Chapter 7: The Royal palace

DB and Micahel exchanged puzzled looks. They made their way to Lucia's side. Lying on the bed, Michael couldn't help but notice her delicate frame. He watched as her long lashes fluttered. As they approached, her emerald eyes opened slowly.

"Are you okay?" DB asked sympathetically. Lucia sat up abruptly.

"I'm fine", she answered in a low voice.

"They said you were in pretty bad shape", Michael followed, "He said he thought you had never held a sword before. He obviously wasn't watching the match"

Lucia said nothing. The healer was right. Her body ached all over. She could barely lift her limbs. She had pushed herself too far. This body wasn't trained for battle. She was lucky she wasn't more seriously injured. Experience can only account for so much.

"It was from that match right?" Michael began to recall the match between Lucia and the Prince.

"It was an impressive match", DB added, "It was only bad luck you didn't get through".

Lucia's green eyes had been staring passively ahead. She turned sharply to the two.

"It wasn't luck. I was gonna go easy but that bastard actually managed to push me out before I had the chance."

Michael jumped across the bed and covered Lucia's mouth. He glanced around anxiously. Lucia flinched. She hadn't even realised she had been talking aloud.

"That's the Crown Prince you're talking about", Michael whispered, "you don't know who's listening".

He lowered his hand slowly. Lucia nodded slowly.

"You're a lot more hot-tempered than I first thought", Michael chuckled sitting back in his chair. Truly, he was taken back. There was a moment of silence between the group.

"We should let him rest", DB said, trying to smooth things over. They retreated back to their beds.

Behind the black's of her eyes, Lucia went over the battle again and again in her mind. She knew she needed the Prince on her side if she was going to be able to carry out her investigation. Yet, every time, she saw his face - his arrogant face looking down on her, everything went out of her head.


The next week, the successful candidates were called back for the entrance ceremony. Lucia had agreed to meet Michael and DB before the ceremony. Lucia still felt sore but it was also a relief to get out of her small, cramped room. They would all have new lodgings at the knight's training school. They met by the fountain of Lome at dawn.

Lucia hardly recognised Michael. His shoulder-length brown hair was tied back smartly. He looked fresh-faced and dashing in his knight's uniform. DB's transformation was even more shocking. His shaggy, blonde hair had been cut back. His strong blue eyes opened up his whole face. The two looked the part of real knights.

Lucia, on the other hand, felt strange in an empire uniform. Seeing DB and Michael's excited, childlike eyes as they laughed, made her feel empty inside. She knew what was to come. The endless nights, the smoke filling her lunges and the stench of blood. That's what it was to be a knight. It was part of the reason she rarely became attached to anyone.

"You look like you're going to someone's funeral", Michael's hand fell on her shoulder.

The three made their way to the royal palace where the ceremony was to be held. The capital itself meandered along the slopes of its famous green hills. At the pinnacle of the city was its crown jewel: the royal palace. As they approached, the dazzling white walls of the palace, other young men began to filter under the great arched doors.

"This place is incredible", Michael smiled breathlessly, "Nothing like my hometown.".

"You're not from the capital?" DB asked.

"No, I'm originally from Miroco. It's a tiny Island to the South. It's still in the empire though", Michael explained, " You?"

"I was born in the capital. I've never left", DB replied.

"What about you, Luca?"

"I'm from Ramelle"

Michael nodded. He steered his eyes ahead. He knew better than to ask anymore. Ramelle was not part of the empire. He had heard it was an impoverished country. Prone to infighting and corruption - It couldn't be further from Miroco. He wondered if that was the reason Luca was so closed off. Despite Luca's youthful face, his behaviour and attitude made him seem much older. Everyone had heard the rumours about Ramelle. Michael couldn't imagine what type of life Luca had lived before now. He wanted to know but felt it was too soon to ask.

The three joined the crowd of other young men filtering into the courtyard. Peter, who had been enjoying his vacation, had been called at the last minute to help with the ceremony. He mourned his short-lived rest. He instructed the young men in uniform to line up.

"The best performing student from the exam is now your troop leader. Troop leader, come forward and make your address"

The Crown Prince stepped up to the stage.

"Thank you. I commend the dedication you have all shown. As your troop leader, I promise to work with you all to reach your potential. For the Empire!", he held a fist to his chest. The other young men mirrored him.

"For the Empire!"

Peter stepped back to stage to welcome the troop Captain Albaric. A young man not much older took the stage. Albaric had curly blonde hair, a fair complexion and a boyish smile. Peter sighed, he was not a fan of Albaric. He was a notorious play boy who loved nothing more than a good time. Of course, his men loved him. But he hardly got anyone's work done. Peter had no idea why they would assign new troops to him. No doubt, it meant the work would be filtered down to Peter.

Albaric took the stage with a wide smile and waved.

"Good Morning troops. I am your Captain. I am here to guide and train you. If you have any issues you can come to me."

Peter rolled his eyes. Right, as long as the problem can be solved with a drink. Albaric continued.

"I hope to get to know you all better".

With that the troops were brought to their new lodgings and given time to unpack. However, most of the young men hurried back to the courtyard to see the afternoon entrance ceremony.

"Come on!" Michael moaned, "We're going to miss them".

"Go without me", Lucia said ignoring his eager pleas.

"How can you say that? Don't you want to see them?"

Lucia reluctantly followed them. The courtyard was filled with young men by the time they arrived. All waiting to see the sister's entrance ceremony. The sister's were an order of healers. They would be trained by the holy temple. The knights and sisters both worked together on the battlefield. It wasn't uncommon for events to be held together to foster good relationships. Unlike the knights, however, the sisters were chosen from birth. They lived and worked within the temple until they took their vows of service to the empire.

Michael pushed passed the crowd to get a glimpse at the young women who had lined up in the courtyard. Dressed in black dresses and the ceremonial paint, the young women stood patiently as they were addressed by the high priestess.

"Today you take your vows. You leave the service of the temple and enter into the service of the Empire. Lome watch us. Lome, guide us. Lome, heal us", The high priestess clasped her hands together. The young women dropped to one knee and repeated,

"Lome, heal us".

In the evening, the sisters and the new-fledged knights gathered for a feast in the royal palace. The young men and women were dressed formally for the occasion. Musicians played classical ballads in the ballroom. No extravagance was spared.

Lucia sipped a glass of wine and watched them dance. Her experience of becoming a knight had been completely different. There had been no ceremony. As soon as they could carry a sword, they were carted off to fight. Once the conscription for women began, they were stripped of every ounce of femininity.

On the other side of the room, Victor approached Keitel. He nudged him and the two stepped out onto the balcony.

"Got what you asked for", Victor crossed his arms and leant back on the arch of the door.

"Well?" Keitel replied looking out over the balcony.

"There wasn't much to find on him. Luca Levi Strauss. Came from A relatively well off family, good grades and references. His application seems legit. He's from Ramelle, so there I couldn't really get any more information than that"

"Ramelle? That's a long way to come. They must have their own knight's training"

"Maybe, but he seems clean. I couldn't find any dirt on him"

"You did a good job. Thanks"

Victor nodded and made his way back to the ballroom. Keitel was left alone with his thoughts.

Out in the ballroom, Michael was already dancing with a pretty, brunette sister. Meanwhile, DB was helping himself to the buffet. Lucia stepped out onto the open balcony. The warm night air relaxed her. As she stepped out, she caught sight of a gentleman leaning on the balcony wall. He was looking out thoughtfully over the courtyard.

For a moment, Lucia didn't recognise him. Keitel's raven hair was pulled back. He wore the royal attire. He truly looked like Prince. His alabaster skin looked ethereal in the soft moonlight. Lucia tried to silently retreat back to the ballroom. Keitel caught her eye.

"You again", he muttered half to himself.

"Excuse me", Lucia turned to leave.

"Wait", Keitel grabbed her arm softly, "I've been thinking, you and I got off on the wrong foot". Lucia paused and looked back into his dark blue eyes.

"We're going to be working with one another from now on. We can at least be civil to each other", Keitel continued.

"I agree", Lucia nodded. The pair looked into each other's eye in a strange moment of clarity. At that very moment, an elegant young woman approached. She had long, jet back hair and the same piercing blue eyes as Keitel.

"I've been looking for you", she said to Keitel softly.

"What are you doing here?"

"You think I would miss it?" She smiled with a twinkle in her eye. She stepped passed Lucia onto the balcony. Lucia quietly left the two and returned to the ballroom. She could feel Keitel's sharp eyes follow her.

Returning to the ballroom, Lucia searched around for Michael and DB. She thought she had just spotted them when a young woman stepped forward. She was a little shorter than Lucia with bouncy, flaxen curls. She shyly introduced herself.

"My name is Lucy. I'm one of the sisters. Of course, you probably knew that", Lucy's faced flushed red. Gathering her courage, Lucy continued,

"I was just wondering. Well, I thought, perhaps, you might want to dance?"

Lucia stared at the girl lost for words.

"It's not that I don't want to", Lucia answered honestly, "Only, I can't dance".

"Oh, of course. I see. Well Sir, can I at least ask your name?"

"It's Luca"

Lucy smiled and returned to a group of girls who were waiting. They squealed and giggled amongst themselves.

"Someone's popular with the ladies"

Lucia looked up to see the jovial face of Captain Albaric.

"Luca, isn't it?"

"Yes, Sir", Lucia answered mechanically.

"Peter told me about you", Captain Albaric smiled, "said you were one to look out for. You did very well against the Prince".

"Thank you, Sir"

"I'll be keeping my eye on you", Captain Albaric winked. The glint in his eye suggested there was a deeper meaning to his words. Something about him put Lucia on edge. She took another glass of wine and leant back against the wall. No sooner had she done so, the royal horns trumpets. A hush fell over the crowd. Everyone turned their attention to the grand hall doors. The announcer stepped forward:

"His Royal Majesty, the Emperor".