Chapter 17: The Embarrassing Moment!

After a while, I didn't realize I had hugged him and cried in front of him. I back to normal and I slowly wipe out my tears. He just stares at me deeply.

''So, are you okay now? Can we go?'' He asks softly and rubbing my hair gently.

I nodded my head slowly and looked the other way because I was embarrassed.

'' I want to drive if you still hold my hand?'' He points out our hands that still held in.

''I'm sorry!'' I quickly pull out my hand.

Then, we started our ride to going back. But, suddenly I feel odd because the road we took was different from the one towards my house.

''Err... where we go? This is not on my way back home." I ask with pondering.

"To my house."

"Oh... what??! Why are we going there? I mean. . . why you bring me there?"

"Why? Are you scared? Or did you not trust me?"

"No, I mean... I... I think it's not good for me to going there. I afraid your family... I don't want them to misunderstand us and... "

"I live alone."

"Oh, that's good!"

"I mean... Where does your other family live?" I almost show my happiness to hear that.

He just grins smiles and said, "They live there too, just not far from my house.''

"Oh, I see. It feels good to have a family live near us."

"You miss your parents?"

"Yeah... I haven't visited them in a long time. I thought I want to take several day's leaves and visit them later."

"I go with you."

"Huh? For what? I don't think you should go too.''

"Why not? I'm your boss and I just wanted to meet with my employee family."

"Oh yeah? If like that, why don't I suggest we do for our company team-building next time and we visit all our employee family. What say you??" I said while giving him a glare.

"Wow! That's a good idea. I will inform it with official tomorrow!"

I just smiled cynically hearing that. I don't think he will take it seriously.

After half an hour, we arrived at his house. His house looks so good. Well, for accurate, his house looks really big for him to live here alone.

His house is like a mansion house. The exterior design from the outside was really beautiful. I wonder how it looks from the inside.

"Come in... "

"Err... " I feel hesitate to follow him and I was stood between the door.

"Just come in, there no one else here."

I widening my eyes as I shock and plus I'm scared if he will do anything to me. Why I so stupid to follow him until now and just let him take me here? Argh! I must be crazy!

"Hey, shorter!"


He takes a deep sigh and suddenly calling out someone.

"Aunty Jade! Aunty Jade!" He shouting a call for his household.

I was curious who was that. He said he lives alone, but why is he calling out Aunty Jade? I thought.

After a minute, someone who calls Aunty Jade has appeared. I was surprised to see an old woman but not too older. I think she in her middle age. She was standing in front of me and give me a genuine smile. I guess these are his household.

''Aunty Jade, this is Jordyn Jessa...'' Emmanuel said

She gives me a big smile as she is very happy to see me. I was really curious about her smiling. Did we ever meet before? But, I also had to give my smile.

''You so beautiful Jordyn.'' Aunty Jade said while touching my cheek gently. I was in the puzzle and give a blurred look to Emmanuel. He just chuckles behind me.

''Aunty, I think she a little nervous right now and she has some injuries so, I need to bring her inside first.''

''Okay, sure. If there's nothing, I'll go back first. My work has done.''

''Oh, okay. Thank you, aunty. Please be careful on your way back home.''

''Okay. See you tomorrow.'' She takes her walk and left them there.

After that, I just take my seat on the sofa. I just stay silent there and I didn't know how to begin our talk. I just saw him walking here and there to pick up something.

''Err, actually...I can go back now. I can do take care of myself. My sister will help me.''

''Come here...'' He calls me to sit close to him.

I don't know why my body was moving toward him instantly but my heart and mind don't want to close to him. I was confused about my feelings at that time. Why I have this feeling. Did he really make me attracted to him that much?

He slowly put some ointment in my knee and my elbows. I just like a little child to only listen to him and let him do what he wants to do to me. I wish that the one who this all for me right now was Simon.

We are silent at that time. He just focuses treat my wound and I only secretly look into him. Suddenly, he asking me. '' Why you want to run away from me before? Did I do something wrong?'' He directly looks into my eyes. I was captivated by his staring.

''No! I just too shy to faces you.''


''I'm not used to let my boss send me home. After all, I'm just your employee. I dont think it good for us.''

''Oh yeah? Just only because of that?''

I slowly nod my head. ''So, did you think about I want to pursue you? Can I do that?''

I was shocked to hear that and my body feels like frozen for a second. I didn't know why he wants to do that if he knows I'm his friend's ex-girlfriend.

''Before that, did you know about my relationship with Simon before?''

''Yes, I know that very well.''


''So, I know both of you have broken up for a long time and I'm sure he forgets about you already.''

''So, you know where is Simon actually? Did you know what he doing now?''


''Just tell me the truth, I will accept it whatever it is.''

''Are you sure?'' He asks her while keep holding his feelings. He feels guilty for her at that time. Jessa, I'm sorry I had to lie to you about myself. I still can't even tell you even my heart wants to tell you the truth about this all right now.

''He actually...already got married to someone else there.''

''What? Are you telling the truth?'' I was surprised to hear that and I keep holding my tears to fall.

''I dont believe it, he must tell me in person even he already find someone else beside him,'' I added.

''I show to you his picture and his wife.'' He takes out the picture on his phone.

As soon I saw the picture, my tears fall down. I cannot be holding it anymore. So, it's true he already has his partner in his life. I guess, he can live without me anymore. Our promises...our memories... it's all gone.

''Jessa, I'm sorry...I...''

''No, thanks for telling me about him. Finally, I know how he doing. I'm happy for him if that what he chooses in his life.''

Emmanuel only looks at her with sadness. He was in ache too to see her in that way. He had to make up a story so that Jessa wouldn't have to struggle anymore to keep remembering their moment. He could not bear to see her suffer and in sad anymore.

Jessa, I hope when the right time comes, I will come to you with my open arms and tell you that I always love you today, tomorrow, and forever in my life. Jessa, just wait for me. He thought.

''Emm...I want to go back. Can you send me to my home now?'' I ask him.

''Oh, okay sure. I send you home.''

''Err, your coat. I'm sorry to make it wet.''

''No, just wear it first. You can give it to me later.''

''Oh, thank you.''

Jordyn just silent after she knows about Simon. She only shows her gloomy face and didn't talk much. Her heart was really in ache and she feels that her soul and her body were not in there.

Emmanuel can feel how her feeling at that time, but he cannot do anything with it. He only can look at her inside his heart only.


[Jordyn in her own room...]

That night, I suddenly feel that night was too long...I wish this night can quickly change to another day. I force myself to not in deeply sad but my heart still wants to think about that.

Simon Karson...finally I have my strong reason to forget you with all my heart. After this, I will let our memories gone from my mind and my heart. It may be too hard for me but I'm sure I can do it myself.

''Goodbye. . .Karson. . .''

She just forces herself to close her eyes tightly and forget everything about her and Simon. She then fell asleep with tears in her eyes.