Chapter 25: I Promise!

***After a few months...

After has been together with Emmanuel for a few months, I just feel happy with him. It looks like our relationship until now still in good condition. Besides that, we also still keep secret of our relationship from our colleagues at our works.

Both of us still professional to handle our feeling when we on our workplace, but just sometimes yeah, it hard to control it. But, the only one who knows our relationship is none else except Lily.

No matter how much I keep it a secret, she will always know about my secret. And I feel glad that she was my best friend. I know she the only one I can believe to keep my secret life.


That morning, when I arrived at the office, suddenly Lily send messages to me and said there was a big problem. I just read it and waiting to meet with her in the office. I'm wondering what she was said about it.

As soon as I reached there, Lily quickly come closer to me and slowly whispering to me. ''What??''

''I saw a girl waiting for Mr. Emmanuel in his room. She looks so beautiful. I think she looks like a model.''

''Oh, I think she is our new model for our beverages promotion later.''

''Really?? How did you know? Oops! Okay, I forget you our big boss lover.'' Lily chuckling.

''Lily! Watch out your mouth.'' I make a sharp glare at her. She just has fun to teases me. '' Don't you feel jealous when the beautiful girl next to him?''


''Oh really? It is so good to have you be my girlfriend. If I was you, I will be jealous. But, luckily I already have my husband.'' She said and then laughing.

''Um...if they only talk about business, nothing matters to me.'' I said while typing something on my computer.

''Yeah, you right. But...I feel something strange about that girl. She looks like she wants to lure our boss.''

''Lily, don't say like that. She just doing her job.''

''Okay. I hope too.''

In fact, in the deep of my heart...I actually curious about that girl too. Jealous?? Um...maybe yes? Or not? Ugh! I need to focus on my work today.

Then, all of sudden, all of us received an email from our Chairman. He asks all of us to gather in the meeting room in a few minutes. After that, all of us going to the meeting room there. We took our respective seats and waiting for the meeting started.

After few minutes, Emmanuel comes in with his secretary and also there was one girl next to him. As Lily said, the girl really beautiful and of course she has a perfect tall figure. I secretly keep an eye on that girl. Sometimes, I take a glance at Emmanuel. Did he really not attracted to a girl like her? He looks calm beside her.

I think this is the time I want to test on him. Would he be tempted by such a woman or not? I suddenly thought. Suddenly, Lily elbowed my arm. I startled.

''What?'' I whispering.

''Your gaze looks like you want to eat that girl.'' She chuckles.

''I'm not. I'm just...just looking at her.''

After that, Emmanuel began to speak. He introduces the new model of our company. ''Today, I would like to introduce our new model, Miss Aurora. Start from today, she will be working with us as the face of our product. It will help in our promotion.''

''So, it all I wanna say. I just want to introduce her to all of you so that we can know each other. Any other questions?'' He said while looking around at each of us. And all of sudden, I suddenly feel want to sneeze.

''Achoo!'' I quickly put my hand on my face and cover my mouth and nose. All of them there were looking at me. ''Um...I'm sorry...'' I just hold my embarrassment.

Lily just holding her laughter beside me. And I can feel that Emmanuel was looking at me directly. Did he mad at me for interrupting him?

''Okay, you all can dismiss.'' He walks away from there without saying anything to me. He does not even take a glance at me. I suddenly feel a little upset with his behavior. But, I know...we were in our workplace.

Then, after half-day working, it already on lunch hour. I just sitting in my place and no appetite to go out eating. I just pensively sitting there. ''Jessa? Are you sure you don't want to eat?''


''Are you okay? You don't look feel good.''

''I'm okay...I'm just dont have a mood...''

''Are you jealous?'' Lily laughing behind at her workstation. ''Lily!''

''Okay...okay. No more teasing. So, you want me to take out the food for you?''

''Okay, sure.''

I just sitting at my workplace and pensively look at my handphone. I actually waiting for him to send me a message but he didn't send any to me. I'm wondering what he doing. Did he go out to lunch with that model?

At the same time, I keep sneeze. I suddenly feel cold. It may be because the aircond in that office was too cold. I just cover myself with my shawl. And without realizing it, I fell asleep there.

''Jessa...Jessa...wake up.'' Lily shook her body. Then, she feels that her body was feeling warm. Did she get a fever? Lily thought.

''Jessa...are you okay?''

''Mm...uh? Yeah...I'm okay.'' I wake up and rub my eyes. ''Your body feels hot. You look like you get a fever.''

''Did I?'' I touch my forehead. ''Oh, it just a slight fever. It will be okay later.''

''Just take medicine after you eat okay? If you still not feeling well, just go back early. I will help you tell to Mr.Alex.''



I going back early that day because I feeling not well. I lying down in my bedroom. I look at my handphone but until now I still didn't get any call or messages from Emmanuel. Did he still busy? Hmm...

After a few minutes, I fell asleep after eating the medicine. Then, I heard my handphone keep ringing. I want to reach it but my body was feeling weak. I just lay there with weakness.

I braced myself to get up and reach for my handphone. I saw many missed calls and messages from Emmanuel. I read his messages one by one. Then, I looked at the time it was. It was two in the morning. I just reply to his messages and tell him that I not feeling well. After all, he may be already asleep.

I go out of my room and look out for my sister in her room. But, she not in her room. She must spend the night at her friend's house. After all, tomorrow is the weekend. I was feeling hungry and want to cook some noodles in the kitchen.

Before that, I check again my temperature. It still high but I brace myself to cook because I feel hungry. I need to eat before my gastric come out. I slowly walk into the kitchen and weakly take out the pan.

All of sudden, my handphone was ringing. I wonder who call me at this time. I was surprised to see Emmanuel call me. I pick up his call. Then, he asks me to open the door for him.

I quickly walk to my door in front and open the door. I was shocked to see him standing in front of my gatehouse. I saw him still in his white formal T-shirt and his black coat that he wearing this morning.

I open the gate for him and look at him with a puzzle. ''Karson...why are you here? Did you still working?''

He straight away touched my forehead. Then, he immediately put his coat on me. He looks at me with his frowning eyebrows. We going inside together.

''Why you didn't tell me you not feeling well earlier? Don't you know I'm worried about you? Jessa, time please inform me!''

''Um...I...I don't want to disturb you when you working.''

He just takes a deep breath and looking at her deeply. ''Are you already take the medicine?''

I just nod. I not even look at him. ''What are you cook?'' He walks toward the kitchen. ''Um...noodles. I just feel hungry.''

''Let me cook for you. Just take your seat.'' He immediately does the cooking and I just obey what he asks me to do. I just watching him cook the noodles for me. After a few minutes, he did cook and put the bowl of noodles in front of me.

I just started eating it. While he was sitting beside me and watch over me. '' you want some?''

''No.'' I suddenly feel he was cold toward me. the same time, he looks warm toward me.

After done eating, he brings me toward my room and asks me to rest. He doesn't talk much and only does things with his action. I thought maybe he feels tired. He put me on my bed and put the blanket on me.



''I miss you...'' I said to him while slowly pulling on his sleeve. He looks at me with his dim eyes. He gently stroke my hair. ''Jessa...I'm sorry...I was too busy today. I just didn't take attention to you.''

''It's okay...I know.''

''But promise me, please tell me first if you not feeling well. I'm worried about you...''

''Mm...okay. I promise. Emm...are you going back?''

''Um...yeah. Why?''

''Mm...can you accompany me tonight?''

''Are you sure? Your sister...?''

''Actually...she is not here. She stays at her friend's house...I...!''

''Okay! I'm staying with you.'' He suddenly lying next to me. I was startled. My heart beating faster. Did I say too frankly to him?

Then, he pulls me into his arms and tightly embraces me. He gently rubs my hair and gives a soft kiss on my forehead. I just grinning in his arms. After a few minutes, both of us fell asleep.