Chapter 8: After One Month

"Jessa... can you please be my bridesmaid? My cousin told me yesterday that she can't be on that day. Please... " Lily coax Jordyn to be her bridesmaid.

"Umm... let me think first."

"C'mon Jessa, why you need to think first? Don't you help your best friend?"

"I don't tell that I don't want... I just feel shy to be a bridesmaid. After all, this will be my first time."

"There no need to be shy. Just follow along on that day."

"Hmm... "

"Jessa... please..." Lily makes her cute face.

"Okay... okay... I will be your bridesmaid." Finally, I lose to her. Actually, of course, I want to be a bridesmaid for my best friend. I just feeling shy about that.

"Yeah! Jessa agreed to be my bridesmaid! Thank you, friend!"

I was happy to see her happy too because at last, she will be married to someone she loves.

"Okay, let continue our work."

"Okay, dear."

"Wait! Jessa... "

"What is that again?"

"When will our boss come back? It has been one month he took his leave. After we were done meeting last month, he told us that he has something personal to do."

''I don't know. I'm not his secretary."

"I'm just curious only. Didn't you miss him??" Lily laughs at her workstation behind me. She really has fun teasing me.

"Lily! I will take my word to be your bridesmaid."

"Okay... okay! I'm just joking. I just want to give him my wedding card invitation."

"Just pass it to Maria. After all, his secretary must know all his schedule right?''

"Oh, yeah, that right. Okay, later I will give it to Maria."

I suddenly zoned out on my table. I can't focus to do my work. I don't know why I feel like my heart and my mind was empty. I admit that I suddenly missed him. I'm missing Simon... but I don't know why recently I will think of Emmanuel's face if I missing Simon. I totally stagger of my heart. Can I already forget about Simon?

"Aaahh!" I scream because I suddenly banged my head on the table hard.

"Jessa? Are you okay? What happen to you?" Lily asks while busy do her work at the behind.

"Oh, nothing. I just accidentally hit my head on the table."

"Oh my, are you stress? Relax Jess... you will lose your head if you do that." She laughs after saying that to her.

"Lily, you really a bad friend."

"Hahaha... "

Like always, I and Lily will tease each other when we working together. We didn't know how we still together from our studies until work together. She really always made my life cheerful with her funny word and her joking things.


At home.

"Hi, sister! Huh? You back early today?"

"Hi... yeah! I'm not feeling well. So, I ask a half day today."

"Oh, I see. Did you take medicine yet?"

"Yes, already., I'm just a little hungry."

"Is that a hint to ask me to cook for you?"

"You think? Aaah... my head in pain." Victoria tried to coax her sister.

"Haha... okay, I will cook for you later after I did shower first."

"Wow, thank you, my little sister. I wait for you."

I just shook my head and smiling to see her spoiled behavior. I know that someone who is sick really takes their chance into someone else. Anyway, she is my sister so of course, I will do anything for her.

After an hour, I did freshen up and going out of my room. I go to the kitchen and be ready to cook our dinner. I peeked out to see my sister in the living room. She falls asleep there. I just let her be and will call her after I am done cooking.

After half an hour, I have done my cooking. I cooked for her porridge as she feels hungry but didn't have too much appetite.

"Sister... sister... wake up, I did cook a porridge for you."

"Oh, okay."

I just look at my sister, she still half asleep. She even brags herself to eat. I look at her face was pale and I feel a little worried.

"Sister, are you okay? Did we need to go to the hospital for a better check-up?"

"I'm okay Jessa. After this, I will continue to sleep. It will gonna be okay."

"Are you sure? But you didn't look good. It okay, after you finished eat then rest well okay. If you still didn't feel well, we go to the hospital okay?"

"Hmm... okay."

At that time, the clock showed at 10 pm. I wake up and going to check Victoria. I'm worried she still in pain. I slowly going to her room and I was shocked to see her sit down on the floor while holding her stomach.

"Vic?? Are you okay?"

"Jessa... I think my stomach hurts a lot. I can't even lift up."

"Come here, we going to the hospital. I help you."

I was really worried at that time, but I tried to hold up myself. We have my sister's car, but the worst part is I didn't know how to drive. I just quickly call the grab car.

After 10 minutes, the grab car arrived. I quickly bring my sister and we go inside the car. She still in pain while holding her stomach. She really looks pale and looks like she will going to faint.

"Uncle, can you drive faster. She really in pain." I ask the driver.

"Okay, I will try."

After 20 minutes, we arrived at the hospital. I rushed to go to the counter and make a registration for my sister. After that, there some nurses help me to take my sister. They bring her inside with a wheelchair and go to the yellow zone. I take my deep breath after seeing my sister was given treatment. I feel relieved and waiting for her outside.

Then, I heard someone calling out my sister's name of the caregiver. I coming toward to them. They said that my sister has an appendix so they must do an operation. I was feeling anxious and don't know what to do.

"What should I do nurse?"

"Just be calm, it not a big operation just a minor. We just need your sign to agreed on the operation."

"Oh, okay. Will she be okay after the operation?"

"It's okay, she will be fine."

"Oh, okay."

"Just wait here and we will call you after the operation is done."

"Alright, thank you, nurse."

I'm glad that my sister will be okay after the operation. I hope that all gonna be well. I'm just sitting outside in the waiting area. Actually, I didn't realize that I only wear my pajamas at that time. It was cold waiting there. Luckily there not too many people and they will not see me.

I just pray that my sister will have a smooth operation and it will be finished well.

Suddenly, someone reprimanded me from behind.

"Jordyn Jessa? Is that you?" The man's voice comes out.

I turn around and surprised to see that familiar face.

"Ariel? What are you doing here?"

He points out his shirt. It obvious that he wearing doctor clothes.

"Oh, you are a doctor here? I'm glad to meet you again."

"Yeah, me too. Last we meet at our last 2 years our reunion."

"Yeah. You right." I just give him a smile and at the same time, I felt ashamed because I'm wearing my pajamas there.

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I just waiting for my sister. She has an appendix and they do the operation right now. I'm so rushing so I didn't have time to change my clothes.''

"Oh, I see. No need to worry. It will be fine."

"Ah, yes..." I become a little awkward. I didn't think that I will meet him here. I know that he is best friends with Simon. So... I become more anxious because I thought that Simon will be here too??

"Do you mind I talk to you for a while?"

"Err... right now? Didn't I disturb your work?

"It's okay, I just finished my operation and later my off work."

"Oh, okay sure."

"Just wait for a while, I change my clothes first."


I was really curious why did he want to talk to me. Did he want to say about Simon? I hope he gives me good news about him. I don't want to lose my hope.


"Hello, Simon?"

"Hey, Ariel... what's up? Why do you call me at this time? Did the hospital want me to help do the operation again?" He laughs.

"Nope! I think this is gonna worst than help my operation."

"What is that?"

"Jordyn here at our hospital!"

"What?? What happened to her? Did she sick??"

"Wow... wow...relax. It's not her but her sister. Her sister gets an appendix and gets to operate here."

"I see... so is she okay?"

"Her sister or your girl?"

"Err... both!"

"They fine. She still waiting for her sister in the waiting room."

"I go there right now. Please hold her for me.''

"Seriously? Will she recognize you with that face?"


"What? You so funny bro. Okay, I wait for you."

"Wait! Can you play along later if I meet you there?"

"You mean?"

"Talk to you later."

"What?? Simon... Simon! I'm really a pity for you." Ariel just ended his conversation on a phone call with Simon. He didn't know, what will gonna happen later.