Chapter 22: A Night With You...

{Present Day...}

***After a few days...

That day, I going to work as usual. I have to settle all the work that is pending because Lily is still on her wedding vacation.

Actually, after going back from Lily's wedding before, I just focus on my works. I also haven't seen Emmanuel in that few days. In fact, we haven't contact each other after back from the wedding.

I dont know what should I do but maybe we still can't connect. I tried to know him better just useless.

I determined not to think about him, and if possible I don't want to see him because I still cant ready to meet him soon. I just take these few days to give our own spaces.

But, unfortunately...I still can't avoid meeting him. After all, I have worked under his company. It's impossible to me to keep away from him. Anyway, he is my boss!

When I busy doing my works, suddenly my manager asks me to join the discussion about our works with our boss. It means that I will meet him!

''Jordyn, please follow me. I have a financial discussion with Mr.Emmanuel. After all, you have all our finance reports, right?'' Alex said to her.

''Err...right now?'' I ask curiously.

''In five minutes. I want you to prepare all the documents.''


I quickly collect all the documents and put them into the files. I had to follow what my manager said as I dont have any choices.

After few minutes, I and Alex walk into our boss's office room. My heart was beating faster as I anxiously to meet with him later. But, I force myself to just be professional and just thinking about the work.

I follow from the back and take my step heavily to enters his room. As soon as we reached there, I heard Alex talking with him but I just silent behind Alex's back. I still didn't see him as I lowering my head.

''Good Morning, Sir'' Alex said

''Good Morning, please take a seat,'' Emmanuel replied

I just follow them and take my seat. We just take our seats at the side of the corner of his room. I actually take a glance at him but he looks like he doesn't care about me at all. He just makes it as nothing has happened.

I thought maybe he really doesn't care about me being in here. After all, I'm just his worker. I just hope he will ask anything at me or talk to me even our topic only about work looks like he really not interested in me.

As both of them just in conversation, I just sitting beside them and listening what they discuss. Sometimes, I secretly look at his face. He looks really attracted when he focuses on his works.

Truly... in deep down in my heart, I'm missing him...I just hope for once he will look at me but it just my imagination. He never takes a glance at me.

All of a sudden, I felt discomfort in my stomach. It just feels like my stomach twisted inside. I tried to hold my pain while pressing my stomach. I wonder when this discussion will be ended.

At that time, Emmanuel actually noticed that something strange with Jordyn. He looks the time at his watch. The time is already shown at one-thirty. He wonders why she kept pressing her stomach.

Did she hungry? Or her gastric come again? Or...other than that? He thought. Then, he checks on his calendar.

''Sir, did you have any meeting after this?'' Alex asks when he sees Emmanuel look like he checks something.

''Oh, no. I just check my schedule. Just continue.'' He said

Then, after a few hours, the discussion was almost over. I just hope that both of them will quickly wrap their talk. I still holding my pain there.

''Okay, just let me know if there any changes in this chart. I want the next report will include all that we highlight today.'' Emmanuel said.

''Okay, sir. I will take note of that.'' Alex replied.

''Jordyn, please remember all the highlight notes. Give me the notes before you finished work today.''

''Okay, Mr.Alex.''

Afterward, both I and Alex get out of the room. I slowly take my step while holding the pain in my stomach. Emmanuel secretly watching at her from the back.

Then, I quickly go to the toilet. And it turned out that I had my period. No wonder I feel tired and I don't feel well this morning. I walk into my workstation and I take my seat. I'm just feeling hungry at that time but I can't go out to buy the food. I have to finish my works and so that I can go back early.

I continue to keep doing my works while eating a bar of chocolate. One of my colleagues approached me when I focus on my works.

''Jordyn, are you okay? You look pale.''

''Did I? Oh, it's because of our things.'' I said while giving a wink at her.

''Oh, I see. Just going back early. Take a rest.''

''Yeah, after this. Thanks.''

I just doing my works while holding back the pain in my abdomen. Whatever happens, I need to finish my works if not I will die if Alex scolds me again. Without realizing it, I was too many works to do, and the time already six o'clock.

Finally, my works have been done. I tried to stretch my body a little. Most of my colleagues have gone already. I take a look at Alex's room and he also already going back home.

I just clear all my things on my table and want to go back. But, suddenly my period pain comes again. I had to sit down and holding it for a while. At the same time, Emmanuel also wants to go back.

He walks through there and when he walked near Jordyn's workstation, he heard someone groans. He walks closer to her place and he saw Jordyn was sitting there while held her stomach to hold back the pain.

''Jessa...are you okay?''

''I...I'm okay, I just...''

''Come, let me send you back home.''

''It's okay. I can go back on my own.''

''Okay, let me stay here with you.''

I just glare at him. Did he try to make a fight with me at this time?

''I don't have time to fight with you. You can just go back. I know how to do my things.''

''Jessa...! I also don't want to start a fight. I just want to help you.''

''I really appreciate your help. But I don't need it. After all, I'm not anyone to you. I'm just your employee.''

Emmanuel just smirked after hearing her said like that. ''Jessa...we need to talk.''

''I don't have anything to talk to you,'' I said and show my sullen face to him.

''I miss you...'' Suddenly he said that words. I was startled. I was speechless at that time.

''Can we talk about this?'' He said in his low deep voice. I admit that my heart was shaken by his words. He really knows to make a girl's heart melt with his words.

''I'm... hungry...'' I said slowly.

He chuckles. ''Okay, let go to eat first.''

Finally, I was lost. I lost because of him. I tried to be firm and not to swindle him but I totally can't resist him.

Later on, we just arrived at her house. I was surprised. Why he brought me back to his house.

''Why you bring me to your house? Don't we go to eat first?'' I look at him wondering.

''I cook for you.''

''What? I didn't ask you to cook for me. I want...''

''Just wait for me at here for a while. I go to the kitchen and cook. You can watch some movie there.''

''Wait! Are you crazy? I don't understand. Why you...!''

''Shhh...'' He suddenly comes closer to me and puts his hand at my mouth. I was startled and speechless.

''Thirty minutes...just give me thirty minutes. I will serve you later.'' He whispering. I just stand stiffly there. Then, he walks away and headed to the kitchen.

My heart was pounding speedily. Anyway, I had to follow his words. I don't have any choice.

Then, after thirty minutes, he was done cooking. He calls me to go to the dining room. I slowly go walk to there. I tried to help him to set the food but he keeps asks me to just take my seat.

I take my seat and I was surprised to see the food he cooks. I take a look at each food he cooks. I look at the food from outside, it looks delicious. But I don't know how was they taste.

I didn't expect him to knows how to cook. I just feel amazed by his talent. As I look at the food that he cooks, I was wondering. How come he cooks all my favorite foods? Did I ever tell him before? I just curiously.

''Okay, all food is here. We can start eating now.''


I slowly take the food and put it on my plate. Once I put it into my mouth, I slowly chewed the food and tasted it. Suddenly, I felt familiar with the taste. I immediately remember how Simon cook the food for me before.

Why do I feel the taste was the same as he cooks for me before? How did he cook all of this? Did he ask Simon about all this food? I'm thinking hard there.

''How did you know all this food all my favorite? Did you ask Simon by the way?''

''Oh yeah? I'm just cook everything inside my refrigerator. I don't know this is your favorite food.''

''Really? But, how come the taste was felt the same as he cooks for me?''

''Same? I think you're wrong. I'm just cooking all of this with my own recipe.''

I just keep quiet and continue my eating. Sometimes, I take a glance at him. I just feel suspicious of him. But, his face looks calm. Maybe that right I'm wrong.

''Jessa...take this soup while it still hot. It good when you on your period pain.''

''What?? How do you know I got my period??'' I was shocked.

''Um, didn't you say your stomach feel hurt before. I'm just taking my guess. After all, I have a sister. She always like that.'' He said casually but inside his heart, he was anxious.

''Oh...I see.''

After that, we just finished our dinner. We going to take a seat in the living room. And he casually takes his seat beside me. I know, his living room was huge and there were many sofas there. Why he must take a seat beside me?

I was sitting nervously beside him. I'm not sure if he can hear my heart was beating faster. I tried to calm myself and not make any weird actions.

''Um...when can you send me back?''

''Can I send you later after I have done my conference call. I have a meeting tonight with people from abroad.''

''Oh...If like that I can just take a grab car. I don't want to disturb you.''

''Jessa. It's late. I don't want anything to happen to you. Just wait for me for a while.'' He said in a serious face.


''Good.'' He suddenly stroke my hair softly. I was startled. Then he opens his laptop and starts his work conference. I'm just listening to him.

Sometimes, I secretly looking at his face. I really attracted to him when he focuses on his works. Without realizing it, I was gazing at him deeply.

''Why you gaze at me like that? You make me flatter by your staring.'' He said while still at the conference.

''Wow! Is that your girl beside you right now?'' One of the men's voices asking from there.

I was startled. My face becomes red feels like a boiling. I didn't realize that he looks at me.

I quickly look away and focus on the television. I quickly press the remote tv and change the channel. He just smirked.

''Sorry, it just someone that I can't resist. Just continue your talk.''

Then, after an hour, Emmanuel has done with his conference. He closes his laptop and he saw Jordyn already asleep beside him.

He slowly lifts her up and brings her into his bedroom. Then, he put her into his bed. He covers her with the blanket and gently rubs her cheeks. He just smiles to see her face when she sleeps.

Suddenly, Jordyn holds his hands tightly. He was surprised. She looks like she was delirious in her sleep. She was talking about something in her sleep.

Emmanuel didn't know what to do and he finally decides to let her holding his hands. He slowly takes a place beside her and lays down next to her. He hugs her warmly and gives a kiss on her forehead gently.

Therefore, that night...they were sleeping together.