Chapter 6: "Concede"

Lucia flew under the blade, her bare palm slammed against Keitel's ribs. He went flying back to the edge of the battlefield. Keitel gasped for breath. Naturally, he had been on guard. But he didn't think the boy had any mana. There was no doubt in Keitel's mind. That was definitely mana. Keitel used his sword to bring himself to his feet. He exhaled angrily. The red-haired boy stood across the field with wild green eyes.

"That's it!" Keitel thought to himself, "I've had it with this kid." Keitel hadn't needed to use much mana force for the exam so far. It was time to get serious.

Lucia had retrieved her sword and was already racing towards Keitel. The feeling of mana came back to her instinctively. It was like remembering a smell or a taste. It filled her senses. She didn't have her full mana back, but she had enough to defend against Keitel's mana. The two clashed viciously up and down the battlefield.

Keitel released a charged blow. Despite her mana guard, Lucia felt a surge of pain across her body. She jumped back. Her hands were shaking and her knees felt weak. The sword was acting as a conduit for the electric mana. Every time they came in contact, it pushed from Keitel's sword to hers. She didn't have enough mana to extend onto her sword. She had just enough to protect herself. It was obvious that Keitel's mana was superior. Nevertheless, Lucia had one final gambit. She just needed to close the distance between them.

"What's the matter?" Keitel smiled smugly. "You didn't think it would be that easy did you?"

Lucia snapped her gaze to Keitel.

"Hardly." Lucia grunted, "This humble knight would never presume they could defeat a Crown Prince."

"And yet, I'm quite convinced otherwise," Keitel scoffed.

"Wouldn't it be dishonourable to do any less?"

"You don't give the impression of being the honourable type."

"I thought the empire praises victory over honour?"

"It seems you have a lot to learn about the Empire,"

"I'll look at your majesty's shining example then!"

Lucia lunged towards Keitel. Keitel quickly raised his sword to defend against the flash of silver. He gazed confused as the sword hit the floor. Another bare hand attack came hurtling towards him. This time, Keitel was prepared. He gathered his mana to protect against the blow.

In spite of his guard, he felt an efflux of white-hot energy. The whole hand seemed to be wrapped in flame. Keitel retreated back immediately. The part of his armour where Lucia had hit had melted into a black dent. A second longer and his skin would have been infused with the metal. Already, he could feel the pain of the burn on his raw skin. This was no game anymore. This boy was trying to kill him. Keitel took a breath and gripped his sword in one hand. With his free hand, he held the place where Lucia had struck and focused his mana. This would keep the pain at bay for the time being.

Lucia observed for a moment. In the heat of the battle, she had almost lost sight of her aim. He was injured. She watched as he used mana to cool the wound. It was impressive to be able to use two different schools of magic at such a young age. Ice and lightning magic were already difficult to use on their own.

Keitel moved towards Lucia. The two swords came to blows again. The skirmish pushed the two to the edges of the battlefield. Lucia stepped back and raised both arms. Keitel paused. His eyes searched Lucia's face confused. Her eyes didn't meet him.

The match official stepped in. Keitel lowered his weapon.

"Out of bounds," The official motioned to Lucia.

The official held up Keitel's hand.

"Winner!" he declared. The crowd clapped ecstatically.

Lucia and Keitel bowed to the audience. They both made their way to the medical tent. As Lucia was about to enter, Keitel grabbed her by the arm.

"You!" Keitel snarled, "What was that?"

"I don't know what you mean, Your majesty." Lucia dismissed.

"I don't know what's worse. The fact that you tried to kill me or that you surrendered intentionally?"

"This humble knight..."

"You're not humble. As a matter of fact, you're not even a knight yet," Keitel interjected. Lucia eyebrows raised. She inhaled and titled her back. She dug her nails into her thigh to keep control over her rising temper.

"What answer would satisfy his Majesty?" She replied mockingly.

"How about the truth?"

"Why would I attempt to kill a Prince in front of a crowd? And then fail even to do that?"

The Prince shook his head in agitations, he clenched his fist.

"And the match? Admit you threw the match!"

"What do you mean? You pushed me out of bounds. I had to surrender,"

"You stepped out on purpose!" Keitel pulled Lucia in by her collar. Lucia put her hand over his wrist.

"Please let go of me, your Majesty." She said coldly.

Keitel hadn't even noticed the moment he had grabbed the boy. He let go instantly. He stormed out of the medical tent. He could feel those pale, green eyes watching him as he left.

Victor, whose battle had just ended, noticed Keitel marching furiously towards the benches. He drew closer and examined Keitel curiously. He noticed the gaping dent in his armour and rushed to his side.

"You're injured!" Victor gasped. "Why aren't you in the medical tent?"

"I'm fine," Keitel waved him off.

"Who did that?" Victor followed eagerly.

"You tell me. Who is that red-headed bastard?" Keitel gestured to the medical tent. Lucia was being attended to by a healer. Victor's face scrunched in surprise.

"Him? I think he was called Luca," Victor answered. "That kid did this?" Victor thought to himself.

"Use your sources. I want to know who that kid is." Keitel scowled.


The next round of battles began. The Prince and Victor proceeded with ease through the remaining battle. Michael and DB managed to break into the final group. Lucia's run had ended after her loss to the Prince. She sat with the rest of the crowd to watch the last of the battles.

The Prince was set against Victor. Despite their friendship, it was obvious from the outset that neither intended to lose. The match was highly anticipated. A massive crowd had gathered and it was rumoured the Emperor himself was in attendance.

Lucia watched with some interest. Naturally, she was curious about Victor. His battle strategies had become the talk of the crowd after the previous round. It was her first time laying eyes on him. He had conventional good looks. But Lucia detected something repellent about his dangerous gaze. She knew his type. She had seen it in her past life, on the battlefield. The sneaky and cutthroat type. The ones who would do anything to get power.

As a close friend to the Prince and a Minister's son, she wondered why she had never heard of him. He had all the ambition. She would have expected him to be a big name in her time. Yet, she had never heard of him before the exam. Who was he exactly?

The battle started off intensely. Victor used daggers in battle. The daggers seemed to multiply once thrown. Some were decoys, other very real. It was mana use - The school of shadows. Lucia recognised it at once. It was an unusual mana for a knight. The school of shadows was usually thought of as lower magic. It was hard to use in combat. It was mostly used by petty thieves and assassins. However, Lucia could see the advantage of its use in battle.

The Prince used a charge of magic to deflect the daggers but even he struggled to detect the decoys. Victor wasn't allowing him to close the distance between them. The tactic seemed to work at first. Keitel couldn't get close enough to do any damage. However, Keitel had been slowly charging his magic.

Keitel released his mana. In a lightning-fast flash, he cut through the distance. As Victor came into range, he released a flurry of hits. Victor managed to deflect a few but his defence was breaking.

Victor jumped back to gain some distance but Keitel was quick on his tracks. Keitel made a sweeping attack that looked impossible to dodge. When the instant feedback he had expected didn't come, he looked up in confusion. He had hit into thin air. He glanced quickly behind, to see Victor's dagger jetting towards him. Instinctually, Keitel blocked the dagger. It was another decoy.

Victor came in for the final blow. Finally, just once he could beat him. He lunged towards the opening. As he got within range, he felt a piercing shock run down his body. Keitel pounded him to the ground with the hilt of his sword. Victor looked up to see the edge of Keitel's blade.

"You got me." Victor sighed, "How?"

Keitel helped him to his feet as the official signalled Keitel as the winner.

"Your shadow," Keitel answered.

Victor clicked his neck to one side.

"You remain as always, the winner, old friend," he patted Keitel on the shoulder and set off a pace ahead.

The battle between DB and Michael was still ongoing. Despite Michael's best efforts, he could not get past DB's defence. So far, he had managed to get by with only menial damage, but one clean hit and that would be that. DB's hits were lethal. Michael thought about the previous round. Luca had gotten through DB's defence with an aerial attack. Michael didn't have the agility to get far enough out of DB's range. He could only rely on his mana attack. But that attack could only be used once. Would it be enough to knock out DB?

Michael decided he had no choice. The trouble was getting close enough. If not up, then what about an attack from below. He circled the field and came in as fast as he could. As he skidded low to the ground, He released a wave of mana from his sword. DB was thrown into the air as he blocked. The force of the mana thrust his sword from him. He landed across the battlefield. He struggled to his feet, searching for his sword.

"Not so fast!" Michael swooped down. He held the sword to DB's neck.

DB held his hand's up reluctantly.

"I yield," DB muttered.

The official stepped in to declare Michael the winner.

Michael beamed. But the moment he reached the medical tent, he practically collapsed into the bed. DB watched inquisitively.

"Mana is so taxing," Michael sighed.

"I wouldn't know," DB answered despondently.

Michael sat up. He looked to DB who had turned to face the wall.

"I've never seen you use mana."

"That's 'cause I can't. I was born without it"

"Everyone is born with mana. It's your life force. Maybe yours just hasn't awakened yet?"

"Maybe. My Pop's said I don't need mana anyway," DB turned back to Michael.

"You certainly don't!" Michael laughed.

As the two continued speaking, a healer emerged from behind a curtain. Michael's eyes followed the noise. He looked behind them.

Lying on the bed behind them, he spotted Luca. He turned suddenly. DB looked back too.

Lucia was lying motionless on the bed with another healer by her side. As the second healer made their way out, Michael accosted him.

"Hey, What's going on?" Michael questioned the Healer.

"He's been badly injured"

"What? I didn't see him even take a hit"

"It's overexertion- Torn ligaments, swelling and extensive calluses. If I didn't know any better, I would say he's never even held a sword before."