Chapter 7: Back to Work!

The next day, I go to work like usual. I finally feel better after discharged from the hospital yesterday. I actually still take my medical leave today but I feel that my body was feeling better, I just canceled it.

"Good morning Lily."

"Jessa!! Good morning too. I miss you. I heard you warded in hospital. Are you okay? I'm sorry didn't visit you at the hospital. I was busy arranging my wedding soon."

"It's an okay friend. I'm feeling better now. No worries about that."

"Thank god, you feeling well. You must not drink the coffee anymore. Let change it to a tea?" Lily gives a wink while giving a strawberry tea to me.

"Hahaha... thank you for this. I appreciate it."

While we busy chatting, Emmanuel comes from behind.

"Good Morning sir," Lily said

I suddenly feel nervous and slowly turn around to face him.

"Good morning... sir." My voice a little shaken when said to him.

He stops for a while at our workstation and just nods his head. I take a glimpse at him. As usual, his face becomes a serious look again. This time, I can see his face was different from when he with me outside before.

Did he try to be a professional? He looks like he really didn't know me and look like nothing happened to us before. Yeah, after all... he was my boss, and I'm only his employee. I thought for a second.

"Jessa, come with me to my room," Emmanuel said with his deep voice.

"Me? Right now? Oh... okay, I'm coming."

Lily just smiling at me and I know she will tease me after this. I walk faster and follow him at the back. Did he suddenly remember me? Okay, whatever!

He takes his seat and only stares at me. I suddenly feel that he look like someone's father that wants to scold their children.

"Err... sir... what can I help you?" I look at his eyes for a second then look away.

"Why did you go to work? Aren't you still on medical leave today? Why didn't you just rest at home?"

"Sir... Which one should I answer first?"

"Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, sir! Don't worry. I'm feeling better today. That why I just canceled my sick leave." I give him a big smile.

He takes a deep sigh and continually looking at me.

"Okay, you may go."

"Oh, okay... " I slowly go out from there. I feel weird to see him like that. Why must he question me all of that? Maybe he kind of boss that concern for his employee. Oh, it's maybe. But, why should upset about that? Argh!! Okay, I just stop thinking about that on my own.

On that day, all of us were in the meeting room. We spending our half of day in the meeting room to discuss the new product of our company. Last week, we were giving out our proposal for our new product and this time we will find out who will be chosen.

"First of all, thank you for all of you that gave me a many of good proposal. I already check it all and most of that was good. But, I need to choose one only." Emmanuel said to us.

We were waiting for his decision patiently and of course, we feel anxious to wait for him to announce the choices.

"So, actually before choose the final, the manufacturer team already do the trial on this product, most of the people really like the taste. The taste that really has the most like feedback is... the mix of strawberry plus grape and lemon. It from the Financial department.''

''Yes! We get it!''

''Jessa! Our choice was chosen! I impatiently too to taste that new drinking.''

''Congratulations, Financial Department!''

The other colleagues say congratulations to our team. This time, I was happy because finally in my life I can slowly make my dream come true. I really wish to have my own achiever in my life. This is the one reason I love to work in this company because they really give a chance to each employee to give their own idea or a suggestion.

''So, I hope this new taste of beverages will achieve our profit for next month. Thank you to everyone who has collaborated on this new product.''

''Thank you, too boss. You give a chance to us and trust for each of us here.''

''I trust all of you here, like how my father trusts all of you before. So, you all may be dismissed.'' Emmanuel said.

When the other leave, I coming toward him. I wanna say a thank you because he chooses our team.

''Sir...thank you for choosing us.''

''Oh, it is my job to choose the good one. Anyway, thank you also to you because it gives the taste that people like.

''I don't know if other people like that taste too. Surprisingly they like it too.''

He just gives me a smile.

''I go out first, I have a meeting later.''

''Okay, sir.'' I just see his left from the back.

Why do I feel that he tried to avoid me? Did I do something wrong? I really didn't know his complexion because he always shows me many different sides from him. I don't know why I have this mixed feeling whenever I face him.


''Jessa, When will you go back? Did you take the overtime?'' Lily said.

''No, I will back after this. You go back first, I will go to groceries later.''

''I see, okay. I go back first. Bye...see you tomorrow.''

''Bye, see you tomorrow too!''

Then, exactly at 6 pm, I clear up my table and prepared to go back. Before walking, I snoop a little into Emmanuel's room. His room was still dark. This earlier he going to meeting at outside and maybe then he just going back straight to home. I thought.

After leaving from office, I continued going to the nearby supermarket. I'm going to buy a little groceries before going back home. When I've immersed myself in shopping for groceries, suddenly I saw Emmanuel with someone girl beside him at the supermarket.

Emmanuel? What is he doing here too? Who was that girl? I think that must be his girlfriend. The girl looks beautiful and tall of course that kind of girl suitable for him. I thought.

I must hide from him. I don't want to be in an awkward situation to came to cross with him. I better do quickly my groceries and get out from here. After done, I going to the cashier counter and ready to make my payment.

''Miss, the total is RM58.70.''

''Okay, I pay with a debit card. Wait for a minute.''

Oh no! I can't find my wallet. Where is it? Didn't I already put it inside before? Argh! This is really embarrassing! How do I want to pay for it? Oh, I can use my phone. Crap! My phone stuck again!

''I pay for her. Take my card.'' A sudden man voice comes out.

''Sir?? It's okay, I can cancel to buy this.'' I was really shocked to see him in front of me.

I didn't notice he was behind me. How come he can be at my back? I hope that I didn't across at him but it turned like this.

''It's okay, you can pay me later.''

''Oh, okay...thank you, sir.'' I had to thicken myself standing there. I am really thankful to have him there to help me and at the same time...I was really ashamed.

''Sir, thank you once again.''

''It's okay.''

'' came you here?''

''Actually I....''

''Noel! Are you done? I'm hungry!'' The girl said to him with her blight voice.

''Umm, I have to go first. Be careful on your way.''

''Oh, okay.'' I just see him left from there. At one more time, I just see him from the back. I suddenly thought that someday I will have a person that will never leave me like this.