Chapter 13: A cold greeting

Across the ballroom, in handsome Empire attire stood the Crown Prince. Captain Albaric and Victor stood by his side. Lucia quickly hid quickly behind a pillar. Her heart was beating. What were they doing here?!

It was a royal ball. Maybe they were visiting dignitaries. Lucia knew it had been a mistake to come. She took a deep breath in. Early, she had hardly recognised herself. As long as she kept her head down and out of view, they might not spot her. Conversely, overtly hiding would only draw more attention.

Her father wasn't going to allow her to leave. Besides she needed to find out what the King was up to. All she had to do was blend in.

Her father gestured to her. He was in conversation with members of the court. Lucia took another breath. She couldn't face them as a knight. This time, she would have to face them as a lady. She held her head high. She walked with confidence and elegance fitting of her status. Tonight, she wasn't Luca. She was Lucia, a wealthy Duke's daughter who was studying in the Empire. It was a lifestyle much envied in Ramelle.

She greeted the group with a smile. Her father introduced her proudly. At the same time, her stepmother eyed her with agitation. Lucia was like a completely different person. No more was the tragic brat that could be easily squashed. She was the picture of the Ramelle aristocracy. It annoyed the Duchess to no end. She made an effort to try and lower Lucia whenever she could. This time was no different.

"You'll have to forgive my daughter" The Duchess cackled, holding a fan to her face, "She's been away in the Empire, you mind her manners somewhat strange," She waited for signs her words had taken effect.

Lucia glanced at her mother graciously, "My mother is correct. The customs in the Empire are somewhat different from Ramelle. I hope I won't embarrass our family."

"Oh, on the contrary, child! You are simply radiant. A fresh face in Ramelle society!" Chimed an overly zealous lord.

"My thoughts precisely. You must tell us how you raised this child, Madam. She is utterly charming," His wife added.

The Duke nodded satisfied. He had been worried about Lucia after her sudden change in behavior. Seeing her amongst society, however, he felt relieved. She was doing better than he imagined.

"You must tell us more about the Empire", Another lord interjected, "For instance, look there to the delegates. I haven't the faintest clue what to say to them."

The group collectively looked towards the Prince and his escorts. Lucia kept her eyes focused on the circle.

"Apparently, there is talk of Ramelle joining the Empire. Can you imagine!" A lady exclaimed.

"Indeed. If the King has invited them here, there must be some truth to it. Mind you, the lords of the court will never bend to the Empire," Another Lord declared.

"We shouldn't be too hasty to turn them away. The Empire is powerful and vast. There are benefits to aligning with them." The Duke stated.

"You would know best I suppose, young lady?"

The eyes of the group set on Lucia again. She tilted her head thoughtfully.

"The Empire is the wealthiest nation on the continent, this we all know. I think the deciding factor will ultimately be whether they share our value." Lucia spied Keitel from the corner of her, "The people in the Empire are passionate. They work relentlessly toward their goals. They help each other. Perhaps...we have misjudged them," the moment Lucia spoke the words, she knew she couldn't hide her feelings anymore.

The Prince was someone who she shouldn't care for. As Emperor, he had shown no mercy. But the person she had met. Whoever, Keitel was now, she wanted to know more about that person. She didn't know what had happened in the time before Keitel became Emperor or what had changed in him. All she knew was in that moment, he meant something to her. That kiss meant something to her. She wanted more from him. This was something she didn't want to admit to herself.

The group who had been listening to Lucia nodded along with her words.

"Hmmm, perhaps." answered one of the Lords thoughtfully, "I suppose we know very little about the Empire and that is the problem."

"We should at the very least get to know the Empire before making our decision." The Duke reaffirmed.

"Husband. Why not introduce us?" the Duchess grinned, "Our daughter seems to have such a high opinion of them after all." The Duchess cast a wicked glance towards Lucia as her face fell.

"That's a good idea. If I recall, the tall one with black hair is the Crown Prince. It would be an advantageous introduction," One of the Lords rejoined.

Lucia felt her heart drop.

"I don't know. They look engaged," Lucia disagreed meekly.

"Nonsense." her father dismissed. At once, the Duke made his way across the ballroom.

Lucia turned to her stepmother. The look on her face said it all. She was loving this.

"Mother, I'm feeling a bit unwell. I think I will take some air." Lucia said loud enough for the other lords to hear. His Mother grinned smugly.

"This is a good opportunity for you, Lucia. Surely, you can hold out until the introduction is made?" She smothered.

Lucia forced a smile.

"You're quite right, Mother. Do you think I could just borrow your fan to cool myself a little?" Lucia asked. She knew her mother could hardly refuse with the other nobles watching.

"Very well." The Duchess handed the fan over reluctantly.

The Duke approached with Prince and his escorts.

"I would like to introduce you to some important families of Ramelle. The lords here are members of the royal court," The Duke smiled gallantly, "This is his Majesty, the Crown Prince of the Empire and his escorts Lord Victor and Sir Albaric."

The lords and ladies bowed.

"And of course, my own wife and daughter." the Duke added. The duchess bowed and made her way to her husband. She addressed the delegates.

"It is an honor, your Majesty," She smiled widely, "to what do we owe this pleasure?"

"I am here on behalf of my father, the Empire," He smiled tightly.

Keitel couldn't figure out why his father had agreed to this meeting. Ramelle had nothing to offer the Empire. However, whatever the king had to say was important enough for his father to take heed. Still, did he really need to attend this pointless gathering first? It was an utter waste of time.

Moreover, he had no love for the Ramelle royal family. Their incompetence and corruption were infamous. The people in this room were more or less complicit in this matter. Keitel disliked lazy aristocracy. He had already decided to do away with a number in the Empire once he became Emperor. He looked around the group apathetically.

As his eyes passed by the Duke, Keitel's eyes were drawn to this daughter. The young woman's face was covered with a fan so he could only see her eyes. The striking green eyes seemed instantly familiar. He followed the fan down over the black dress. It was definitely a woman's body.

Keitel abruptly forced himself back to the Duke who had just asked him a question. He glanced hesitantly to Victor. Victor smirked.

"Your Grace raises an excellent question," Victor answered, "The rise in monster attack is also a tax on the Empire, wouldn't you say, your Majesty?"

The Prince nodded to Victor gratefully.

"Yes, that is why cooperation between Ramelle and the Empire is vital. Together, we can drive out the beasts."The Prince agreed.

"Yes, we were just saying how good it is your Majesty had come," the Duchess smiled, "my daughter had especially high praise for the Empire."

"Oh?" The Prince set his eyes on Lucia once more.

"Yes, my daughter is studying in the Empire," The Duke added proudly, "tell the Prince about your impression, Lucia."

"Lucia?" Albaric chimed in, "What a pretty name!"

"What was your impression of the Empire, Lady Lucia?" the Prince asked.

The group turned to Lucia again. All eyes set on her. Lucia held the fan to her face as she answered.

"I was impressed by..." Lucia began softly.

"Put the fan down, dear so the Prince can hear you," The Duchess simpered.

Lucia slowly lowered the fan. Smiled gently and tilted her head to one side. She held a jewel-clad wrist to her chest.

"I was greatly impressed by the Empire, your Majesty," Lucia answered gracefully. She met their eyes steadily.

"Really?" Keitel replied flatly, "What impressed you?"

Lucia maintained her composure.

"The people. Their kindness and integrity." She answered.

Keitel was about to respond when a gentleman approached their party. After saying a few words to them, the gentleman departed. Victor turned to the group.

"You will have to excuse us. We have been called away on business," Victor explained. Albaric and Victor bowed as they turned to go. The Prince's eyes set on Lucia for another moment. Finally, he turned and left as well.

The conversation among the group continued. Lucia excused herself and made her way to the gardens just outside. Her chest was flushed and her heart was pumping hard. Had she convinced him? She couldn't tell. His face had given away nothing.

She spent a while out in the garden composing herself before she felt ready to return. As she made her way back to the ballroom, she saw a figure hanging by the door.

Captain Albaric stood with his arms crossed leaning against the door. He grinned as Lucia approached.

"Seems I'm not needed right now," Albaric huffed.

"Pardon me, Sir." Lucia smiled and continued on her way.

"That's a bit of a cold greeting for your Captain," Albaric sighed.