest said that I am a cursed person, many people would believe it... That's how prominent and credible their reputation is.' Not only were they blessed in divinity but they were also blessed with divine power. And people with divine power are people who had received blessings from the Goddess Mortia.

How interesting.

And annoying.

'As long as it was a person blessed by the Goddess, that person's words would be no different from the Emperor's command.' Ellendise thought but she also pondered over the fact that elves cannot lie.

This kind of information was not revealed in the novel which was very new to her. Well, the information in the novel was limited since a few pieces of paper couldn't exactly describe everything in a fantasy world.

Ah, well, although the Count had played with her, she was still her father and he had shown her care and affection despite this information that had made him feel torn.

Ellendise understood that she had acted impulsively by being too harsh on him but her feelings were justified since the Count was also ruthless for letting her fall prey to the Archduke's whims.

No matter how handsome or how wealthy or how strong the villain was, a villain was a villain. Ellendise did not have the patience to help the villain redeem himself or change his ways. She was no saint and she herself would admit that she was a villain at heart.

She was only trying to act with consideration since she now has a family that actually cared for her and that to live a good and long life, she needed to surround herself with people that were adored her. It seemed ridiculous that she had already accepted her new reality after only ten years in this world but her life as Rianne was too sad and too pitiful.

Living in this place as Ellendise was much more refreshing and relaxing despite the dangers in her future.

'When I came to this world, I did not feel resentful.'

In fact, most people would have wished that they could go back to their original world but that was not the case for Ellendise. For Ellendise who had suffered and died in her previous world, it was a blessing for her to receive a second chance at a new beginning.

'My previous life had tired me out and turned me into a person with trust issues that I could not even trust my own family and blood relatives. They were the first who set out to kill me, coveting my position and wealth. But in this world, I did not have to be as cruel as I expected though that might change once I enter the academy. ' She said to herself.

Being born a noble and in the body of a villainess was also a contributing factor.

'It is good that I have no dispute with Nitense and that he adores me.' Ellendise certainly did not want any sibling drama. She was fed up with that in her past life. Though the Count and Countess would prove to be an obstacle since they have realized she was not normal.

Ellendise stood up and changed her attire, deciding to meet the Count for another confrontation.

This would only end once she comes clean.

It was worth gambling for her future since she would hate to become another Rianne who was forced to kill her own family for power and freedom.
