Chapter 19: A Broken Promise

Michael sniffed angrily and began to pack up his belongings. DB looked anxiously between Lucia and Michael. Michael began to march off into the distance. DB hesitated behind.

"You should go with him," Lucia said with a sad smile. "I'm sorry I dragged you guys into this."

DB nodded reluctantly and followed after Michael. Lucia and Clover were left standing in the quiet forest grove.

"What will you do, Clover?"Lucia asked.

"I'll go with you," Clover smiled.

They packed the rest of their belongings and continued through the grove. Clover hummed as they walked.

"They haven't got far you know, your friends," Clovered hinted. "We could probably still catch up with them."

"How can you tell?" Lucia answered, glancing towards Clover.

"I can sense their mana," Clover's eyes twinkled. Lucia watched Clover. They skipped cheerfully behind.

"How did you become a mage, Clover? I thought most of the schools had closed."

"It was a long time ago but someone took me in as an apprentice," Clover beamed. "Now I have a question!"

Lucia looked silently at Clover.

"I guess you are a knight? Am I right?" Clover queried.

"That's right." Lucia said looking ahead.

"Hmmm. A female knight. Also very unusual, yes?" Clover said thoughtfully.

Lucia stopped abruptly. She turned to Clover.

"How did you know? The other's didn't realise."

"I can just tell these things," Clover grinned proudly. "I also guessed a few other things."

"Like what?"

"I have to keep something to myself." Clover laughed. "I tend to look smarter if I do."

Lucia inhaled. Despite the mystery around Clover, there was something endearing about them.

"Tell me honestly, Clover. Why were you at the tower?"Lucia asked.

Clover tilted their head thoughtfully. "I met the wizard a long time ago. We were friends, this is true. Some time ago, the wizard wrote to me asking for my help. I was occupied at the time. I put off making the journey. By the time I arrived on the continent, word came that he had died. I thought it was strange. I went to the tower to investigate." Clover confessed.

"Did you find anything strange?"

"No, nothing." Clover sighed. "I wasn't even sure what I was looking for. I suppose that's why I followed you."

"You thought we might know something?"

Clover nodded. Lucia couldn't help but feel Clover could be trusted. And if the Cirillians wizard's death had anything to do with the door, no one but a mage would be able to help them.

"Clover. The truth is we couldn't find all the information we needed when we went to the tower."

"What information were you looking for?"

"We're trying to find information about a demon's door."

Clover's expression didn't change. "And what did you find?"

"All we could decipher was that a demon can make a contract to open the door. But it didn't mention the seals that the Cirillian wizard put on the door. And we didn't have the time to figure out how a deal was made. Do you know anything about it?" Lucia explained.

Clover paused as if in thought. "The way a deal is made varies from person to person. You can find the mark of the contract on the person's body."

"So you about it?" Lucia said eagerly. "What else?"

"First of all, the contracts are not easy to form. They require a great deal of mana. Also, a person cannot ask a demon for a deal. One has to be offered to them." Clovered scratch their head. "As for the seals..."

Before Clover could answer, they heard a commotion up ahead. The sound of horses and swords clashing.

"Do you know what's going on?" Lucia asked as they made their way toward the sound.

"Your friends...they're surrounded," Clover sensed.

They rushed towards the noise. They dashed through a shroud of trees. They came out into an opening. Michael and DB were on their knees with their hands in the air. Their swords were on the ground in front of them. Empire soldiers sat on horseback overlooking them.

"Are these the ones from before?" Clover whispered.

"No." Lucia replied. "They're knights from the capital. I don't know what's going on."

Lucia scanned the faces of the knights. Albaric and Victor emerged from behind the other troops.

"Why don't you make this easy for yourselves?" Victor smirked. "Just tell us where he is?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Michael growled.

"Sure you do!" Victor dismounted. "You were seen together in a town just south of here. Let's not play games with one another." Victor unsheathed his sword and held it to Michael's neck.

Lucia instinctively lunged forward. Clover pulled her back.

"I said, I don't know," Michael spat defiantly.

Victor frightened the grip on his sword and pulled the sword back. Albaric rushed in between them.

"Let's all calm down." Albairc smoothed. "Look, your friend's not in trouble. They just need to come back with us."

"What for?" DB questioned.

"None of your damn business," Victor sneered. "The order came from the Emperor himself. We're taking him back. Now either you can help us or you can be disciplined for disobeying an order."

Michael and DB remained silent.

"I guess we're doing this the hard way," Victor sighed. "Take them." He instructed.

From the bushes, Lucia shifted uneasily.

"We need to help them. They're going to take them." Lucia whispered.

"We're outnumbered. You should know yourself, the Empire's knights are not a joke. We need to bid our time and come up with a plan," Clover urged.

The sound of a galloping horse snuck up from behind them. They both turned startled. A knight approached from horseback.

"Here!" He called.

The other knight's surrounded them. They were dragged over to the rest of the group.

"See I knew they couldn't be far off!" Victor announced proudly. Albaric looked on sympathetically.

"We caught them!" Victor called back.

"What is this all about?" Lucia demanded. Victor smirked and said nothing.

Prince Keitel approached the rest of the knights. They made their way as he passed on horseback into the clearing. He looked down frostily.

"Your Majesty?" Lucia gasped.

"Take them," Keitel commanded.

"At least tell me what's going on!" Lucia demanded. Keitel peered down unmoved.

"There's a warrant out for your arrest." He answered.

"Arrest? For what?" Lucia spat.

"You have an obligation to fulfil. You didn't think you could run away did you?" With that Keitel signalled for the troops to move out. As he began to canter away, the troops tied the group by the wrists and dragged them along with the horses.

"This wouldn't have anything to do with that promise you said you broke. You know the one that has nothing to do with us?" Michael huffed from upfront.

"Oh drop it, Michael," DB groaned.

"You must have broken one hell of a promise," Michael continued. "And you're still not saying anything?"

"I'm sorry," Lucia answered flatly.

"Quiet it back there!" Victor called from the front. The friction of the rope burned against their wrists as they were dragged onwards. The long trip was made back to the Empire. Keitel refused to speak to Lucia after that day. He looked on coldly without a glance back. Eventually, they reached the Capital where they were thrown into a dungeon cell.


"I can't believe this," Michael sulked. "Hiding a fugitive. What bullshit! We didn't even know,"

"I'm sorry," Lucia said in a low voice.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. That's all we heard all the way back. But no explanation. Maybe they were right about you all along," Michael yelled.

"That's enough, Michael," DB interjected.

"No, I'll say what everyone is thinking. I think you are a spy. All this time acting like you want to help the Empire. The truth is, the villain here is you!"

Lucia lunged at Michael from the other side of the cell. She grabbed him by his collar and punched him. She grabbed his collar and raised a fist to hit him again.

"Did I say anything wrong?" Michael challenged.

"I am not a villain!" Lucia screamed back.

"Oh. That actually got a rise out of you." Michael raised his chin defiantly. "Sure looks that way to me."

Lucia's eyes scanned Michael's face and the mark from her fist. She could see DB's and Clover's face from the corner of her eye. There was a deafening silence.She released her grip. She bit her lip and slumped over.

"This is not who I want to be. I don't want to be alone anymore! If you have to know. If I have to tell you, fine. Just don't call me the villain," Lucia said, tears swelling in her eyes. Michael blinked in shock.

At that moment a guard appeared in the hallway.

"You're free to go," He declared opening the cell. The group rose to leave.

"Not you," He barked, pushing Lucia back.

"Why can't he go?" DB questioned.

"Orders from up top," The guard replied. He ushered the three down the hall, leaving Lucia bent over. Tears ran down her cheeks. She let out a sob. It felt like a release of everything she had been keeping in. She cried till no more tears would come out.

A few days passed. The guard returned. This time Albaric accompanied him.

"It's time." He said softly, a hint of pity in his eyes. The guard pulled Lucia up. Her eyes were swollen and her face thinner.

"You should know he isn't doing this to spite you," Albaric said as they passed down the halls. Lucia glanced up wearily. "The Prince is just as much tied to the contract as you are." Albaric continued.

Lucia said nothing. She was led into a dressing room. A crowd of lady's maids were waiting.

"I'll be outside." Albaric smiled wistfully. Lucia knew why he was really there. It was to prevent her from making a break. To be made a Captain so young, there was no doubt Albaric was an accomplished warrior. Even, she would have trouble getting past him. And even if she did, she knew there would be more waiting. Lucia resigned herself for what was to come.

The maid dashed back and forth. They bathed and dressed Lucia. They pulled her into a boned corset and laced her into an elegantly embroidered white dress. She was covered in a layer of makeup and perfumes. Her hair was dressed up and a flowery veil placed over her head. She had never imagined her wedding day. Nevermind, getting married at all. Even if it was just a ruse for Duke Morton, it seemed real enough. At least, in the eyes of the Empire, this wedding was the real deal.

Lucia looked at herself. It was as though a stranger was looking back. She felt a lump in her throat. She wanted to rip the veil out of her hair. Instead, she inhaled sharply. Her eyelashes fluttered to hold back the tears. The maids filtered out of the room. Albaric entered.

Albaric looked over Lucia and held his hand out. Lucia slowly took his hand.

"If it's any consolation, you look beautiful." He breathed as they turned the corner.

"Thank you," Lucia answered in a restrained voice. They proceeded into a part of the palace Lucia had never seen before. It was grander than even the most extravagant affairs in Ramelle. They entered the royal temple.