Chapter 37: Please, don't ignore me again!

After a week in the hospital, I finally can be discharged from the hospital. I just can't wait to go back home and go to the office to continue my work. I feel glad that everything was all right and even though I still have a follow-up to the hospital after this.

That morning, I was busy packing all my stuff while waiting for my sister to pick me up. She just told me yesterday that she will come to the hospital here after she has done with her works.

When I arranged all the things inside the locker, suddenly someone has come into my room. I didn't see who is coming and I thought that was my sister. I casually said and ask her where I should put my wet underwear.

But, all of a sudden...! The voice I heard when answering me is not my sister's voice. It was a man's voice! I was startled. I peeked my head out of the locker and I was surprised to see Emmanuel standing in front of that door.

Looking at him stood there and grinning, I was stunned for a second. At that moment, I totally speechless and absolutely I felt embarrassed. I didn't expect that he will appear today because I thought that he might be busy at the office.

I feel that my body was boiling at that time and I don't know what to do to get rid of this embarrassing situation. He slowly walks toward me while grinning. I didn't dare to see his face and I quickly hide my underwear inside the locker.

''Are you done packing?''


''Do you need my help?''

''No! I mean...I'm fine. I can do this by myself.''

''I have brought some paper bag here. Do you need it?''

''No need!''

''Are you sure?'' He asks again while giving a deep gaze toward me.

''I want it!'' I quickly answer him while avoiding his gazing.

I can hear he was chuckling beside me. I turn my face toward him and glaring at him with a sharp gaze. I quickly grab the paper bag in his hands and immediately put all my clothes into that.

''Umm...why do you come here?''

''Why? You don't want to see me?''

''No. I just...Uhm, I thought that you may be busy with the works at the office.''

''It's okay. I will go to the office after I send you back home. Besides that, your sister just informed me that she has an important meeting with her client this morning.''

''Oh. I see...''

''What's wrong with you? Why do you make that long face?''

''Nothing. I-I'm worried I'm bothering you with this. After all, I can go back on my own.''

''No, you do not bother me at all. I will be more at ease when I see you in front of me. I'm worried that you might be run away from me.''

''Huh? Why did I run away?''

''Nothing. I just kidding.'' He just smiles at me.

At that moment, I take the chance to say something to him that I keep for a long time. I just need to tell him about my real feelings. I don't want him to leave me one day without a word. I don't know what will happen to us in the future but for this time, I want him to know my true feeling.

I slowly walk closer towards him. I was feel anxious at that time but I brave myself to say it to him. ''Karson...''


''Can you promise me?''

''What is it?''

''Can you...please, don't ignore me next time. You can be mad at me or saying anything that you want to say to me whenever you feel angry. But...please don't ignore or not talking to me whenever you are in anger. I feel that you are really scary when you ignoring me.''

''Jessa, I...!''

''Wait. I didn't finish my words yet. I have to say all of this because I want you to know that I was really afraid whenever you avoiding me or ignore me. I-I...I really scared...that you might leave me and...I-I...I don't wanna lose you again...'' I finally spoke all the things that I want to say to him.

When I'm done saying all of that, I take a deep breath. I didn't realize that I was shed tears in front of him. I lowered down my face a little and quickly wipe out my tears.

''Jessa, can you look at me?''

I shook my head slowly. I didn't dare to look at him right now. He slowly put both of his hands on my cheeks. He lifts up my face to look at him and my eyes were just full of tears. My vision was blurry because of my tears. that moment, I can feel that he was looking at me with deep gazes. He gently wipes out my tears. Then, he softly gives a kiss on my head. He slowly put me into his embrace. My face was near to his chest. I can feel that he was giving me a warm embrace.

''Jessa...listen here. Firstly, I'm really sorry because I ignore you for these few days. I really regret that I was ignoring you, didnt talk to you, and so on. I know that I was too cruel toward you recently. I just...I just can't think straightly on my own.''

Before continuing his words, he takes a deep breath while softly strokes my hair.

''I feel guilty when I reckless doing all the things bad toward you. Truly, I was clogged when I doing something without you. I know that I shouldn't be mad at you when you hiding something from me. I know that you will tell me soon or later. I just...I really want to be the first person that will help you whenever you got problems.''

''Jessa...I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I promise that I will not ignore you again. Even though we have a quarrel, I promise that I will talk to you again and again. I promise that I will not be mad at you again. Jessa, please just remember one thing that...I love you eternally.''

Listening to him saying about all of that, I was feel at ease. Even though I know that he still has secrets that he still not yet telling me, I just decide to wait for him to telling me the truth. I know it may be hard for him...anyway, I will wait for that time to come.

However, I just hope that the secrets that he keeps from me are the things that I will face later. Whatever it is...I will take the decision to believe in him. For a few minutes, without talking to each other, and both of us just remain silent, we just embrace each other warmly.

All of a sudden, his cell phone was ringing. We both were startled. I just ask him to answer it. I continue packing all my things quickly. While that, I secretly hear his conversation on the phone. I wondered who is calling him. I'm worried that the company needs him to be there.

After he ended the call, I immediately said to him to go to the office. I know that he still has left some work to settle there. I don't want to bother him and make him tired. But, he still insists to send me back home first.

''Are you sure you don't want to go back to the office first?''

''Yes. I will go there after sending you back.''

''But...! Ah, okay.'' I can't continue my words when I see him glare at me. I quickly packed all of my things and was ready to go out.

Upon completion of managing all discharge procedures from the hospital, we went to meet with Bella before leaving. We meet together at the lobby in front of the hospital. Ariel was joining us there too to say farewell to me.

When we having a conversation there, I suddenly saw Max was standing there afar from us. He just giving a hand wave and smiling toward me. I just replied to him with a big smile too.