Chapter 35: A Secret and The Untold of Sadness

The next morning, Emmanuel had to attend the meeting with other shareholders of Primary Beverages. He had to settle the problems that have happened in their factory and he had to clarify to them about the company problems. However, he knows that there must be someone who has started all of this.

Since he takes over the company as Emmanuel the son of that Prime Beverages Company, he knows that someone that works at that company has done something behind them a long time ago. Actually, he still can't get the clue because there is something missing information he had to know.

After making an investigation into that, he knows that only Emmanuel has known about all of this. Simon has suspected that someone includes in this matter is, they know that Emmanuel already knows about their real identity.

On that morning, he slowly gets up from the bed. He saw Jordyn still sleeping soundly and he tried to not make her awake. Before he went out, he gazes at her face for a while and pulls the blanket to cover her body. Then, he gently stroke her hair and slowly lean closer to her face and give her a soft kiss on her lips.

When he wants to go out, he came across Bella on the outside. They smiling at each other and went to the cafeteria to have a talk.

''How was Jordyn? Did he still feel any pain in her stomach?''

''She has it a little bit. But, it feels better after a minute.''

''She has to do one more test this morning. After she has done it, we can get her result after that.''

''Okay. Sure. I will come back again after I finished the meeting with the shareholders later. I hope you can take care of her for me.''

''Sure. Don't worry. I believe that nothing happens to her. We will pray that her result will come out in good.''

''Yeah, I hope too.'' He said and make a deep sighing.

''Simon...I think...we have to let go of Prime Beverages Company.''


''I have thought it for a long time. I don't know if my decision is better or not, but...I was in a deadlock right now. I don't want to make trouble to you anymore with my family, my brother, and with this company too.''

''Bella, are you want to give up just like this? I already said before that I'm willing to help you and your family too. Toward Emmanuel too. I feel guilty too because of that accidents before. I have to take the responsibility too.''

''Simon...I think...there is something you have to know too. Actually, I have asked for help from my friends. Coincidentally, he is the policeman and I asked him to investigate your two accidents before. So far, he just found out that someone has hit Emmanuel's car from behind and at the same time... your car has appeared opposite the way.''

''What?? I...I didn't realize it and I didn't notice the other car at that time because I was sleepy. I really shocked at that time.''

''Yeah, that's right. From what my friend said, they did intentionally hit his car at the time because the only car has appeared at that time is only your car.''

''They really ridiculous! How come they intentionally do that. Wait! I think I have figure out something. I gut before was true.''

''What is it? What are you thinking?''

''Bella, I think, there was someone working in the company who has done all of this. I guess...there was someone behind all of this. And I suspect that someone is one of the shareholders.''

''Really? But...I don't know too much about that. I noticed that before, Emmanuel has told me about someone but I can't recall it. I didn't take attention to what he said. I just thought he just presumes about that things.''

''How about we ask Mr.David? Maybe he knows something? Or...I'm sorry to say this but maybe someone has kept a grudge toward your family.''

''My dad?? Uhm...I guess so. I'm not sure, because only my father and Emmanuel have managed this company. Emmanuel doesn't officially show himself before and he just starts the work from behind only. I think...there must be something strange about this. I think, my father and Emmanuel have a secret planned before this.''

''It's okay, I will keep my eyes on them. I think I can catch that culprit. Maybe not now...but, I promise that I will find it soon!''

''Alright. But, if you need my help, just tell me immediately. I have much connection to help what you want, okay?''

''Okay, I will. Puff! It's really a challenge in this working field. I didn't think that this field was almost the same level in my operation room before.''

Bella chuckling. She didnt expect that he will say that. But, suddenly, she feels a little guilty and sorry toward him. She knows that he already takes a big responsibility for this. His life...His family and also, Jordyn.

'' about Jordyn? She is the only one you haven't tell yet. Do you think she will understand it like your family before?''

''Yeah, I thought about it too. I want to tell her everything...but I want to find the right time. Anyway, I know her temper so...she maybe will anger about this but...I know the real her. She maybe can understand me...but...I just hope that she will not leave me later.''

''Don't worry, I believe she really loves you. She will not leave you, Simon. She really has that real feeling toward you. She really a good girl for you. One more thing...I have had that experience, I hope you can cherish her as always. You two really fated to be together.''

''Yeah, I will. I am just that lucky to have her in my life. I am glad that she appeared in my life before and now.''

''For accurately, she fell in love with you two times. I wonder why she can fall in love with you with that different face.''

''My secret recipe of love!''

''What??'' She burst into laughter.

''Okay, I have to go now. I will come back later. Please call me if anything happens and for the result, please send it to me first okay? Please tell Dr.Andrew about that. Bye, See you later.''

''Okay, I get it. Please drive carefully. Bye!''

Then, Ariel suddenly appeared behind her. He startled her from behind. ''Bella!''

''Ariel! You scared me!''

''Oops! Sorry. I just want to see your startled face this morning.'' He grinned and chuckles.

But Bella just gives him a sharp glare. ''What do you want? Are you done your shift?''

''Yes. Just now. I want to go back home...'' He said with a spoiled voice.

''Okay. Bye!''

''Did you drive me away?'' He pretends to make a sad face.

''What do you want me to do?''

''Give me some energy...'' He said and winked toward her.

''But you want to go back home not to work.''

''It's okay, I have some energy too to help me to drive back home.''


''Bella! Please...!''

''No, means NO!''

''Okay. I leave now. I going back with my broken heart...Bye...! My lovely crush!'' He said and his hands quickly pinch her cheeks and run away. He laughing out loud as he success his mission. Bella just shook her head and chuckling.


Later on, Victoria has come to the hospital to visit Jordyn. Suddenly, when she has reached her room, Jordyn has not inside her room. She wondering where she has been. She also left her phone too. Victoria didnt know how to contact her and she quickly went out and looking for her.

She asks the nurse where about Jordyn and they said that Jordyn has told them that she wants to take the fresh air outside near the playground of the hospital. After hearing that she immediately walk toward there.

But, as soon as she reached there, she was not there. Victoria feels anxious because she is worried that Jordyn will do something or maybe not. She knows her little sister will not doing those things.

Then, she went to find Bella and tell her about Jordyn missing. She was shocked and she immediately makes a phone call to Simon. But, he didn't pick up the call. Then, all of them going to find Jordyn at the hospital. They keep searching for her at that time.

Meanwhile, Jordyn has sat alone at the hospital rooftop. She actually wants to have time alone for a moment. After has done the test before, she feels afraid to know the result later. She keeps praying with herself that there was nothing happen to her.

She just sat there pensively and listening some music on her mp3 device. She just wants to calm herself before get her result later. But, at the moment...her tears slowly fell down. She didn't know why, but...right now...she really wants to cry out loud.

She sat there alone while holding the bracelet that Emmanuel had given her this morning. She was surprised to see the bracelet on her wrist this morning. In fact...the design on the bracelet has the same one she really wants for a long time ago. The only one that she told about that is none other than him...that is Simon!

She thinking for a moment about that if that is coincidentally or there is another secret behind all of this...