Chapter 12: His kiss

"Release him", Keitel ordered.

"But your Majesty!" the guard argued. Keitel's eyes narrowed as he set them upon the guards.

"That's an order", Keitel dictated in a stern voice. The guard reluctantly opened the cell door. Lucia was released. She followed silently after the Prince as he led the way. They arrived in the palace courtyard. Together they proceeded into the gardens without exchanging a word.

"Aren't you going to ask me why I was there?", Lucia said finally. Keitel turned to her abruptly.

"Would you tell me the truth if I did?", he responded in a low voice.

"What will happen now?" Lucia asked, her voice barely coming out.

"You'll be put on leave for breaking orders. I've had the rest of the charges dropped", Keitel responded flatly, "Go back home to Ramelle. Take some time away".

"Is that an order?"

"Is that what it will take? Are you going to make me order you to go?"

"No. I will go if that's what you want"

"What's that supposed to mean? You think I want to send you away?!" Keitel raised his voice.

"Do you want to send me away? I know it wasn't easy to get those charges dropped. I saved your life and now you feel guilty", Lucia yelled back

"You don't understand me at all!" Keitel snapped. He clenched his fist in frustration.

"Then make me understand!" Lucia cried. Her eyes rose to meet him defiantly.

Keitel grabbed Lucia by the back of the neck and pulled her towards him. He kissed her fiercely. He clutched the small of her back and sent flutters down her skin. His lips caressed hers intensely. They stood amongst the roses in a feverishly hot embrace for a quiet and bitter moment.

Suddenly, Keitel pulled back from Lucia. Lucia's viridescent eyes flew up searchingly. He brought his hand to face, half in shock at what he had just done. He pivoted away from her and strode hastily out of the gardens.

Lucia felt unbalanced. She wrung her hands together. She inhaled, trying to process what had just happened. It was the first time she had ever been kissed.


Lucia packed her things. She would go back to Ramelle for a while. It made sense to go now. Besides, it would be an opportunity to see her father and Mina. She stopped back at the inn where she had first stayed before entering the knight's school. She pulled out the dress she had come in. It was a frilly white and lemon-colored dress. She felt foolish putting the thing on again.

She took a carriage back to Ramelle. Summer was at an end. A sea of rusty leaves covered the mansion grounds. The brilliant white walls of her family home appeared in the distance. It was both comforting yet bittersweet to be home so soon. Lucia felt exhausted.

She had sent word of her return. Sure enough, her father was waiting to greet her when she returned. The look of bewilderment across the Duke's face was evident once he laid eyes on her.

"Lucia! What in the gods' name have you done to your hair?", The Duke exclaimed. His wife slipped out into the parlor behind me. She held back the convulsion of laughter. The girl looked practically like a boy.

"Oh my!", The Duchess rejoined, a smile flickering on her lips, "I guess the styles are quite different in the Empire".

Her father allowed her to unpack but instructed her to come down for dinner straight after. She had some explaining to do. Lucia entered her old room. She caught a glimpse of herself in the big dressing room mirror.

"I do look ridiculous", she sighed. She shook her head and collapsed into her palms. All of her doubts had slowly been building and building. The idea of revenge propelled her forward. She wanted to keep going. She had to keep going. No matter what. That was the whole purpose of her life. But she felt empty inside. She didn't know who she was anymore. She didn't feel like the same person as she was in her past life but neither could she let go of what happened. It was this state of in-between that confused her. That and the kiss.

Why had he turned away? What did it mean? She felt her face redden as she thought about it. She changed into her evening dress and made her way down. The family was already waiting. Terin and Roman were seated at the table with their mother. Their eyes widened as Lucia joined them. Her father sat at the head of the table as usual. He peered up disapprovingly.

Lucia sat down.

"You hardly replied to my letters and now I see why. I hope you haven't fallen in with a bad crowd young lady", the Duke reprimanded.

"It's not like that father. I cut my hair because I wanted to", Lucia stated. The Duke looked over Lucia. She looked pale. Hardly eating any of the food in front of her. He felt instinctive that something was wrong. Lucia had always been a quiet child. He had put her sudden change in attitude down to teenage rebellion. However, he couldn't ignore all these changes.

"Maybe you'd feel more comfortable speaking to your mother?", he implored.

The Duchess' eyes shot up. She looked at her husband wearily. Before she could think of an excuse, Lucia answered.

"That won't be necessary, father", Lucia's stopped eating and glanced around the table. She was bringing down the mood. She didn't have the energy to fight.

"May I be excused?" She added flatly.

"You've barely touched your plate", the Duke entreated.

"I'm just tired from the journey. I would like to rest".

"Very well", the Duke huffed.

Lucia rose to her feet. She could feel all the eyes at the table follow her. More than anything, she wanted to be a good daughter. She felt disappointed in herself for some reason. She lay down on the bed and closed her eyes.

The simmering autumn sun slipped into Lucia's room through the crack in the curtains. A ray of light fell across her face beckoning her to rise. She cast a quick peek around the room with one eye. She was still here. Still young.

She had breakfast in her room that morning. Her room felt a little empty without Mina to accompany her. She wanted to visit her soon. Before lunch, a letter arrived. Lucia heard the commotion from the dining room. She could hear the voice of her father and stepmother parrying back and forth. She couldn't make out what they were saying.

Roman happened to pass by the dining room where Lucia was taking her lunch. He paused at the doorway.

"Have you heard?", he asked. Lucia looked up from her meal.

"Heard what?". She replied. Roman took a step inside the dining room. He adjusted his glasses as he spoke.

"We've received a personal invitation from the king", he said examining Lucia sharply.

Lucia bolted from her seat. Her hands landed with a slam on the table. Her eyes were wide and wild.

"An invitation to what?", she demanded. The force of her words made her take a step back. She sat down again and tried to compose herself.

Roman showed no reaction. He took a slice of toast from the table and took a bite.

"Some ball", he answered categorically. Lucia inhaled and stared at her stepbrother. His interest was unusual.

"Why are you telling me this?", she asked. Roman shrugged his shoulders.

"Because your name is on the invitation", he studied her face waiting for a response.

Lucia's heart began to palpitate. She broke out in a cold sweat. This never happened before. The timeline had changed. Why? The king shouldn't even know about her yet. She maintained a steady gaze. She knew Roman was still observing her, waiting to see what she would do.

"Just my name?" She quizzed.

"You, father and mother", Roman made his way back to the door, "you should go ask for yourself". Lucia nodded. Roman was uncharacteristically helpful. It worried her. After lunch, she went straight to her father's office.

The duke was busy writing at his desk. He didn't look up as Lucia entered the room.

"Father, is it true?", Lucia asked.

The Duke looked up from his papers and sighed. He pulled the letter from his desk drawer and set it in front of him.

"Read it", he lamented.

Lucia picked up the letter and unfurled the page. It was as Roman had told her. An invitation to the royal ball. Everything seemed normal except for one part. A request to have a private audience with the king.

"The king knows I detest the balls. I've been quite open about that. Given the part about the private audience, the king must have something he wants to say to me. I tried to explain it to your mother but she blows these things out of proportion", The duke exhaled.

"What did she think about the letter?", Lucia enquired.

"She thinks it's strange that you were mentioned by name in the invitation. I've told her that since you are coming of age, it's only natural. The king probably wants to set you up with one of his sons. It's a good thing", The Duke said decidedly.

"But father.."

"Lucia, this is not something we can refuse. The ball is in one week. You will attend. That is final", The Duke declared. Lucia knew once her father had made up his mind that was the end of the matter. She left her father's office and returned to her room.

In Ramelle high society, women would attend the academy before debuting in society. It was unusual for them to attend royal balls before that time unless by arrangement. Occasionally, there were exceptions but it was rare.

Lucia recalled the first time she met the king of Ramelle. Her father had just died. War had broken out between Ramelle and their neighboring country Tranphee. The national conscription began before she had finished her education. She and all the other capable men and women were brought to the capital city.

As head of the house of Trimand, she and the other aristocracy were brought to a summit before the king. The king looked over them with glazed eyes while making a speech about loyalty. The king had struck Lucia as rather incapable. Or, more accurately impassive. He was just a puppet for the Duke of Morton, the king's brother. At least, that's what Lucia believed.

It didn't make sense for the king to summon her. Unless her father was right and it was just a social matter. In that case, she had no intention of marrying. The thought hadn't even crossed her mind.


During the week, Lucia went out to visit her old maid Mina. Mina had taken up a new role in a nearby city. Once she had learned of the invitation to the ball, she insisted they shop for a new dress. For old time's sake, Mina had convinced Lucia. They went to a famous dress shop reserved for the Ramelle nobles.

The dressmaker and Mina conversed earnestly back and forth about the best dresses for Lucia. Eventually, they decided on a black lace dress. It was elegantly and intricately embroidered, skin fitting and regal. The dressmaker went so far as to suggest a hairpiece for the occasion. As a short-haired woman, it was an unusual site in Ramelle. Lucia simply nodded to whatever they decided. Her mind was elsewhere.

The day of the ball finally approached. Lucia slipped into the black dress and pearl jewelry. Her hair was set in a ponytail of red curls that cascaded down her back. A maid applied perfumes and makeup. The illusion was cast.

Lucia knew she had to commend Mina. She inspected herself from head to toe. She was completely transformed beyond recognition. She had never once considered herself beautiful. For the first time, she felt she looked like a Duke's daughter.

The carriage ushered her and her family to the ball in the Capital. The capital city of Ramelle was a divided place. The nobles lived a life of exuberance on one hand. While, on the other hand, the majority of the population lived in abject poverty. Even as they pulled into the great royal palace gates, Lucia detected beggars reaching out desperately towards them.

"That's the kind of place Ramelle is", Lucia reminded herself. Tonight she would face the man responsible. She couldn't break now. She had to keep a cool head. How did Ramelle find out about the Demon Door? That's what she needed to find out.

Befitting a royal ball, the palace was blindingly dazzling. Filled with fine art, beautiful ladies, and dashing noblemen. A live orchestra performed and the dance floor was filled with eager dancers. How did they manage to maintain such a lavish life while those outside their gates were starving to death? Lucia hated Ramelle more than ever.

There were a lot of familiar faces. The notorious faces of high society were all present. Lucia scanned through the crowd. There was no Duke Morton or the king. She was about to move on when she did a double-take.

It couldn't be!