Chapter 5: The boy who would be emperor

Before either could reach the flag, a black contender swiped it from the stand. He set off back over the mound. A great chase began. All the remaining contenders in the area raced after the purple flag. The black team lay in ambush. The purple flag passed into their midsts. As battles broke out across the border of the black domain, the sound of a tolling bell rang out across the field. The game was over. The black team had won.

Keitel clenched his fist. It hadn't gone at all as he imagined. He would have to make up for it in the next round.

The field began to empty out. Victor approached him and put his arm over his shoulder.

"Good game," Victor smiled, "When I saw you come towards us, I thought you had me."

"No you didn't," Keitel replied.

"Okay, you got me. But honestly, it was a good game, didn't you think so?"

"Yeah. There were definitely some knights with potential."

Victor's lips twisted into a grin as he watched his friend's face.

"Anyone, in particular, you had your eye on?"

"Those two are interesting," Keitel gestured to Lucia and Michael.

"Really? They look kinda shrimpy to me," Victor chuckled.

Michael had called out to Lucia as she was leaving the training field. She was surprised that he was in the mood to talk. It looked as though he had been winded in the game.

"I heard you took down my friend here," Michael said, catching up to her. He gestured to DB who was dragging a pace behind.

Lucia glanced back at DB and nodded. She was about to resume walking when Michael finally caught up to her. DB took a few paces and also joined the two.

"I was worried I would hurt you, but you managed to best me," DB said in a low voice.

"You're one of those gentle giants, aren't you buddy?" Michael said patting DB on the back. DB continued walking, feeling a little embarrassed.

Lucia continued walking. She didn't care about making friends.

"I'm Michael. This is DB. What's your name?" Michael asked following.

"Luca." She answered.

"Not a man of many words, Luca?" Michael questioned.

Lucia's green eyes flashed back at Michael. She wasn't used to all the questions. In her past life, she had always been alone. Although she had been a general, she rarely spoke to her subordinates beyond giving orders. She had never been outgoing in the first place. As she tried to think of how to respond, Michael had already begun talking.

"Man, today was crazy. I guess I should consider myself lucky though. I managed to get some shots in with the Prince himself," He grinned.

Lucia stopped walking abruptly and turned to Michael.


"The Prince. Prince Keitel," Michael repeated. His eyes widened. He signalled towards Keitel who was walking in the distance behind them. Lucia peered across the training field. It was the black-haired boy with cold blue eyes. Suddenly, it hit her why his face was so familiar. He was the boy who would be Emperor. How had she not recognized him before? Those same harsh, blue eyes had watched as she had been executed. His expressionless face looking down on her, without a hint of mercy. His boyish charm couldn't disguise it anymore. It was him.

Keitel and Victor were still in conversation when Keitel felt a penetrating gaze fall upon him. In the shadow of the dark hallway, he couldn't quite see where it was coming from. Keitel stopped in his tracks. He felt for his sword.

"What is it?" Victor questioned.

The deadly intention suddenly dissipated and Keitel released his grip.

"I don't know. Maybe it was my imagination," Keitel replied.

It took everything in her power for Lucia to turn away from the Keitel. Michael watched the strange interaction but said nothing. The group continued through the passageway out of the training grounds. He was about to ask another question, but Lucia had already taken off.

Lucia returned to her lodgings. She paced the length of the cramped room, exhaling angrily. Her whole body shook with anger.

"Calm yourself." She repeated to herself over and over. She interlinked her fingers together to stop the shaking and sat on the bed.

"Remember why you came here. You need him. He has to trust me. I need to use the Empire to bring down Ramelle," She told herself.

Lucia couldn't bear to eat her dinner that night. She kept thinking of the moment she died. The complete isolation and wretchedness of it all.


The next day was a rest day. Lucia decided to explore the capital. She needed a distraction. It felt strange to be out and about in the capital city. It was certainly different to Ramelle. The people had the kind of freedom that came from being the richest nation on the continent.

As she drifted through a bazaar of exotic stalls, she came to a clearing. There was a beautiful fountain with a statue of Lome, the Goddess of love.

Although every nation on the continent had its religions and gods, it seemed wherever she had gone, Lucia could always see some version of Lome. She was called Lome in Ramelle. She didn't know what they called her in the Empire, but she recognized her instantly. Lome with her arm outstretched held a Javelin.

Lucia recalled the story she was told as a child. Lome had been a great huntress. She fell in love with the God of the moon. The God of the moon told Lome he would marry her if she could climb the steps to the Ethereal Palace. However, this had been a wicked lie. The God of the moon was a trickster who had no intention of marrying Lome. Only the dead could ascend to the palace. As Lome climbed and climbed the step, years and years passed. When she finally reached the door of the Ethereal Palace, she fell down dead. The God of the moon mocked Lome. He didn't know that her spirit had already passed through the doors, leaving her body behind. Realising it had all been a trick, Lome aimed her spear and struck him dead.

Lucia had always felt a connection to Lome more than the other gods. Being beside Lome's statue made her feel at peace. Lucia closed her eyes and felt the warm sun caress her cheeks.

"Luca!" A voice suddenly came from behind. Lucia opened her eyes quickly. Michael and DB came out from the narrow lane behind her. Lucia let out an agitated sigh.

"We lost you the other day," Michael smiled patting her back. Her eye twitched unconsciously.

"Here," said DB holding out a warm bread bun. She took it gratefully and the three sat down.

Having spent her young adult years on the battlefield, it felt strange to admit to herself she was young again. She never had the chance to enjoy days like these before. Perhaps, it wasn't so bad to indulge a little.

By the time the evening clouds rolled in, the three were saying their goodbyes. Lucia felt like a storm had cleared from her mind. She could focus fully on the day to come.


Peter strolled up the line of candidates. In the end, despite his warning, some candidates had inevitably been eliminated - Most from the purple team. Young people, these days were always in such a hurry. Hopefully, this will be a lesson. He eyed the remaining candidates.

As expected the Prince and the Minister's son had made it through. He spied the mysterious young man from the first round. Luca wasn't from any of the well-known capital families. He must be foreign, Peter guessed. Peter had been surprised by Luca's performance during the second round. He definitely left an impression. Not just on Peter but on the spectators. The final round made Peter more excited than he anticipated.

"One-on-one combat. The rules are simple. Engage until one enemy concedes or is thrown out of the battlefield. You are not permitted to use deadly force. Got it?" Peter yelled.

Lines had been drawn to mark off the areas of each battle. Lucia had received a plaque with the area for her first battle. She waited for her opponent to arrive.

Keitel stepped into the battle area. There was that red-headed boy from the previous round. There was something about him. Keitel examined him more closely this time. He was a short boy with sharp green eyes. The moment their eyes met, Keitel felt a feeling of animosity. He had hardly interacted with the boy before.

They both returned to their respective corners. This time, a considerable crowd had drawn to watch the matches. Match officials were present to oversee the event. The official's hand signalled the start of the match. It was customary for contenders to shake hands before the match. Keitel made his way forward and held out his hand. After a long pause, the boy reluctantly took Keitel's hand.

"Good luck," Keitel said, squeezing Lucia's hand. Lucia pulled her hand back quickly and returned to her end. Keitel found the whole interaction rather annoying. What was his problem?

Lucia and Keitel eyed each other. There was a lull, as they circled the battlefield. The official's hand came down.

Keitel was the first to make a move. He lunged towards her. His mana made the air vibrate as his blade sliced. Lucia dodged the strikes. She suspected that even meeting his blade would cause damage. She could sense the electricity of his mana in the air. He was on a different level than the others she had faced before. Without mana, she had no way to defend against him.

Lucia weighed out her options. She didn't need to win. In fact, it would probably be better if she didn't. But she couldn't squash her rising fury. Those arrogant eyes made her blood boil. She wanted to teach him a lesson, even if it was just a little.

She had to use what she could. In a real battle, you had to use everything you could to win. As she ducked another swipe of Keitel's blade, her hand grazed the ground. She collected a handful of earth. As Keitel came in for another attack, she released the dust into his face.

Keitel immediately retreated back. He rubbed his eyes and coughed. He struggled to open one eye in enough time to see Lucia move in towards him. He immediately brought his sword up to defend himself. He released a surge of mana. Lucia was quick to back away, but not quick enough. Her arm spasmed, losing the grip of her sword. She dropped back to the other side of the battlefield.

"That was cheap," Keitel growled, getting back to his feet.

Cheap? Lucia's fist shook with anger. She lunged for her sword but Keitel was there too quickly. He kicked it to the other side of the field. It was too late.

Everything seemed to slow down for Lucia. At that moment, as she crotched by Keitel's blade. It was all like that day. She had lost and they had won. It was so unfair. They had to pay for what they did. Why? Why did she have to die? Staring into Keitel's unsympathetic blue eyes again, she felt overwhelming emotion.

"You knew. You all knew..."

...I was innocent. That was the truth. It was Lucia's truth.

Keitel glanced down. He could hardly hear what was said. It was just rambling to him. Somehow he had expected more. He pointed his sword towards the boy.

"Concede" Keitel commanded.