Chapter 14: A Wedding Dress

Lucia froze in place. She pivoted back to meet Albaric's gaze. She hadn't had much interaction with Albaric and yet she always sensed he knew more than he was letting on. But what bothered Lucia more was whether the Prince knew.

Albaric seemingly reading her expression continued.

"Don't worry too much. I don't think they noticed. At least, they didn't tell me if they did. Actually, I realized when we first met. I grew up with a lot of sisters, you see."

"Why didn't you say anything?", Lucia responded.

"I suppose I didn't really care", Albaric chuckled, "I don't mean to be harsh but they way I see it, as long as you got the job done, it didn't really matter."

"And now?"

"Now...Well, it's out of my hands really. Whether they know or they don't know, your actions in Veldeer caused quite a stir. Things have already been set into motion", Albaric played with a button on his shirt.

"What do you mean?" Lucia interrogated.

"Why do you think we're here?"

"Do they think I'm a spy? Then why did they let me go?"

"I wonder about that too", Albaric chuckled to himself and stretched his arms behind his back, "If I were you, I'd be careful with what you do from here on out."

Albaric leaned in closely.

"Everyone is watching." He whispered.

Lucia felt a chill run down her back. She gritted her teeth to force herself to maintain composure. She left Albaric in the garden and made her way back to the ballroom. No sooner had she entered, her father found his way to her.

"I've been looking for you Lucia," He remarked flustered, "The King is seeking an audience with us."

Lucia followed her father and her Stepmother into the King's chamber. The King sat upon his throne peering down somewhat anxiously towards them. The Duke and Duchess gave their greeting. All three bowed before the King. At the King's side stood the Duke of Morton. Lucia set her eyes to the floor to avoid his gaze. She clenched her fist so hard, the knuckles turned white. With every fiber in her body, she wanted to go up there and rip out his throat.

"Thank you for coming on my request, Duke Trimaund." The King stated. The Duke of Morton looked over sternly. A flicker a grin died on his lips.

"As you know, we've recently begun diplomatic relations with the Empire. The hope is that our new relationship will bring prosperity to Ramelle," Duke Morton elucidated.

"To this end, we have begun to pay special attention to the connections we already have with the Empire," Duke Morton's eyes ogled Lucia, "Especially, between families of a high standing in Ramelle."

The Duke of Trimaund glanced at his wife and back towards the King. The King's eyes didn't move.

"The Ramelle royal family has no female heirs, therefore we can only rely on our court to provide suitable candidates for political marriages." A smile crept over Duke Morton's face.

"My daughter is not yet of age," Lucia's father faltered.

"Ah yes," Duke Morton admitted, "However, we believe this to be a special case."

"How so?" The Duke of Trimaund assented.

"It seems your Daughter is already acquainted with the Rotan Royal family," Duke Morton gestured to Lucia.

The Duke of Trimaund gazed forbiddingly at his daughter.

"Is that true?" He questioned Lucia.

Lucia instinctively recoiled from his gaze. She began to shake her head but Duke Morton interceded.

"We have it on good authority that your daughter has met the Crown Prince of Rotan," Duke Morton declared.

"How can that be?" The Duke of Trimaund rebuked. "My daughter is a student in an all-girls academy."

"On the contrary," Duke Morton grinned, "Our reports indicate your daughter attended the knight's training academy."

"That's impossible!" Lucia's father snapped. He looked to Lucia to disprove the claims. "Tell them, Lucia!" He demanded.

"It's true, father," Lucia admitted begrudgingly. "But How did you come by this information, Duke Morton, may I ask?"

The Duke shrugged his shoulders dismissively.

"We have an informant in the Empire," Duke Morton suggested

"So, you've been spying on my family?" Lucia's father countered. Duke Morton shook his head with a condescending smile.

"Call it a concern with Ramelle's interests." He exhaled.

"So what is it, exactly, you are trying to say?" The Duke of Trimaund asked resolutely. "A marriage between my daughter and a Rotan Prince?"

"Exactly. You should be honored. An opportunity like this is once in a lifetime. You would be doing your duty as a member of the Royal court and the Ramelle Kingdom", Duke Morton clasped his hands together confidently.

"And this is what his Majesty wants?" The Duke of Trimaund set his eyes sharply on the King. The King hesitated for a moment. Finally, he gave his answer.

"We must make sacrifices for the Kingdom", the King replied flatly.

The Duke of Trimaund bowed his head gravely.

"When is it to take place?" The Duke of Trimaund asked soberly.

"One month from now if the Emperor agrees." Duke Morton replied.

Lucia's eyes widened in horror. She tugged her father's arm. He turned to her with a look of utter disappointment and anger. She dropped her hand. She set her eyes on Duke Morton with unbridled rage.

"May I speak with you alone, Duke Morton?" Lucia demanded.

"I don't see the harm in it. After All, the matter is already decided," Duke Morton rejoined.

The Duke and Duchess of Trimaund were escorted from the King's chamber. Lucia followed Duke Morton into another room. It was a parlor with a tea table and chairs beside the open hearth. A great chandelier loomed overhead. The Duke gestured to Lucia to sit. A maid began to pour the tea. The Duke inspected Lucia with a haughty stare. His mouth twisted into a toothless grin.

"I think you ought to be commended, child." The Duke smothered. "It's not every day, a girl can become acquainted with a Prince. You did well."

"What exactly does Ramelle hope to gain by sealing this marriage?" Lucia asked directly.

The Duke inhaled and shifted in his chair.

"I think you are well aware," The Duke looked down on Lucia coldly.

"I won't help you," Lucia stated fearlessly.

"You already have," The Duke chuckled, "Your situation is what allowed us to find an ally in the Empire."

Lucia swallowed hard. Everything she had done was to stop Duke Morton. Now her actions had changed the timeline for the worse.

"Who is it?" Lucia challenged.

"You don't need to know. My dear, it's all already been arranged. There's no point in resisting. You should be proud. You served your nation."

Lucia's blood boiled.

"You're a fool if you think it'll be that easy! What makes you think that opening that door won't destroy Ramelle too?

"That matter is already being dealt with," The Duke took a sip of his tea, "in a matter of months, we'll have everything we need to proceed."

"That's impossible! The door is sealed." Lucia retorted. The Duke smiled but didn't answer. Lucia had gotten all she could get out of him.

"Tell me one last thing," Lucia felt her heart pounding in her chest. "The Prince...what does he know?"

The Duke titled his head back. His eyes contracting Lucia like a snake.

"All he knows is that Ramelle is offering a bride to the Empire", Duke Morton hissed, "He'll tell the report back to the Emperor and a deal will be made."

Lucia's lips parted. Before she could speak, Duke Morton interrupted.

" You see, the Emperor won't turn down this deal. We've offered him something not even he can refuse. Tell the Prince if you want. In fact, maybe you should. A happy marriage is an honest marriage." Duke Morton broke into a wicked laugh.

"The Prince will never agree. This marriage won't help you in any way. I won't go along with whatever you have planned!"

"We'll see. Now if that is all, I have some matters I must attend to," Duke Morton rose to leave. "Now, be a good girl and go pick your wedding dress!"


Lucia stormed out of the Duke's chamber. Her whole body convulsed. Her knuckles cracked. She plunged a fist full of mana into the wall. The plaster crumbled around her white fist. She exhaled jaggedly. Everything was wrong.

Lucia felt tears well in her eyes. She had been brought back into this life, everything seemed so clear. She believed in her abilities. She thought she had been clever. Now, no matter how much she racked her mind, she couldn't think of a solution. She didn't know what to do. Her actions had left her isolated. She felt the overwhelming loneliness.

She inhaled sharply and dashed the tears from her cheek. She still had to go back out there. She didn't know if the Prince knew or not. But certainly, he was going to know. Moreover, her father already knew. His disappointment stung more than anything else. He would never let her return to the Empire until the day she married.

The thought of how everyone would look at her made her sick. Everything she had worked for, her life as a knight, would be forgotten in an instance. She would be seen as a tool for Ramelle. Or worse, a repulsive spy. A spy for the country she loathed. Lucia wished she could rip this place apart. But she couldn't because, in the end, she was just a Duke's daughter now.

She slipped back into the ballroom. The music was still playing. People danced and laughed. In the midst of this crowd, Lucia made her way to her father. The Duke of Trimaund stood rigidly sipping from his glass. His wife stood beside him whispering into his ear.

Keitel and his party were nowhere to be seen. As soon as her father laid eyes on her, he dragged her from the ballroom. The carriage ride home was silent.

When they arrived back at the mansion, the Duchess instructed Lucia to go to her room.

"And you will remain there until your father and I see fit." The Duchess commanded. Even, she seemed drained and devoid of her usual superior attitude. She slammed the door behind Lucia.

Lucia sunk into the mute shadows.