Chapter 11: The Beginning of Our Memories...

*******Five years ago...,

On that day, I was celebrated my graduation day. I really thankful because finally, I finished my study. I am just happy because after this I can do what I want, and I need to think about my own future. But, at the same time...I feel sad because Simon was not being here with me. I wished that he also can be here with me but...I know that was impossible because, in fact, we were far from each other.

Yes! That true that both of us started our long-distance relationship after we finished high school. But, our relationship was still strong until now. He is two years older than me. So, he is my senior after all. He decided to further studies abroad after he received the offer from medical school.

Even though we had to stay away, we still believed in each other. I'm just fine if we had too far from each other because I do not want to stop him from doing what he wants to do. Indeed my heart is heavy for doing all this however I need to respect his choice.

That day, after I finished with my graduation ceremony, I went back home and can't wait to tell him about my happiness.

"Hello... "

"Hello... how was your graduation day?"

"Emm... it fun. Finally, I finished my studies."

"I'm happy to you. Congratulations!"

"Thank you."


"Umm... are you busy right now?"

"It's okay, we can talk for a minute."

"But I want to have a long talk with you."

"Err... actually I have something to do here. I can't have too much time for that."

"Oh... it's okay then. Just continue your works."

"Okay, I'm sorry! I call you back later, okay?"

"Emm...okay." I was sad that time.

"Bye!" Simon has quickly ended our calling.

I was feeling a little angry at that time and I feel that he doesn't care about my feelings. I know that he always has a busy time there. I had to keep this all alone. Without I'm realized...I shed tears alone in my room. I don't know why I really emotional at that time.

After a few minutes, my phone was ringing back. I saw that was Simon's name. I deliberately didn't answer my phone. I want him to know that I have sulked with him. Then, he calls back again. I'm curious why he calls me so many times. Then, finally, I answered his call.

"What? I'm sleepy right now!"

"Jessa, wait! I know you didn't sleep yet."

"Wow, did you have power now?" I tried to quip him.

"Yeah! I know what you do. Because my heart always knows what you doing."

"Please don't give me cheesy words. I'm not in good mood to talk to you."

"Oh, so you want to sleep?"

"Yes, if you didn't have any important to say, just don't talk to me."

"Jordyn Jessa... " Suddenly he calls me with his deep sweet voice. I always melt if he calls me like that... his voice always shaken my heart.

"Emm... what?"

"I ask you for the last time... did you really want to sleep?"

"Err... nope!"

Simon was smile and continue his words. "I'm waiting under your apartment now ... can you come out?"

"Karson! Please don't make a joke."

"I'm serious, I really at below here. Just come see me from your corridor outside."

I suddenly feel nervous and quickly go to my corridor. I was shocked to see him below there. I was happy and at the same time, I was nervous and feeling shy to see him. We have not met for a long time and I don't know what should I do infront of him.

I quickly take my sweater and go out of my room and go to him there.

"Vic! I go down first. Karson is coming back!" I said to my sister.

"Oh, really? Okay, be careful."

After a few minutes, I reached the bottom. I walking slowly toward him. I didn't know what I feel at that time. All my feelings have come out. I suddenly feel awkward to see him. I can clearly see that he was still in his spec, his hair was a little dye with light brown and he only wearing his long black sleeve T-shirt and his blue long pants jeans.

"Hey, shorter!" He casually greets me.

"Hi!" I awkwardly replied to him.

"Aren't you sleepy?"


''I can tell that you really walk faster to come here because your sweater was turn upside down.''

I quickly check my clothing. Oh no! This situation is very embarrassing! I slowly rearranged my clothes again.

"Come, follow me" He pulled my hand.

"Where we going?"

"Just follow me."

"I need to tell my sister first."

"It's okay, I already tell her before."

"Huh? Really?"

"Yes, don't worry. Let us go."

I follow him and we go inside the car. He just focuses his driving and I sometimes take a glance to look at him. I didn't believe that he infront of me.

"Are you secretly watching me?"

"No! I'm just looking out the other side."

"Oh, I see." He smiles.

"Err, where actually you bring me?"

"You will know it later."

After half an hour, we arrived at the beach. I was surprised to see him bring me here. Actually, this beach is the place I always go to if I'm missing him. I always tell him about this place and I always alone to go here. I once told him that the first place I want to go with him is to this beach.

"You still remember this place?"

"Yes! Didn't we promise to go here together?"

I just smile to hear him say that. We walking along together to there and we find a place to seat.

"Jessa... you sit too far from me."

"Is it far? I don't think so."

"Come here closer. Did you scared to seat closer to me?

"Nope! I worry that I too close to you and make you feel uncomfortable."

"It's okay, come here."

"Oh, okay... "

I slowly move closer to him and I can feel his warm body was next to me. My heart was beating faster. I don't know how to begin our talk. I really have many things to ask him but my mouth was close tightly.

"If you want to ask me anything... just asking. I'm here to answer for you. "

"Err... mmm..."

"What?" He suddenly moves his face closer to me. I can feel his breathing closely.

"How was your been? Why did you come back here suddenly? Did you take a leave? When will you leave from here again?" I ask him many questions and quickly close my eyes.

He suddenly gives a burst of laughter and whispered to my ears. " Which one questions you really want me to answer first?"

"Err... the first want!"

"I'm doing well just what you look at me right now. But not too much that well."


"I'm missing you!"

I was happy to hear that from him. I can feel that he really missed me when he didn't even let go of my hand. He still holds that until now.

"Can I ask you too?"


"Did you miss me too?"

"Yes! I miss you so much..." I said to him with my teary eyes. I don't know why I feel like I'm gonna shed tears infront of him.

"Shhh... are you going to cry?" He touches gently my cheek.

"Oh, nope! My eyes just too exposed with this breeze."

"Jessa... "

"Mmm... "

"Can you spend your time together with me in one week?"

"One week? Did you had to leave again after that?"

He slowly nods his head. "I only take one week to leave. I must continue to finish my studies and after that, I will start working."

"Oh, I see..."

"So... can you spend your time with me?"

"Okay, sure. After all, I didn't have any plan yet after I graduated."

"Oh yeah, I forget you have your graduation ceremony earlier. Congratulations once again Jessa!" He gently rubbed my hair.

"Thank you."


"Huh? What?"

"I think you cut your hair too short?"

"Yup! Just want to try this hair short. It feels lighter."

"You look beautiful whatever you do with your hair."

"If like that... I cut it shorter after this! Haha!"

"Okay, we see if you dare!"


"Come... we take a walk by the beach there."

They were walking at the beach while having a long conversation with each other.

"Karson...Can you stand here for a while?"


"Just wait here and please close your eyes too."

I left him there and I slowly took the water by the side and threw it on his body.

"Argh! Jessa!"

"Hahaaha... is that cold?"

"You come back here. I want to throw it too to you."

"Catch me if you can!" I quickly run from him. But he runs faster than me.

''Okay, that enough. We were all wet right now.'' I said to him while took out my sweater. Then, suddenly I quickly put back on my sweater. My shirt inside was too thin and when it wet, it will look through.

''What happened?''

'' shirt was too thin inside. I just took it later.''

''Oh, it's okay. I have other clothes in my car. You can change it later.''


''So now, let us go back first.''

After several minutes, we arrived at the homestay. I was surprised when we arrived there. Why we come here and didn't go back.

''Karson...why we stop here?''

''Didn't you promise me that you will give me your one week with me?''

''Umm...I thought that we will spend it with different things.''

''Dont worry, just follow me okay. I don't eat you!''

I just giving him my sharp jab when he said that. He must already plan this all earlier. Whatever it is, I was happy to spend my time with him even one week only. I need to use this time wisely and create good memories with him. This time will be our good memories forever...