Chapter 18: Clover

The group were still engrossed in the book when they heard a rustle below the window. They jumped up and looked down on the courtyard. A strange figure was making their way towards the study. They took up their blades and made their way back into the hall.

There was a rumbling sound and then a loud blast.

"They've triggered a trap," Michael surmised. "They'll be lucky if they make it out alive."

The three turned the corner. The edge of the wall was scorched black. An androgynous figure appeared from the smoke. They had the palest skin and silvery-white hair. Yet they were young and beautiful. It wasn't clear what gender they were from their appearance. They spoke in a clear and haunting voice.

"Forgive me for startling you all," The figure held up their hands in surrender. Their pinkish eyes met with the rest of the group. "My name is Clover. I am a friend of the Cirillian wizard."

"I've never heard of you.''Michael snapped still holding out his sword. Clover didn't respond straight away. They scanned the faces of the three. Clover smiled sheepishly.

"How strange. We were such good friends," Clover said finally.

"I don't know who this is," Michael continued. "But the old guys I knew, had no friends."

Lucia gestured for Michael to back down.

"What is it that you want?" Luccia enquired.

"I heard the wizard had passed and I came to pay my respects. But I got lost in here. It's like a maze. I don't even know how long it's been. I saw the light in the tower and rushed over." Clover explained.

"Oh yeah?" Michael challenged. "How did you even get in here? I'm the only one with a key." Michael held the key up.

"I have a key too," CLover smiled. Michael's brow furrowed. He lowered his sword.

"You're a bit late to pay your respects aren't you?" Michael crossed his arms. Clover expression remained unchanged.

"It took a long time to get here," Clover said indifferently. "Since I'm here, can we go inside now? I'm cold."

Michael looked to Lucia. She nodded in agreement. The group made their way back to the study. They warmed themselves by the fire. Lucia and Michael kept a close eye on Clover.

As dawn broke the next morning, Michael heard a soft voice call to him. He awoke from his slumber and flinched when he felt the warm breath on his ear. Clover was leaning in close beside him. Their white, shoulder-length hair escaped from behind their ear and tickled Michael's face. He pulled back instinctively.

"What is it?" Michael groaned.

"There are soldiers outside," Clover whispered.

"What?!" Michael said, coming to his feet. He woke DB and Lucia immediately. They peered cautiously over the side of the window.

"They're from Ramelle," Lucia breathed.

"What are they doing here?" DB whispered.

Lucia swallowed hard.

"They've come for me," Lucia replied softly. She pulled back from the window and slumped against the wall. Michael and DB eyed Lucia wearily.

"There's another exit," Michael said. "Help me shift this shelf."

DB and Michael pushed the bookshelf along the side of the wall. A low, thin door came into view. Michael opened it and squeezed inside. The others followed and closed the door behind them. They emerged into a narrow hallway. They piled down the hall until they came to a door. Michael opened with his key and they all pushed out into a wooded area.

The door behind them was no longer the tower. It belonged to a small cabin. Michael locked the door behind him. He kicked the foliage angrily.

"You!" Michael pointed a finger at Clover. Clover looked back innocently. "How did they get in there? Did you let them in?"

Clover recoiled. "I'm the one who told you they were there."

"You're the only other person with the damn key! What exactly are you playing at?"Michael yelled.

"Maybe you forgot to close the door behind you?" Clover suggested apathetically.

Michael's face twitched. He stepped towards Clover furiously. Clover raised an eyebrow defiantly.

DB stepped between them. "Enough!"

Michael shook his head. "We're in the middle of nowhere now. We're miles off the coast!"

"What do you mean?" DB questioned.

"We just passed through another portal. We're on the other side of the island now." Michael stated.

"Can they get through the door?" Lucia asked.

"No, but if they manage to survive the tower they're gonna be waiting for us at the docks." Michael sighed. "I don't understand what's going on! How did they even know we were here."

Lucia sucked in a breath. "They must have followed me from the capital."

"I don't understand. How did they know what you were up to?" Michael challenged.

"Actually, they're here for another reason," Lucia confessed.

Michael gazed at Lucia incredulously. He clenched his fist.

"We can discuss this later." DB interjected, "Right now, we need to focus on how to get off this island."

"I believe I can help with that," Clover chimed. They smiled and dipped their hands into their pockets. "I have a boat on the other side of the island."

Michael snorted indignantly. "How convenient!"

Clover shrugged their shoulders. "Well, come. Don't come. It's up to you."

"What other choice do we have?" Lucia reminded.

"Tell me you're not buying this!" Michael turned to DB.

"Worst-case scenario, between the three of us, we can fight off whatever comes at us," DB answered.

Michael puffed out his chest. He uncrossed his arms and drew his sword.

"Fine. But try anything and I'll cut you down.``Michael pointed the sword at Clover. CLover smiled and interlocked their fingers behind their back.

"I'll lead the way," Clover said walking ahead. The three followed reluctantly behind.

After walking for around an hour, they eventually saw the coastline emerge in the distance. As Clover had promised, anchored on the sand was a boat with wooden paddles.

They boarded the boat and made their way out to see. It was a wet and windy trip back to the continent. They arrived further down the coast than where they first left off. They began to follow the trail towards the nearest town. By nightfall, they had yet to reach the town and stopped to set up camp. They were all covered in mud and grit. Each one seemed too exhausted to speak. Michael demanded they keep an eye on CLover. They took turns on guard. The night passed restlessly and uncomfortably.

Lucia felt a presence close to her. She opened her eyes. It was morning. Her eyes shifted behind her. Clover was sitting under a tree a foot from her. Their pink eyes watched as Lucia met their gaze. Clover titled their head with a coquettish smile.

"You're up?" Clover asked.

"Yes," Lucia answered sitting up.

"They're still asleep," Clover gestured to the others. "Fell asleep on guard," Clover chuckled.

Lucia nodded slowly without saying anything.

"Tell me something. I told you why I was at the tower. Why were the rest of you there?" CLover asked.

Lucia looked into Clover's face. It was a strangely ageless face.

"We were looking for some information," Lucia answered, rising up.

Clover watched as Lucia began to make her way around the camp. Clover sat still against the tree without rising. Lucia felt the eyes on her back and tried to ignore them.

Later that day, they made their way to the town. They bought some supplies and continued on the journey back to the capital. It would take a lot longer without their horses. They decided to take the forest trail to avoid meeting anyone on the road.

Michael and DB walked at a pace behind Lucia and Clover.

"What's this kid still doing here?" Michael whispered to DB.

DB shrugged. "Dunno. There were plenty of opportunities to set us up if that was the intention." DB reflected. "Seems pretty harmless to me."

"I'm hungry!" Clover yawned loudly from upfront.

"Maybe you should go home and eat then." Michael chided.

"It's more fun to eat with friends," Clover giggled clasping their hands together.

"We could use a break," Lucia admitted. "Why don't we stop here for a while?"

Michael rolled his eyes. They all unpacked and sat down to eat in the midst of the forest.

"Why are you still here?" Michael questioned Clover.

Clover titled their head back as if the question bored them. "I'm having fun."

"I don't know what your game is..."Michael started.

"You look just like him" Clover's eyes narrowed. Michael flinched. "Has anyone ever told you that?" Clover continued.

"I don't look anything like that crazy old man." Michael snapped.

Clover smiled and leant on their hand. "Really?" Clover added suggestively.

"Clover," DB said trying to change the conversation. "Michael is right. You've seen how dangerous it can be. Maybe you should go home."

"I can take care of myself," Clover replied soberly. "I'm something of a mage, you see." Clover snapped their fingers and a blue flame lit on the tip of their finger. Clover smothered the flame in their fist.

"I rarely leave my home," Clover sighed, "So, I'm trying to make the most of it."

"Where is your home?" Lucia enquired.

Clover's long white eyelashes batted. "Someplace far from here. But enough about me! I'm more curious about you guys,"

"What do you want to know?" DB asked.

"Why were those soldiers chasing after you?" Clover grinned eagerly.

Michael glanced at Lucia. Lucia feigned ignorance.

"They were trying to stop us from getting the information we needed," Lucia answered.

"That's not what you said before," Michael interjected. Lucia inhaled.

"They also might have become because of something I did," Lucia confessed.

"What did you do ?" Clover chimed giddily.

"I broke a promise made between my family and the kingdom of Ramelle," Lucia answered.

"And what was so important that you came all the way out here and broke your promise?" Clover gleaned.

"Don't answer that, Luca," Michael cut in.

"Wait, Michael. Clover, you said you were a mage right?" Lucia queried.

"That's right," Clover smiled.

"What if Clover knows the information we need?" Lucia admonished.

"And if this kid's a spy?" Michael returned.

"I'm not a kid," Clover muttered.

"Whatever!" Michael retorted. "I don't trust you. Kid or not."

"Guys," DB said. He was growing tired of playing mediator. "A spy wouldn't tell us what we want to know. In a way, this is a good test."

"What If I don't know the answer?" Clover whined.

"More importantly, what if Clover gives us the wrong information?" Michael added.

"What other choice do we have? Mages are incredibly rare. This might be the only..."Lucia started.

"You don't think things through Luca! You're too impulsive when it comes to anything to do with this," Michael interrupted.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lucia rose to her feet.

DB stood up. "Enough! What's gotten into you two?"

A silence descended over them.

"Maybe I should go after all?" Clover sniffed. "I seem to be causing some problems between you."

"It has nothing to do with you Clover," Lucia replied. "This is because Michael has something he wants to say to me. Why don't you just come out with it?"

Michael shook his head angrily and exhaled. "I'm not the bad guy here, Luca. You keeping stuff from us is the problem. I thought we were done with all the secrets!"

"I'm not hiding things from you on purpose, but at the end of the day, this is my life we're talking about. It's none of your business."

"It is when it affects us too." Michael challenged.

"You agreed to come. I didn't ask you to," Lucia snapped. Michael looked recoiled. His face twinged with annoyance.

"Well we've done what we came to do," Michael said standing up. "Why don't we just go our separate ways?"

"That might be for the best," Lucia replied coldly.