Chapter 47 : Who dares....from under my nose?

Nectar was finally taking this ball seriously. She'd taken Blair and Reli out with her for shopping. Though they'd already ordered some things to be made, Nectar wasn't counting on it.

They could disappoint her but if it was anything like her first life, Athena would capitalize. The concubines had tried their luck successfully after coming up with individual ideas and wanted to try their luck with some sort of talent show.

Nectar didn't mind but Athena, did so she agreed for the bonus. The kids, Fauna and Tera had grown accustomed to each other and Nectar had already finished her design plan for their rooms two weeks ago.

She wasn't entirely sure what to expect from the other kingdoms but that's why she was doing so much research on it. And maybe the star reader would even come [ So many bragging rights ] but she wasn't setting her hopes high for it.

It was getting colder and colder everyday and Nectar expected it to be snowing by the time the alliance celebration began.

But today, she'd gone out to get the new line of winter clothing she'd prepared for herself and Liam, using the left over fabric to make clothes for the kids.

Blair was the daughter of a Count and her mother is a cotton spinner, she had a higher take on good fabrics that would be to the royal liking and Nectar just didn't want to bother.

She'd also had plans for the kids and kept them busy so they couldn't bother her right now. Mario had taken a liking to weaponry and was always in the royal blacksmith's quarters, coming back smelling like coal and covered in ash.

Nichole had taken an interest in engineering and was usually sneaking into the royal architect's office till Nectar gave her permission to go there whenever she wanted.

While lazy Nathaniel had taken a liking to cooking. He didn't stray far, and was always in with her personal royal chefs. She was looking forward to the dishes he'd promised her as well.

June was always in the stables taking care of the animals and horses. So Nectar had someone teach how to properly take care of them while she learnt how to ride.

August didn't stray far either and just like his element, he'd taken a liking to plants. So Nectar allowed him a small section of her courtyard to do as he please. He'd also taken a liking to herbs as well.

Jewlica however had no workable interests. Fauna and Tera spent most of their time just trying to keep her in their sights though she was always out of reach, climbing anything and everything. She called herself an explorer but Nectar felt she just enjoyed giving everyone a hard time [ A lot can happen in a month huh ]

Reli had become her usual sponky self again and was almost as loud as Nectar, just she didn't have an off switch. Today, she'd brought along Arron and William to help them decide on a nice welcome gift for the kings.

Then Jewlica ran off when they weren't paying attention, making her and Liam worry. Though she hasn't gone too far, she found her with a man in a cloak.

Nectar felt familiar with the man but at the same time cautious, she wasn't sure what his intentions were either so she quickly left with Jewlica after thanking him.

Nectar lightly tapped her nose with her white gloved hand " You can't just keep running off like that Ica. What if I didn't get to you in time "? Jewlica smiled brightly " But Sister Qidu did, you always will ".

Nectar laughed slightly " Look at you, trying to pull my heart strings, you're still in trouble Ica ". Jewlica frowned as she patted Nectar's cheek " Is that really necessary and I'm alright ". Nectar laughed again " Its so cute how hard you try ".

They met up with Liam " I think we should go back now, it's getting really crowded Qidu ". Nectar nodded when she spotted a bookshop and smiled brightly, pointing at the bookshop " Just a few more minutes Liam, pretty please ".

Liam followed her finger " Since when did you start reading "? Nectar frowned slightly You say that like I'm too dumb to read ". Liam smirked " You said it, not me ". Nectar rolled her eyes " Are you coming or not "? Liam nodded " Of course, just be quick ".

Nectar was met by warm air immediately she stepped in, she saw a small fireplace which was generating the heat. A lady with red hair and grey eyes smiled brightly at her " How can I help you miss "?

Nectar placed Jewlica on the floor and looked around the room " I haven't seen this place before so I thought I'd come check it out ". She nodded " We just opened in Lishflour, most of our branches are in Sepafi miss ".

Nectar nodded, running her hand over a book " That's very nice. You don't mind if I look around, do you "? The young looking lady nodded " Do go ahead, I'll be in the back if you need anything "

Nectar was a bit surprised by the volume of books here, she'd never heard of a bookshop in Lishflour, all these people care about are power and leveling up. Nectar clenched her fist excitedly [ I have to keep this place running ]

Liam had already left, saying he found the place boring. Nectar squinted as she picked a hard cover book with the words THE UGLY DUCKLING [ What a strange coincidence ]

She put it back in the shelf but was again surprised when she picked out a blue hardcover JACK AND THE BEANSTALK [ This is becoming weird ] " Ica, come see this book. I'm sure you'd love it ".

But when Jewlica didn't reply, she craned her neck towards the fireplace she'd last seen her but she was gone. Nectar closed the book and placed it down " Ica come out. I'm not punishing you anymore ".

But as she got to the couch, the only thing she found was the red poppy shaped hairpin she'd been wearing this morning. Clenching the hairpin, she nearly broke it [ Who dares take my stuff from under my nose? ]