Chapter 21: Flashback-The Real Incident

***Three years ago...

Simon decided to go back to his hometown and he also decides to work in his own country. After several years he spends time work abroad, he wants to return. And at the same time, he wants to make a surprise for Jordyn and propose to her once he returns.

After many years have passed, he still can't forget about Jordyn even though they have broken up. He doesn't want to waste time anymore, and he wants to take Jordyn back into his life.

That day, was the last day he works at the hospital. After settle down all his patients, he quickly packing all his stuff and ready to take a flight in the evening. He was rushing to go back on that day because that day was Jordyn's birthday.

While he busies packing all his stuff in his office room, Ariel comes into his room.

''Wow, you look so hurry. Did you have to take a flight this evening?''

''Yeah. I'm already handover all my patients to Dr. Liam. He will cover all my works.''

''That's good. So, I will go back alone this weekend?'' Ariel asks

''Kind of.'' He chuckles.

''So, did you really propose to Jordyn when you arrived there? Did she know about your return?''

''I don't think so. I gonna make a surprise for her.''

''I, good luck to you.''

''Thanks, bro.''


After a few hours, he finally landed at his hometown airport. Then, he directly rent a car and drives to Jordyn's house. Along the way, he felt happy and was thinking about what he was going to do.

He cants wait to see Jordyn's reaction. He also prepared a ring for her. For this time, he was determined not to leave her again.

While he was driving, It was already night and it also heavy rain. Actually, he had sent a message to Jordyn that he wants to meet with her after an hour.

After getting a message from Simon, Jordyn was feeling surprised. She didn't think that after a few years, Simon returned back. She was feeling excited but at the same time, she was curious.

She can't believe that he will return back at her birthday. She was thinking hard in her room whether to believe in that or not. Or maybe he just sent the wrong messages.

Nevertheless, all the things that will happen that night will change everything. In fact, it will be a big initiation for all of them.

Simon drove with a happy feeling as he thought of Jordyn along the way. But, suddenly, like a flash...Simon was involved in an accident! The road that way was slippery and it makes him lost control.

He tried to slow down his car by pressing the car brakes but it failed. He tried drives rounding the corner but it was too late and he was on the wrong side of the road and bump into another person's car.

Because of the heavy rain that night, he can't see a clear way and both of the cars were crash badly. Simon tried to get out of his car and save the other man. He was wounded badly but he still forces himself to lift up and save the man.

He weakly walks into the man and pulls him out of his car. And a few seconds, the car exploded. Simon managed to take the man but both of them hit by the explosion.

Luckily, there were other pedestrians near the incident happened and they call for help. After a few minutes, an ambulance was coming.

Once they arrive, they quickly put out the fire and take both of them into the ambulance car. Then, they straight off go to the hospital. Both Simon and that man were in critical condition.

Afterward, once they reached the hospital, they just bring both of them directly into the emergency room. And they got into the operation.

Coincidentally, one of the doctors in the hospital was a sister to the man who is in the incident with Simon. She was shocked to see her brother lying there.

''Dr. Bella? Are you okay?'' One of the nurses tried to comfort her. She almost faints there to see her brother's condition.

''I'm okay. Just bring him into the operation room.'' She tried to hold herself. Then, she calls her family to tell them about her brother.

In fact, the person who was involved in that incident is her brother, name, Emmanuel. They are from wealthy families. They have run some business. He actually just going back from abroad after finished his business work there.

All of Emmanuel's family was in there but not Simon. The hospital still cants contact any of his family because they don't have any information about his family contact person.

Moreover, they had to save both of them because their condition was really critical and the percent of their alive was low. The doctors were tried their best to make them alive.

For Simon's condition, he still has a high percentage to be alive because he still breathes and only one side of his face burned. For Emmanuel's condition, he was badly hurt. All of his body was totally burned and his condition was very weak.

After few hours, the operation was finished.

''How was my son? Did he safe?'' Emmanuel's mother asks worriedly. His father just sitting there.

''He safe, but...he may be in a coma. We just take him into the ICU room. We need to take more observation on him.'' The doctor said.

''What?'' She shed tears there. Bella tried to comfort her mother. She hugs her there.

Then, suddenly Bella remembers something. She goes to meet with another person who in the incident with his brother. She has to do something because they actually have a problem with their business.

She could not bear to see his parents sorrowfully. She had to make a deal with that person to save her family. She straightly goes into Simon's room was in. She looks at his condition.

She waiting there until he regained consciousness. And after a few hours, Simon has regained consciousness. He slowly opens his eyes. He wonders who is that person beside her.

''Jessa...'' He said weakly.

Bella startled. She wondering who is the person he's mention. ''Are you awake? Did feel any hurt?'' She asks

He slowly shook his head. ''My name Bella. I'm your doctor here. And also I'm Emmanuel's sister. He is the one who with you in the accident before. Actually, I have something favor to asks from you.'' She said

''I know maybe this a little harsh for you...but I hope you can cooperate with me if you want to stay alive.'' She added. Simon just remains to listen to what she wants to say.

''Actually, your face totally burned out because of the car explosion and...the only things we have to do is to do plastic surgery for you. With a new face...'' She explained it to him.

After hearing what she saying, he just nods his head slowly. He just agreed with what she saying and just follow what they want to do. But, in fact, he doesn't know that he will not get his own face but the other face.


After a few days, Simon getting better. He slowly can move on his own. But, on that, he still didn't realize about his different face. Until that day, he tried to get up and went to the toilet.

Once he enters the toilet, he was shocked to see his face in front of the mirror. He groped his face in front of the mirror anxiously. He was confused. Then, he quickly gets out of his room and went to find Bella.

Then, he saw Bella was standing in the nurse's counter. He straight away headed toward her.

''Bella!'' He said fiercely.

''Simon?'' She startled.

''Explained to me.'' He said while pointing out his face. She quickly pulls out his hands and goes into his room.

They were in his rooms and Simon still asks for her explanation. ''Tell me, what happened to my face? Why I have a different face?''

''Simon, please calm down. I will explain it to you. Just listen to me...''

''You better give me a better explanation.'' He said while look at her with anger.

''I have to do that. And for your information...this face is my brother. I'm sorry if I do something that you don't want...but I have to.''

''For what? I said I want a reasonable explanation.''

''Firstly...we don't know how your face looks before and I just ask the doctor to do your face like my brother.''

''As I know, I just remember that I give your permission to do this but not on different kinds of faces. This is crazy!''

''Simon, I know it unfair for you. But, can you stay with this face for a while. I really need your help.''

''I don't think I can do this!''

''Don't you feel guilty about this accident? To my brother?? I don't know what actually happened to you when you driving that night but did you know that you were accidentally hit my brother's car!'' She shouting at him with teary eyes.

''I know I don't have to judge you about all of this happened but right now, my brother was still in a coma! It already a few days but he still didn't wake up. We don't even know when he will regain consciousness.'' She added.

Simon takes a deep breathe there. He didn't realize what was happened that night. He just staying silent there. He just stared out the window.

''I'm glad that you can still alive but not my brother. I know, I don't have to blame you for this incident...but...I really need your favor for this time. Not only me but for my family and also for Emmanuel.''

''What is that?''

''Can you be an Emmanuel for a moment? Until he awakens one day. I don't guarantee when it is...but I hope you can help our family.''

''What can I help? What happened to your family?''

''Actually, on the night that both of you have an accident, he just arrived from abroad. He just meets with our other shares in my father's business. We have a lot of business companies before but uncles were greedy and he sold all our business. And the only business that he can save is the Prime Beverages Company.''

''What can I do with that?''

''I need you to take Emmanuel's position and go work at that company and save it.''

''But I don't know about that business...I mean...I'm a doctor's surgeon. How can I know about that business?''

''I know. Don't worry...I have another solution to your problem. I will tell you later. And about your own life...I hope you can bear it for a while. I promise you this will not be a long time.''

''It's okay...after all...I maybe can't be a surgeon anymore...with these hands...'' He said in sadness. His hands were wounded after that accident. He didn't know how long he will take a rest to recover his hands.

For a surgeon, it's very important with their hand because it was used to doing an operation. He doesn't know if after this he can be a surgeon again.

''Simon...dont worry. I will talk with other doctors about your hands. I believe you can do an operation again. I believe in you, Dr.Simon.''

He just smiles and looks away.

''One more thing, do you want me to call your family? Or someone that you want to see? I just heard that at night, you keep calling out the names of Jessa. If you have her number, I can call her for you.''

''No need. I can just on my own.''

''Are you sure? We can tell her the truth. She may be worried about you.''

''It's okay...''

''Okay. Just take your rest. I'm going out first. I meet with you later.''

After Bella walk away from his room, he was sitting on his bed while looking out into the window. He just feels downhearted there. He cants believe what happened to him.

All that happened was like a flash. He didn't know how to face Jordyn after what happened. The only things he can do right now are to recover himself and help Emmanuel in his life.

Maybe with this, he can rest assured. ''Jessa...I'm sorry...I can't keep my promise. I have you waiting for me for a long time more...'' He said in sadness in that room.

Meanwhile, after a few days, Jordyn still didn't know what actually happened to Simon. She was waiting for him to come back but he not appeared. She just hoping that one day, Simon will return back to her even it will take a long time.