Chapter 38: Lend me your shoulder for a while

Since coming back from the hospital, Jordyn were resting at home. She didn't realize that she was fell asleep for the whole day on the couch. She also didn't hear her phone that was keep ringing earlier.

There was only one thing that make her awake. The thunder! The sound of the rain outside made her awake shockingly. She immediately opens her eyes and gets up rushingly.

''Gasp! It's already late. It's raining too.''

She looked out to the window and it was a heavy rain outside. She rubbed her eyes as she was still half asleep. She sat back on the couch again and sat pensively there.

While sitting there, her hands slowly move toward the table beside her and she grabs out for her phone. When she check on her phone, there were many miscalled and also messages from her sister and Emmanuel. She quickly replies to their messages as they seem worried toward her.

After done sending texted to them, she went to her room and was ready to take her shower. At the same time, she wondered what she wants to eat for dinner. She hummed with herself there while going into the bathroom.

Unfortunately, after a few minutes during her shower, the water was cut off. She wondered what happen. She tried to turn on all the taps inside there but the water still did not come out.

She immediately comes out of the bathroom and checks all the taps in the kitchen too. But, it turns out that was the same happened too. Her body was still wet and her hair still have shampoo on it.

''Aargh! Why this must happen today?'' She mumbled out loud.

She goes near the fridge and wants to take out some bottled water inside but it turns out only one bottle of water is left. The worst thing is the water bottle is small.

''Aaargh!! No!!'' She screamed out in anger.

All of a sudden, the doorbell was ringing. She was shocked. She thought that was her sister and hurriedly ran toward the door. When she opened the door, she was shocked to see Emmanuel was standing in front of her.

He looked a little wet because of the rain. His hair was a little messy because of the rainwater. He shook his head a little to release the wetting. At the same time, he is also clueless because he saw Jordyn was coming out with a towel.

''Err...Karson? Why are you here? I mean...are you just coming back from work?''

''Can we talk inside? Your appearance right now... seems a little...!''

''Oh gosh! Wait! I will be back again.'' She didn't realize that she was half-naked and she quickly closed the door again.

''Huh?'' He wondered and at the same time, he was fluttering.

After a few minutes, she opens the door again and invites him to come in. ''Sorry, just come inside. Take your seat here and wait for me a while.'' She returns back to her room again.

She really totally in embarrassment right now. She didn't expect that she will let him see her like that.

''Jessa, actually I have...!''

''Err, I'm really in an emergency right now. Actually...I just had a shower earlier but-but...Uhm, the water was cut off. I...I don't know what to do and...!''

''I bought some water bottles here, for you.''

''What?? You...?''

''Where is the bathroom? I bring this to there.''

''It's okay! I can do it myself.''

''No, it's heavy. Just let me do it. I will go out after I have done.''


Suddenly, he leans closer toward her and whispers, ''Don't worry, I won't take a shower with you.'' He smirked then. Her body feels like a boiling because of shyness after hearing him say that.


Later on, Jordyn comes out of her room after finishing the shower. She slowly walks into the living room where is Emmanual has been. She wondered what he doing there when she took her shower earlier.

She slowly takes her to walk a step forward and walks closer toward him. She saw from behind that he did not even move. She wondered. When she stands beside him and take a look at him, it turns out that he was fell asleep.

She grinned when she saw him sleeping like that. She didn't know that he can even fall asleep sitting like that. She secretly takes this chance to stare at him for a while. She giggles happily there as she quietly takes a picture of him.

''Are you done?'' He suddenly spoke.

''Aahh! Karson! Didn't you sleep just now?''

''Yes, I am. But I awake because of your scent.''

''My scent?? What do you mean??'' She sniffs her own clothes. She suddenly remembered that she used some perfumes before. In fact, she intentionally applies some perfumes because of him.

''Err-Uhm, don't you like this scent?''

''No. I like it. I always like your scent. I feel calm whenever you used this scent. Come here, let's take a seat.'' He said softly while grabbing her hand and asking her to sit beside him on the couch.

For a second, Jordyn was dazed. She actually remembers something. She looks at his face for a while. She did not even speak but stared at him with full of curiosity. ''Did both of them coincidentally really have the same preferences or...?'' She said inside her mind.

''Jessa? Are you okay? Why are you looking at me like that?''

''Oh, nothing. I just...just want to take a look at your face.''

''Did something wrong on my face?''

''No. There is nothing wrong. I like it. I like your face...'' She said while giving a smile. He replied to her with a smile too and stroked her hair gently.

At that moment, for a few minutes, both of them were silent while enjoying the time they had alone together. He put her into his embrace while gently rubbing her hair. He also softly rub her cheeks.

She can feel that he was tired today. She knows that he will talk less whenever he feels tired and exhausted. However, she feels sorry for him because he was busy with work and he also had to take his free time to visit her.

She lifts up her head a little and looks at him and said, ''Karson, how was the works today? Are there many works to do? Did the others busy too?''

''No. It's okay. I can handle it. Just a little busy.'' He said while his eyes closed.

''Emm...can I go to the office tomorrow? I think I can start to work tomorrow.''

He immediately opens his eyes and looks at her face. ''But the doctor just give you another two-day leave. You have to wait until you finished your sick leave.''

''But I think that I was fine. I don't feel any pain. I can start to work.''

''No. You have to wait until you fully recovered. Just go to work next week.''




''Jessa, you know what means NO right?''

''No. I don't know what meaning of that. I just know that I want to go to work tomorrow. I'm really getting well now. I promise that I will take my medicine on time and eat on time. I promise you that I will not be doing over works too.''

''Are you really promising what do you say just now? Can I believe in your words?''

''Yes! You have to believe in me. I am always honest about all I said. I will never lie to you.''

''Okay. Deal.''

''W-what?? Are you agree to let me go to the office tomorrow? Karson, are you serious?'' She jumped happily.

He sighed. ''Yeah. I know you will not listen to me anyway. I know you. You will do anything later to coax me.''

''Yes! Yeah! Finally, I can go to work tomorrow! Karson, thank you! Love you!'' She said excitedly and give a little kiss on his cheeks.

''Wait! I have something to ask from you. You have to give it to me at all.''

''Don't worry, I will give you whatever you want. Just say it what do you want.''

He suddenly leans his face closer toward her and gazes at her face for a second. She was startled. She suddenly feels regret about saying that just now. She didn't know what he want to do but looking at his behaviours, he seem that want to do something with her.

Her heart was pounding faster and her body was frozen too. He slowly moves his hand toward her cheeks and his other hand were hold her waist gently. '' you do that? At here? At...this time?? It-Its...true that I will do anything or give you whatever you want, but-but...I-I...!''

''Shhh...Jessa, please don't talk.''


''Can I say what I want?''

''Uhm...w-what do you want??''

''Jessa...I want...I want your shoulders...''

''Huh?? W-what?? What do you want? My shoulders??''

''Yes.'' He nodded.

''What do you mean?''

''I want to lie for a while on your shoulders. Can you lend it to me?''

She chuckling. Then she pats twice at her shoulders to show that she agreed to let him lie on for a while. He immediately lies on her shoulders and hugs her waist warmly. When he put his head on her shoulders, he grinning while slowly close his eyes.

He feels at ease to do that and it also and reduces his headache from thinking other things. In fact, whenever he is with her, he can forget all the other things that happen. He knows that only with her he can feel warm.

''Jessa...thank you. Thank you for being here with me...'' He said in a half-asleep voice.

At that time, Jordyn just smiling. She also has the same feeling as him. Both of them really know about each other's feelings whenever they feel happy, exhausted and want to have someone with them.

''Thank you too...Simon...'' Without realizing it, she accidentally said his name. For a second, she thought. She was surprised too. She didn't know that she want to say that name for a long time...