Chapter 17: The Cirillian Wizard

Michael and DB arrived at the meeting place later that evening. They saw Luca sitting down by the fountain. Luca didn't respond when they called out.

Lucia's eyes were glazed over. She had ended up sitting there all afternoon staring into the distance. She didn't even realise the evening clouds rolling over the city above her.

"Luca!" Michael called again, this time placing a hand on Luca's shoulder.

Lucia jumped and turned confused.

"Well?" Michael asked. "What did he say?"

Lucia blinked rapidly with a blank stare. Michael glanced at DB with an eyebrow raised.

"No...No, he won't help us," Lucia said finally. She came to her feet. Her focus returned to DB and Michael.

Db was about to interject but Michael shook his head. He inhaled and directed his next question to DB.

"Any luck on your end?" Michael asked.

"The sword saint told me about a wizard who had the power to seal the door. Maybe, he also has the power to open them. Could be a lead?" DB responded.

A strange look came over Michael's face.

"A wizard..."He repeated slowly.

"Apparently, he was quite powerful. He even had a school in the Empire. But he disappeared after the last door was sealed" DB continued.

Michael's face twitched.

"What was this wizard called?" Michael queried.

"I think he was called the Cirillian wizard. Ring any bells?"

"Yeah, I've heard of him alright. He's from Miroco. Everyone knows him there,"

"Your hometown?"

Michael nodded. He hadn't thought about that island since he left. His body tensed.

"That wizard is dead," Michael began, "But the wizard's tower is still standing. All his books and junk is still in there."

"There might be something there that can tell us about the door," DB said thoughtfully.

"What do you think, Luca?" Michael said noticing Luca had been oddly quiet.

Lucia's eyes were set on the ground. She met Michael's gaze and nodded.

"I'll go there," Lucia answered in a low voice.

"By yourself?" DB asked quizzically.

"You've both already done enough. I don't want to drag you guys into it." Lucia replied.

Michael shook his head.

"It's too dangerous to go to that tower alone. There are traps laid all over the place. Luckily, you have a guide who knows the lay of the land," Michael said forcing a smile. In truth, he never intended to go back there.

"I can't put you guys in danger..." Lucia began.

"Good thing we don't need your permission then!" Michael sniffed. "Right, buddy?" He nudged DB.

"Right!" DB smiled.

Lucia looked at them both and felt a swell of emotion. She had never had friends like them before. She pushed a smile on her face and nodded.


The journey to Miroco spread out over the continent. First, they journeyed to the south to reach the coastline. They went on horseback down to the south pausing only to rest and sleep in the evenings.

They set up a camp in the forest and waited around the fire for the food to cook. Nightfall had already come but the sound of birds and creatures convalesced all around them. The fire crackled as DB stood stirring the pot.

"I'm not much of a cook," DB admonished looking into the pot apprehensive.

"I'm sure we'll survive," Michael laughed. They both looked to Luca who continued to stare blankly ahead into the fire. Between them, they had been looking for a way to broach the topic. However, after two nights of awkward silence, Michael was growing impatient. As Michael glared at Luca and back to DB, DB shook his head.

"It's ready," DB said, breaking the silence. They all took a bowl of stew and sat back down. Another silenced lulled between them. Michael thrust his bowl down in front of him.

"Enough! I can't take this anymore." Michael sighed. Luca and DB looked startled. "Luca, what's going on? You've hardly said two words since we left the capital. I know we're not exactly on holiday but the mood is killing me!"

"I'm sorry," Lucia answered expressionlessly.

"No...I didn't mean...What I mean is, what's going on? Did something happen when you met the Prince? Seems like it started after that," Michael floundered.

Lucia's lips parted but no words came out. Keeping all these secrets was suffocating. They were risking their lives to help her. Why couldn't she be honest?

"The Prince offered me something that I wanted. I didn't know how much I wanted it until he asked me. I keep thinking about it. I made my choice. I just don't know if it was the right one," Lucia admitted.

"You must have had good reasons for making the choice you did," DB rejoined. Lucia nodded.

"Then what's done is done. There's no point of regretting it now," Michael added.

"I know. I'll get over it." Lucia said flatly. "I'm tired. I'm gonna turn in."

Lucia rolled out her blankets and turned her back to the fire. DB looked wearily to Lucia's half-eaten bowl.

"He didn't even finish eating." He sighed.

"Not sure that's why he didn't finish," Michael grinned, pushing the food around his bowl. DB huffed.

"What do you think the Prince offered him?" DB whispered.

"I think I can guess," Michael said with a knowing smile. DB stared back at him confused.


The next morning, the three set off again. It took just over a week to reach the coastline. They faltered down the jagged cliff edge towards the docks.

A line of small sailboats were anchored to the pier. As they approached the weathered boat to the end, the seafarer rose to greet them. He recognised Michael and grinned with black and gold teeth.

"I knew you'd be back." He gloated.

"You don't know your nose from your face, old man," Michael chided.

"I see your manners ain't improved much being in the capital." The old man retorted. "What's it to be? Three to Miroco?" The old man spied the pair behind him. Michael nodded begrudgingly and followed the old man to the boat.

It was a short fare to reach Miroco. It was a little island just off the coast with less than a dozen houses. As they approached, an old church came into view and the great spire of the wizard's tower. They reached the shore and paid the old man. Walking along the sand until they arrived in what seemed to be the village, a few inhabitants peered out from their houses.

"Thought you said you ain't comin' back here no more?" A dirty looking child giggled.

"I don't plan on staying long," Michael ruffled the child's hair. "So scram." He winked.

DB and Lucia followed behind. They proceeded toward the looming shadow of the wizard's tower. It was a long brick column overcome with ivy. The windows had been bordered up. It had one tall, narrow door that had been bolted shut. Michael pulled a key attached to the necklace from under his shirt. The door opened with a groan. A puff of dust dispersed through the open door.

"No one's been in here for a while." DB coughed.

The door opened up into a long corridor. DB did a double-take. He stepped in and out of the door, scrutinising the tower.

"It's magic." Michael explained, "This isn't really the tower. It opens up to another place."

"I've never seen a mage with the power to do something like this," Lucia admitted.

They followed Michael down the dark corridor. Lucia lights the hall with her magic. Michael stopped abruptly. He held out his hand. He cast his eyes to the touch holder on the wall.

"Here," He declared. Michael pushed down on the torch holder and the hall in front of them descended down. It revealed a staircase leading below.

"You seem to know this place well," Lucia observed.

"Yeah, I used to live here," Michael replied.

"You used to live here?" DB exclaimed. "Then you knew the Cirillian wizard"

"As well as anyone COULD know him. The old man took me in after my parents died."

They followed Michael into another passageway and up another staircase. Finally, they came out to an opening. They crossed over a wilted courtyard before arriving at a room filled with books.

"This is the old man's study. If he had anything on the door, it'd be here. Just like he left it" Michael said despondently.

"If this is hard for you, we can take it from here," Lucia suggested.

"No, it's fine," Michael dismissed. "It's just weird to be back here. The last time I was here, we got into a big argument." Michael began to inspect the old books.

"What did you argue about?"DB asked, looking over some of the papers on the desk.

"He didn't want me to go to the Capital. He flew into such a rage. I'd never seen him like that," Michael sighed.

"He didn't want you to become a knight?" Lucia questioned.

"I don't know what his problem was," Michael sat down, "He was just like that sometimes. One minute fine and the next..."Michael trailed off.

"Anyway, the next thing I knew he was dead and that was how we left things."

DB and Lucia paused and looked over.

"I'm fine, I swear" Michael raised his hands and smiled. "As I said, it's just weird being back here."

"I'm sorry you had to come back here," Lucia said apologetically.

"I'm the one who said I would come. Besides, it's not bad to see the place again. Even though, I would never come back!" Michael Laughed.

"Guys!" DB called. He opened up an oversized, old book on the desk. "Look at this." He peeled back a page. There was a depiction of a great, ominous door.

"That looks like the door. What does it say?" Michael and Lucia crowded around.

"The Sword Saint mentioned something about this," DB said pointing to a word in the book. "A demon lord."

"I thought demons were just superstitions." Michael remarked.

"According to the Sword Saint, they're real. He said he fought one before." DB explained.

Lucia scanned the page. One paragraph caught her eye. She read the words aloud.

"...having made the sacrifice, a voice came from the void. It said 'I heard your call and came to answer. I smelt your blood and came to taste. I felt your pain and came to take it '"

"Hang on, I think I saw something about the void before," Michael riffled through the books by the door. He pulled another tomb open over the other. He leafed through the pages and skimmed a finger over the page. "I think the void is the same as the demonic dimension."

"Then does that mean a demon lord has the ability to talk to people from beyond the void?"

"I think you're right. Let's keep reading,"

The group stayed reading and investigating the old tombs into the night. They lit a fire in the hearth and sat by it reading.

"Here!" Lucia exclaimed. She beckoned them to her. "This book describes a story similar to the first, only it goes further. It even calls this demon lord by name. In the story, Mesos, the demon lord, offers a king victory in battle. In exchange, the king agrees to allow Mesos to walk on the physical plain. Listen to what it says... 'A contract you have signed, a deal you have made. It cannot be undone. So I have come as you asked, you cannot turn me away '...the demon lord was able to open the door because of whatever deal the king made"

"But what about the seals on the door? Does it mention anything about that?"Michael followed.

"No, it doesn't. From what I can tell though, it looks like they can't break through the seal without making a deal on the other side." Lucia replied.

"That makes sense, the Sword Saint said that they only got through last time because the seal had weakened," DB added.

"But then how would they open the door this time? The seal is still holding."Michael puzzled.

"Ramelle is confident they can open the door. It must mean they have a deal or are going to make a deal."