My name is John Swift but everyone calls me duchebag, I'm working in newly established paranormal division that was created after Al'Karak incident. I was there when it happened and this is mainly the reason why i'm part of this Central Bureau of Control CBC for short.
I remmeber what have happened on this faithfull day, i was a police officer at the time. We were called because people in one of the tenements suddendly started suffocating after they dropped dead some strange gravitional anomaly picked knifes and dismembered the bodies. This wasn't sadly the end the bodies then vanished not even a speck of blood of hair remained just like the person was erased from reality.
Some of my collegues tried approaching but after 2 failed attempts we gave up and called higher ups. to deal with their super weapon themselfes, that's what i believed at a time. I'm sure no one would belive that this wasn't a super advanced weapon that went apeshit. How wrong we were....
Anyway back to the story, after the feds, local garrisons and rest of army came. Together with an bucket load of useless scientists who only confirmed our reports. Well that's all went to shit I guess when paranormal becomes real people panic. So to avoid panic in the streets and potential casualties if this "death zone" decided to expand. All civilians were evacuated allong with most civilian forces like police. Some tried to argue but when the soldiers who escorted us suddendly started struggling to breathe, these idiots who watched how our late friends died. Tried to help, yeah they also started suffocating i was fine because i was ahead outside of the boundaries of the town.
One peculiar thing that i noticed is that the body of mine workmate twice as heavy as it should. How i know this? Simple we figured it out even before the scientists came that it's possible to take out body out of death zone by simply dragging it out with a branch or other inaminate object like in my case a lasso that my son gave me as lucky charm just before he passed away.
I called higher ups from other voivodeships immediatly after. The Al'Karak was designated as a no entry death zone. The Bureau of Containment was established along with thick walls and quite high tech research equipment which supprisingly could notice small changes in the death zone. The machine which detected it was originally used as a prototype machine to try to observe/contain strange matter <*>.
And that's the only thing fancy in the BoC. So, after authorities came i was hospitalized for possible PTSD and possible changes in my body which could have occured during my longest exposure to the death zone at a time. Some time after when no changes were found, and disinsection of the body i fished out of big heads established a theory how the death zone is killing.
Baisically it uses anything liquid but mostly water to kill anyone inside the zone, by just dumping a whole lot of it in lungs and heart and if the person isn't dead within 3 seconds the surrounding liquids are then dumped into the brain crushing it in the process. How do we know the exact time? Well, some of the death row prisoners were used to conduct research, people who were used agreed to it so when journalists accused the government of human experimentation. The senate and the president revealed that theses people agreed to for the researchers to use their bodies in research.
The populace was outraged so the prime minister resigned and was sentenced to home arrest for couple of years which for some reason managed to calm the citizens. I didn't pry into it, because i really like being able to you know, live.
I've never enjoyed as a kid to watch shit unfold but now it was very intersting to see a giant explosion in the middle of death zone. I knew this wasn't a regullar thing so i went to my boss hoping I won't have to deal with a bunch of scrubs who are trigger happy and are poorly trained.