Chapter 24: Our First Dates!

Afterward, I just do like usual when I arrived in the office. I secretly look at people around me because I'm worried that they might saw me come out from Emmanuel's car. I just don't want them to make a rumor about us. After all, he is the chairman of this company, and I only an ordinary employee.

Then, I just casually started doing my work. I was busy doing my work until I didn't realize that Alex called me. I still focus look at my computer and Alex appeared beside me. I was startled. He looks at me with a suspicious eye. I'm wondering.

I look at him with a puzzle and he naturally put some of the document files on my table. He smiles at me and pats softly on that files. Then, he walks away. He just makes a sign to asks me to double-check the report. I can't even reject him nor resist what his order asks me to do.

Before finished it all, I slowly take my deep breath. I gently massaged my head and suddenly, I remember what Emmanuel asks me earlier. He asks to go out with me. I still thinking about that but I don't have any choice but had to go out with him.

I look at the dress I wear at that time, a light blue sleeveless dress. Luckily, his sister's dress was so beautiful and it suitable for me. I suddenly chuckle with myself. I just feel a little happy inside my heart when I thinking about him.

All of sudden, Emmanuel has appeared there. He walks through my workstation and goes to see Alex. I suddenly froze sitting there. Did he saw me laughing with myself just now? Or maybe not? I thought. I secretly peer them from my workstation.

After half an hour, Emmanuel comes out of Alex's room. I was focus on doing my work and didn't realize he walks through my workstation. Suddenly, I got a message from Emmanuel. He just reminds me about our date later. I swiftly feel nervous.

It feels peaceful before when I kept busy doing my work, but now I feel anxious and counting time until our work time over. Why I'm feeling like this? Did I really look forward to our dates later? Ugh!


Later on, our work hours were over. But I still have a little work I had to finish. I saw my colleagues one by one going off work. At the same time, I was thinking about how I want to go out with Emmanuel later. Without wasting time, I quickly finished all my works. This is all because of Alex! He always gives me overload work.

Then, after I have done my work, I clear my things on the table and ready to go out. Before that, Emmanuel already sends a message to me said that he waiting in his car at the next parking building. I deliberately asked him to wait for me there because I worried our colleagues will saw us together.

I walk out of the office and headed toward him there. I feel a little nervous before meeting him. And after a few minutes, I saw his car. I slowly going toward him and besides that, I keep looking around to see if other people I know were in there too.

Then, I quickly go inside the car and take the infront seat beside him. I look at him with awkward and he only smiles. I don't know why he keeps smiling. Did my face look funny? Or did my face ugly? But I already make a little make-up on my face. Did my lipstick not good? Or too much powder on my face?

I wondering. I keep touching my hair and I tried to tie up my hair. Then, suddenly he stops my hand.


''Dont tie your hair. Just let it be.''


He winks at me and then starts the ride. I wondering and slowly I put away my rubber hair.

''Um... where are we going?"

''We going to eat.''

''What? Dont you say that we want to go on date??'' I didn't realize I have spoken out about that. He just chuckles. '' I mean...yeah...we'' I was suddenly speechless. I was feeling embarrassed.

''Of course, we going to date but we need to eat first. I saw you only eat chocolate at lunch earlier. I'm worried about your gastric come out again.''

''Oh, I just busy doing the report before. So, I didn't have time to eat. After all, Alex wants all the reports to have done today.''

He just listening to me while focusing on driving. I squeezed a little at my neck.

''Did he give you a lot of work to do?''

''Mm...yeah. He always gives me an overload of work. He always said that Lily still on leave and give all the work to me. I'm okay to cover Lily's works, but he still gives me many additional jobs...I was tired...'' I inadvertently expressed my whine to him.

''Ops! I didn't mean to whine at you...I just... want to express it only. I didn't have any meaning in this.''

''It's okay. I understand.'' He shows a little bit of a stern face after hearing my word. Did I say something wrong? Or maybe I just whining about my manager. Will, he told Alex about that? Argh!

Later on, we arrived somewhere. I didn't know what place we have been. I just follow his walk. Then, we arrived at the place called Love Beach Cafe. I was fascinated by the interior of that cafe. It looks really beautiful.

I didn't know this place existed. The place really loves by many people because they have many people coming at that time. We take our seat that he already makes reserved for us.

It looks like Emmanuel already plan about this before. I feel a little touched by his action. I secretly giggle inside my heart. I pensively gazing at his face with a smile.

''Jessa...? Are you okay?''

''Uh? Yeah...I'm okay.''

''Can we start to eat?''

''Oh, sure...let eat.''

I was embarrassed once again! I didnt even realized the food already served on our table. I hope he didn't think of me as an odd girl right? I didnt know why, but I sometimes always show the real of me whenever I'm with him. I admit that I feel comfortable when he beside me.

I suddenly thought that...whoever him, or whatever secret he has...I believe that he has the reason for all of that. I decided to open my heart to him, I want to be with him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him.

Afterward, he brings me to go near the beach. I didn't ask him any questions and just follow his walk. I just feel that today is the right time for me to express my feeling toward him. I want to take this chance to confess my real answer to him.

We walk side by was silence between us. We can only hear the wind of the breeze of that night. At that time, I tried to gather all my encouragement and I want to tell him my answer.



I slowly reach out his hand and holding it for a while. I look into his eyes for a second then I look down. I close my eyes and said slowly to him, ''Karson...I love you!''

Finally! I said it out my true feeling. I finally bravely confess to him. I don't know what his reaction because I look down. I just waiting for him to say something but it just silent. Then, I look up at him and suddenly he kisses my lips!

I was startled. But, truly...I was happy. With that, I kissed him back with all my heart. I can feel his hand twine on my waist softly and his other hand was gently rubbing my hair when we on kisses.

At that moment, I was feeling excited. I'm feeling warm in his embrace. But...I don't know why...the little deep in my heart, I feel that I want to shed tears. I don't know why I feel like I was getting back the feeling of love for a long time before.

''Hey...why are you crying?''

''No. Nothing. I'm just...''

''I love you too...Jessa...''

I just hug him tightly and I feeling that I don't even want to let him go. Then, he whispering to me. ''Jessa...thank you...''

''Why are you thanking me?''

''For letting me in into your heart and also into your life...''

''Um...I just let you in into my heart, not in my life.'' I chuckle.

''What you mean by that?''

''I'm just kidding!'' I burst into laughter after saying that.

''Shorter! You!''

''How dare you! I'm not shorter! It's your fault to be taller.'' We just running near the beach. We spend our time there while looking at the stars up there.

After that, we going back home. He sends me back home first. Along the way, we just smile at each other. It feels like we already have been in this relationship for a long time. I never thought that I would fall in love with him.

After few hours, we arrived at my house. We just saying goodbyes to each other. Then, when I want to go out of his car, suddenly I think about something.

''What? Did you left something?''

'' I have to quit my job after this?''


''Em...don't you think our relationship will affect your works? After all, you are the chairman...I'm worried...''

He burst into laughter after hearing that. He gently stroke my hair and said, '' don't need to quit or not even doing anything. Don't worry, we will think about it later. But, the most important...don't ever think about quitting your job. I'm okay with that.''


''Dont worry, okay. If you want to know, I'm a professional whenever I'm working. I know what things make you worried.''

''Can you promise that you will not ever show any reaction to me when we in the office and please avoid me if can.''


''Promise me that you will not tell others about our relationship until the right time?''


''Promise me that you will not...!''

''Jessa...Jessa...don't worry. I promise. But, after work time over, you will be mine!''

I chuckling to hear him saying that. ''Okay, I'm going inside. See you tomorrow.''

''Jessa, wait!''


''Dont you think you forget something?''


He pointed at his cheek. I just smile and I quickly give a peek of a kiss on his cheek. Then, I come out swiftly from his car and walk into my house.

He just laughed to see her like that. In the end, he feels peaceful to have Jordyn back in his life. Even though, it still full of mystery, he just wants to make Jessa just be by his side.

Therefore, he just hopes after this...he can gradually explain all the things to Jordyn.