Chapter 6: Thank You for Being Here!

On weekends, Like always, my sister will spend her time sleeping and I will spend my time watching movies at home.

That morning, Victoria comes out of her room. She goes to the kitchen and takes some water.

"Jessa... what are you doing?"

"I chilling myself this morning..." I said to her while giving a V sign to her.

"Did you have breakfast?"

"I already take some bread and coffee. If you want to have breakfast... you cook yourself okay?"

"Okay, I know." She replied weakly as she still fell asleep.

"Wait! Did you drink coffee again? I told you that you must stop drinking it. You will get your gastric again. Please don't drink coffee if your stomach is still empty.''

"I already eat this bread. It should be okay."

"Hmm... whatever. I continued my sleep first."



After an hour, when I was lying down while watching a movie... suddenly I feel my stomach was not feel good. I run quickly to the toilet and I vomited. I feel a little dizzy and can't stand properly. I braced myself and screamed calling out my sister.

"Sister!! Sister! " I screamed out as I can.

After few minutes, Victoria quickly going toward me. I already sit down on the floor while holding up the pain in my stomach.

"Jessa! What happened to you??"

"Vic... I think my gastric attacked me again."

"Jessa, I told you to quit drinking a coffee. Look at you." Like other sisters, Victoria has scolded me like a mother. She really worried about me but at the same time, she had time to scold me.


They arrived at the hospital...

After what had happened to me earlier, I finally wake up. When I open my eyes, I found out that I already lying in a bed hospital. At that time, I feel my body a little better but still weak. I saw my sister talking to someone but not sure who that person was.

"Sister... "

"Jessa... are you wake up? Did you feel well? Are you still felt pain?"

"No, I'm okay. Sister, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Just please promise me after this, no more coffee. But, if you still craving it, make sure you eat something first."

"Okay, I promise!"

"Oh yeah, Your boss was here too. He looks handsome like you said before." She teases her.

"My boss?? Karson?? Are you serious?" I was suddenly felt anxious to hear his name. Why did he can be here? What happened??

"Karson?? His name Karson too?" Victoria frowned her eyes.

I only nod my head and give a little smirked to her.

"It really coincidental or fate that both of them have the same name?"

"Err... maybe... I don't know. Where is he? " I try to control my heart before seeing him in person. Plus I haven't forgotten about being trapped with him in the elevator yesterday. I thought that this weekend I can refrain from not thinking about him.

"He going to talk to a doctor. He looks like he familiar with this hospital and the others worker here."

"Oh, maybe they are his friends before. Err... why you look at me like that?" I see that Victoria gives me an intense look like she is suspicious about something.

"Oh... I see... " Victoria makes a glare at her.

After a few minutes, Emmanuel enters her room.

"Sister, I already settle down all her registration so she might be warded in 3 days if her result tomorrow is all well."

"Oh, okay Mr. Emmanuel. Thanks for your help."

"Err... just call me Emmanuel. No need too formal to me. After all, you are Jessa's sister."

"Oh, okay. Thank you, Emmanuel!"

"You're welcome."

Then, they suddenly in silent as they didn't know what to say to each other. Emmanuel only lay his eyes at Jordyn. Victoria noticed that and give them a space to talk to each other.

"So, I going out first to buy porridge for Jessa. Don't you mind stay with her for a while?"

"Sister, I can be here myself. I worried that we disturb sir... Emmanuel... I mean Karson on his weekend." I was trembling with my voice. I seriously wanna run out from there. It getting an awkward situation.

"No, I'm okay... I didn't have much to do today. I can accompany her here. You can go out buy for her food first."

"Okay, that cool! Jessa, I'm going out first. Please be good okay." Victoria left them there and secretly give smiles to Jordyn.

We are still in silence again after Victoria has left. I can feel the awkwardness between us in this room. He casually takes a seat beside me. I feel that his eyes were only staring at me. I don't know what he's thinking right now.

Then, he suddenly comes closer to me. I close both of my eyes as I nervous about what would he do to me.

"Sir, what you want?" I say to him with closed eyes.

"What you want me to do?" He whispered to her ears.

"Sir... we at the hospital right now and I will scream if you do anything to me"

"Oh, you think you have that energy to screaming?"

"I can!"

"Okay, let hear you scream." Then, he pulls down her bed. He just wants her to lie down comfortably.

"Aaaah!" I slowly open my eyes. He actually wanna help to pull down my bed. But my thought was more than that. I give him a peal of awkward laughter.

"Haha... thank you."

"Did you thought something wild?"

"Oh no, sir! I just... wanna try warming up my voice."

He just smile hear her words.

"Sir... how can you be here?"

"I don't want to answer your question if you still call me sir."

"Oh, err... umm... Karson?"

"I actually have a treatment here."

"Treatment?? Are you sick?"

"Not really. Just go for physiotherapy."

"Is that bad?"

"No. I just come here once a month. I'm getting better. Just want to follow up only."

"Oh...can I know what actually happens? But, it okay if you don't want to tell me. I'm just curious only." I become silent again as I saw his face change after hearing my questions.

"Actually, after I came here from abroad... I had an accident. But it happened five years ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. But, thank god you safe now."

"Yeah, you right. I'm still alive. I really grateful for that."

He looks into her eyes with sadness. He feels relieved too because he still alive and still can see her with his own eyes. He wishes that he can hug her at that time.

"We go back to you. Why you still drink coffee if you have bad gastritis?"

"Huh? Oh... I... still addicted to drink it."

"Didn't you quit drinking it before?"

"Yeah... but when I remember him, I ..." I suddenly stop my words as I thinking about Simon, and I a little shocked how he knows about that.

"Wait! How come you know about that?"

"Err... I know because... your sister told me before. She telling me about that. " He takes a deep sigh inside as he is afraid she will suspicious of something.

"She really telling you many things." I was waited for my sister to came back and scold her for telling other people about my personal things.

Then, suddenly Emmanuel's phone was ringing. His face looks like there was something happen.

"Karson... you may go back if you have a thing to do. I'm okay here alone. My sister will come later."

"I can wait for her too. I will go back if she arrived."

"It's okay, I can be here myself."

"I don't want to leave you anymore, Jessa." He touch my hair gently. I was shocked by that.


"I mean... I already promise to your sister that I will be here with you until she came."

"Oh..." I feel a little weird. He suddenly shows to me his worries. I'm just not used to it because he only my boss.

After a few minutes, Victoria has arrived.

"Hi, I'm here! Did everything okay?"

"Yeah. Jessa already takes her medicine. So, I think she can rest for a while."

"Okay. Noted. "

"Sister, I going back first because I have something to do. Please call me if anything you want me to help."

"Okay, Emmanuel. Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it."

"It's my pleasure. Jessa, I going back first. Take care of yourself. Bye." He rubbing my hair before he going out from there.

"Karson, wait!"

He turn back to me.

"Thank you for being here," I said to him softly. Our eyes were met for a second before he left. He just gives a smile and left out from there slowly.

I suddenly feel that I sincerely thanking for his concern for me. I'm not sure what all this means but I really happy to have him here with me even for a while.

I admit that my heart was shaken by his action. I was thinking hard why would he do that to me. He just my boss and I'm his employee. Why his behavior and his action were too caring for me?? Argh!! I had headaches thinking about all of this.

"Wow, your boss look a caring to you. Luckily you have a boss like him."

"Vic, please stop."

"I'm just giving a compliment about your boss. He looks really nice. But... he remembers to me about your Karson! The way he call me sister looks like we already know each other for a long time."

"Hmm... yeah... " I were thoughtful for a while.

"Jessa... Jessa... " Victoria call her from daydreaming.

"Huh? Do you talk to me? "

"Nope, I talk with this wall." She makes a glare to her.

"Sorry sister, I'm just thinking something else."

"What is that? Want to share with me?''

"Did you talk anything with Emmanuel before?"

"Hmm... I don't think so because earlier we met at lobby. He greets me first and ask me then. I was totally puzzled at that time. After he introduced himself, I just told him that I send you."

"After that??"

"He looks worried when I mention your condition. Then he helps me to do all the things. I just let him do because he really determined to help us.''

"He greet you first??" I ask surprisingly.

"Yeah! Why?"

"Oh, nothing."


That night, I was thinking about Emmanuel. He was really mysterious man. I was really curious about him. I don't know why he make me interested to know him more. I keep thinking about why he so good to me whenever we not in the workplace. I know he is my boss at the office and of course, he will not show his concern to me. But, when we in outside...he suddenly change become a normal person but mysterious!