Chapter 36: Don't be Scared! I Will Be With You...

In the meantime, Emmanuel just had finished attending the shareholder meeting. After the meeting has over, he immediately wants to go to the hospital. When he checks on his cell phone, there were many missed calls he gets from Bella. He wondering why she calls him many times.

Then, he called back to Bella and asked. After hearing that Jordyn was missing, he instantly drives his car at high speed. Along the way, all his mind was thinking about her only. He really worried about her and he feels guilty to leaves her just like that this morning.

After a few hours, Emmanuel has arrived at the hospital. Once he reached there, Bella and the others already waiting for him at the hospital lobby. All of them look tense and restless about Jordyn missing. They already search all around the hospital but they still cannot find her.

For a moment, Emmanuel feels anxious too. He wondered where she has been and why she was gone. Did something happen to her? He thought. He keeps squeezing his head and thinking.

Meanwhile, Ariel and Max still asking the other nurses around there if they have seen her before. Suddenly, Emmanuel remembered something. He remembered that she has told him that she wants to go to the hospital rooftop yesterday. Did she go there? He thought. Without wasting time, he immediately runs away toward the rooftop up there.

Bella and Victoria wondered why he running away like that. Bella shouted at him and ask him what happen and he just yells and replied that he knows where she has been and ask them to wait for them. Victoria is still restless while Bella keeps comforting her and tells her to rest assured because she believes he will bring her back.

After a few minutes, Emmanuel already arrived at the hospital rooftop up there. When he reached there, he saw Jordyn was sitting alone on the floor. He stops for a moment while breathing heavily. He finally felt relieved to see her there in front of his own eyes.

He slowly walks closer toward her from behind and called her name softly.


She was startled. She gets up and quickly wiped away her tears. She slowly turned back to him and smiles. But, even though she gives a smile to him, he knows that she pretended. He knows that she was crying just now.

Both of them were staring at each other for a second. Then, he quickly pulls her into his arms and embraces her tightly. He caresses her hair gently near his chest.

At that moment, he didn't dare to ask her anything. He just embraces her warmly. Even though he feels curious about her right now, but he just keeps silent and just waits for her to say it herself.

After a few minutes, Jordyn started talking. They still hugged each other and she said, '' was the shareholder meeting earlier? Is everything okay?''

''Yeah. Everything okay.''

''Nothing happens? Is the company safe?''

''Mm. Yeah.'' He said and nods.

''Jessa, are you okay? Did you feel any pain? Why are you alone here? Why do you do not wait for me to come here? I really worried about you...''

When she hears those questions from him, she chuckling and she slowly let go of the hug. ''Yeah, I can see that you are really worried about me. You ask me many questions and I don't know which one I should answer first.''

''If like that...just answer this question first. Are you crying just now?''

''Mm...can I skip that question?''

''Nope. Please answer it.''

''Uhm...I'm not crying. It just a wind come into my eyes and it just makes my eyes teary just now.''

''Really? But that answer was too common. I don't believe it. Did you hide something from me? Or...did something happen? As I know, your gastro result has not come out yet.''

Before said something to him, she just gazes at him for a while. He feels a little strange about his gaze toward him. He wondered why she looking at him like that. Did she want to say something to me? He thought. Her eyes look a little glazed.

''Karson...I just remembered that you said that you have something you want to tell me. And you also said will tell me when the right time comes, right?''

'', yeah.'' He replied with a little surprise. He looks at her anxiously.

At that moment, Jordyn wants to ask him about the bracelet but, at the same time, she feels not ready yet. She is afraid that she is still not ready to hear about that. She worried that if she knows the truth or if he says something that inside her mind, she will be in sadness.

''Jessa...are you okay?''

''Uh? Oh, I'm okay. Nothing.''

''Do you want to ask me something?'' He asks curiously. He looks at her face deeply.

''No. Nothing. Just talk about it later. Can we go back now? I think my sister will be worried about me too. I didn't tell her before. She must be looking for me now.''

When she wants to walk away, Emmanuel quickly grabs her hands. She was startled.

''Jessa, wait.''


''Are you mad at me? Do you mad at me if I said that I was hiding something big from you? Will you be angry at me when you know the truth later?''

''Hmm...I don't know. It depends about what are you hiding from me.''

''But...I have a reason for all of that. Will you...still believe in me in the future? Will you...still, be by my side?''

She slowly leans closer toward him and she softly touches his cheeks. Then, she standing on her tiptoes and give a peck of a kiss on his lips. She smiling broadly toward him.

''My answer is...Yes! But, if one day...I tried to leave you, please...please don't give up on me. I mean...whatever things happen in the future, can we keep our love eternally? Whoever wants to give up, I hope...we remember that our feelings are infinity and eternally.''

''Sure. I promise. I promise that my feelings toward you are real and sincere. I will not leave you no matter what happens.'' He said while gently stroke her hair.

''But...I'm scared...I admit that I was scared when I thought that if someday you will leave me and you...!''

'', my love. Don't be scared. I will be with you.''

''Right now, I'm scared about my gastro result.''

''Don't worry, I will be by your side. Let us go. They must be waiting for us there.''



After a few hours, Jordyn's gastro result has come out. It turns out that her result was well. There is nothing happen to her and tomorrow she can discharge from the hospital. When she heard about the result, she feels happy. She feels relief that there was nothing bad happens to her health.

At that time, when Jordyn and Victoria were having their conversation, Bella was whispering to Emmanuel and she wants to have a talk with him for a while. Before he leaving the room, he gives a soft kiss on Jordyn's head and said, '' I go out first and I will come back to you, later.''

''Mm, alright.''

After they left, Victoria gives a sharp glare at her sister. She need an explanation about her missing just now.

''Hmm... it looks like you already have someone that can take care of you. I will be sidelined after this...'' Victoria said while sighing. She pretends to make a sullen face. Jordyn burst into laughter when she heard that and the face she was showing.

''Oops! I can smell someone was sulking here.'' She said and chuckling.

''I can retire after this to take care of my little sister...''

''Yeah, you have to because you already old!''

''What??! How dare you, Jessa!''

''Okay-okay. I'm kidding. Sister, come give me a hug. I miss you! And you will be my best sister ever in my life! No one can replace you!''

''Yeah, me too! You are always my little sister forever! Even though you will have someone to take care of you in the future, I will not let you go. I will come to you whenever you want me to.''

''Thank you, sister!''


On the other side, Emmanuel and Bella were having a talk outside in Jordyn's room. They were talking about the company and about the shareholder meeting before. It turns out that he can maintain their big shares owner. At first, he almost lost it because the other shareholder was doubted him to manage the company but, luckily he managed to settle it.

''Are you serious, Simon?? How do we want to open the other company? I will take a big risk. We still need a big modal of it.''

''Don't worry, I know how to handle it. After all, about the modal and the other things, I will tell you later. It is still on the plan.''

''But...are you sure? Are you sure we can do that to save our company right now?''

''Yes. I found something that your brother has a plan before this. Actually, this is his plan and I just help him to make it happen. I know he wants to do it too.''

''What?? I didnt expect that he will have an idea like this. I always thought that he likes to play with his words. I always thought he was not a mature person in this field.''

''So, don't worry. I will help to build your brother's dream become true. Just rust me.''

''Hmm...okay. Sure. But...!''

''Why? Do you still not believe in me? Don't forget that I'm not the real Emmanuel nor your real brother. I'm a doctor surgeon, Simon Karson.'' He said proudly.

Bella chuckling. ''Yeah, I know that. But, I don't expect that you will think about that thing too. I think...your knowledge in business become better and I'm not surprised if you become an expert businessman after this.''

''Are you complimenting me or doubt me?''

''Hmm...I am more to be surprised about you. Because you are too good as a surgeon and as a businessman.''

''Yeah, maybe I imagine the things happen in the company as my operation room.''

''What?? You really incredible, Simon!''

Both of them were laughing together.