Chapter 20: The Wedding

It was a beautiful hall with magnificent high ceilings. Golden beams and arches were set beside delicate tapestry. The stained glass windows cast a rainbow of colours across the floor. Rows of people came to their feet. Music began to play and Lucia was escorted down the aisle by her father.

"I'm sorry, father," Lucia whispered as they made their way down the long passageway.

The Duke of Trimaund smiled weakly. "What's done is done. From this day on, you will be a princess of the Empire. It is an accomplishment."

At the end of the aisle, A sister was waiting. Her face was decorated in ceremonial paint. Behind her was Lome's looming figure holding the moon in her hands. In the audience, The Emperor and King of Ramelle sat at each side of the aisle in the first row. Duke Morton and some other Officials from Ramelle were also present.

Across from the sister, stood Keitel dressed in regal attire. His raven hair was pulled back. The radiant silk suit sat well against his porcelain skin. The contours of his muscles could be seen through the material of his shirt. Lucia thought he was the most handsome man she had ever seen. But his eyes were set rigidly ahead. His whole demeanour gave an air of forbidding.

As she arrived at his side, he didn't once look her way. The sister began the ceremony. Lucia looked up at Keitel's face from under her veil. He remained stone-faced, his gaze unshifting. The sister held out an emblem of Lome's spear and placed it in front of them. White ribbons cascaded down from the tip of the blade.

"Lucia Levi Strauss from house Trimaund, today you bind yourself not just to this man but to the Empire. When you place your hand upon the spear, you give yourself over. You place your loyalty and love in Lome's care and you will be bonded."

Lucia glanced back at her father. She knew if she refused now, her family would be punished. Lucia placed her hand upon the spear.

"First Prince of the Empire, Keitel Navarre. When you place your hand upon this woman, you claim her and the future line of the Empire. You give yourself over. You place your loyalty and love in Lome's care and you will be bonded."

Keitel placed his hand over Lucia's. His palm was cold to the touch.

"Lome watch us. Lome guide us. Lome heal us. A bond is formed that only death can break." The sister concluded.

The guests made their way to the banquet hall. An indulgent spread had been laid out. Lucia and Keitel were sat together at the head table by the Emperor. Music was played and the guests began to eat and dance.

After a while, the guests and various officials from either side began to make speeches. The Emperor gave the last speech.

"As you all know, today marks a historic day for Ramelle and the Empire. Ramelle is now a citizen of the Empire. I celebrate not only for my son but for the glorious future that awaits us!" The Emperor raised a glass. Keitel swallowed a large gulp of his wine and began to pour another.

Lucia looked out into the crowd. She could see many familiar faces. However, Michael and DB were nowhere to be seen. She exhaled unconsciously. Keitel's eyes narrowed. He rose abruptly from his seat and made his way into the crowd. He was about to approach Victor when Laurence greeted him.

"Brother. I congratulate you on your marriage." Laurence smiled. "You have done something not even father could achieve."

Keitel raised an eyebrow.

"You have finally put Ramelle underfoot, so to speak. And you have been rewarded with a beautiful bride. It truly is a day to celebrate." Laurence laughed. Keitel glanced waywardly at Lucia and back to Laurence. Laurence leaned in close so only his brother could hear.

"I'm sure you'll soon forget the humiliation of chasing after your runaway bride. The people of the court have short memories anyways." Laurence smirked as he patted his brother on the back. He pulled away and made his way through the crowd. Keitel's expression remained blank as he took another swig of his wine.

"Easy there, Friend!" Victor laughed. "Leave some for your guests."

Victor wrapped his arm around Keitel's shoulder.

"Ignore him. It won't be long now before you're Emperor. This is a win for you." Victor reassured.

"I can't exactly take credit for this." Keitel exhaled. "Once, Ramelle offered themselves over to the Empire, my father was practically eating out of their hand."

"Careful. You don't know who's listening." Victor warned.

"What does it matter now? It's done." Keitel pulled away.

The ceremony came to an end. Keitel and Lucia were escorted into the royal palace. They proceeded to the royal bed chamber. The doors were shut behind them.


Keitel loosened his shirt and threw his jacket on the bed. He opened a bottle of wine that had been laid out. He poured himself a drink. He sipped it slowly without saying anything. His eyes looked on into the fireplace.

Lucia stood uneasy by the doorways watching him. He glanced up.

"What are you still doing here? Get out." Keitel waved his hand.

"Where would I go?" Lucia replied.

"I don't know. Don't care. Just get lost," Keitel said, taking another sip of wine.

"You know that they won't allow me to leave," Lucia said holding her ground.

Keitel staggered unsteadily to his feet and loomed over Lucia. His palm slammed down heavily on the door behind. He was so close Lucia could feel his breath on her neck. She shuddered. His hair escaping over his eyes, he looked down on Lucia. Keitel's face was slightly red.

"I said get out." He breathed.

Lucia stared back into his piercing blue eyes unwaveringly. Keitel sniffed and pulled in close. His skin brushed against Lucia's cheek. His hot breath tickled her ear.

"You really had me fooled." He whispered. "Is this still part of your game?"

Lucia tried to move away. His other hand came down on the door.

"Is it only fun when we play with your rules?" He snarled. His lips caressed Lucia's neck aggressively. He nuzzled her chest. His hand stroked the back of Lucia's neck. Lucia's face flushed pink. His touch made her shiver. He found his way to her lips. He laid a hot and heavy kiss, pushing Lucia up against the door. His hand skimmed the side of Lucia's waist.

Lucia's chest rose and fell hard as her heart pounded. Her hands came up to Keitel's face. Pushing back his hair, she kissed him back. Then, she heard a click come from behind her. Keitel pried away from her. The door behind swung open. She stumbled back.

"OUT" Keitel repeated firmly. He slammed the door shut behind him.

Lucia's eyes widened. Her face was red and her breath unhinged. She reeled back. There were two guards by the door. She covered herself flustered. She swallowed hard.

" there somewhere I can sleep?" Lucia managed to get out. The guards looked at each other nervously. "Please," Lucia added.

They escorted her to an empty room across the hall. She fell into a restless sleep.

The next morning, Lucia awoke to a feeling of emptiness. She had been pushed out with only the clothes on her back. Barefoot and still in her wedding dress, she peaked across the hall. The guards were still stationed at the door. As soon as they spotted her, they informed her that the Prince had already left for breakfast.

Lucia enquired where her belongings were. They lead into a room on the far side of the palace. As they proceeded down the hall, she couldn't help but notice the area was more sparse than where she had been. They arrived in the sequestered room. A maid appeared. She was a tall middle-aged woman with a stern expression.

"We'll bring back the rest of your belongings later today." The maid scanned Lucia. "We did not expect you to leave the martial chamber so quickly." There was an unmistakable tone of disapproval in her voice.

"I am Mary, head maid. I will have the room prepared." She bowed curtly and signalled for another girl. She came running down the hall. She brushed past Lucia and began to unpack.

Lucia sat on the bed staring down at her bare feet. She felt unseasonably cold.

"Mary," Lucia called. "Where is the Prince?"

Mary looked up with an air of agitation. "I will guide you there. Would you like to dress first?" She said with a constrained smile. Lucia nodded with a flash of red coming across her chest.


Once she was ready, Mary took Lucia across the gardens. As they passed back into the corridor they were met by another going the opposite direction. The gentlemen stopped when he saw Lucia. He had familiar sharp blue eyes. They looked over Lucia with curiosity and another motion that was hard to read. He bowed cordially. A flicker of his auburn hair fell over his eyes. He brushed it back and made his introduction.

"My Lady, I believe we have yet to be formally introduced." He smiled. "I'm Laurence. I was delighted when I heard my brother was to be married to such a lovely bride."

"You flatter me," Lucia returned. "So you are Keitel's brother?"

"That's right. Are you on your way to see my brother now? Perhaps, you would let me accompany you?"

Lucia nodded and they continued down the hall. Laurence continued to chat away idly about the wedding and the weather. Lucia felt he was very different from Keitel. He had an easygoingness about him and a frivolity seldom seen in Keitel. However, she noted there was something appraising in his expression that didn't match with the words he spoke. At last, he set upon the discussion of Lucia's time as a knight.

"I couldn't believe it when I learned my lady used to be a knight." He laughed. "I even heard you bested my brother in the knight's entrance examination."

"That's not exactly how it went..." Lucia to answer.

"Oh but I know you manage to do some damage at the very least," Laurence interjected.

"IS it well known that I was a knight before?" Lucia enquired. Laurence's expression didn't change.

"No, of course not. I only know because my brother told me," Laurence smiled again. "If people knew that my Lady was a knight, it might cause a stir. Father made sure your background was hidden from the public. I doubt most would recognise you as you are now, anyway."

Lucia studied his face as he spoke. He was the only person who had showed her any kindness since she had been dragged back to the palace. Yet, she couldn't help but distrust him somehow. She feigned a smile and they continued walking.

Finally, they reached the dining room. A breakfast spread was laid out. Keitel was seated at the table taking a sip of tea. He examined them carefully as they entered but said nothing.

"I will leave you in brother's care then, Lady Lucia. I enjoyed our talk. I hope we can do it again soon," Laurence bowed. If only for a brief moment he scanned his brother's face and smiled. He left, leaving Lucia standing in front of Keitel.

Keitel lowered his cup. It rattled against the plate. He rose to his feet.

"I wish to speak with you," Lucia said quickly. "Alone." She added eying the guards.

"I thought I made my feelings clear last night," Keitel responded indifferently. "OR do I have to actually say the words?"

Lucia flinched as she recalled the previous night.

"I know you are angry with me," Lucia began.

Keitel scoffed. He waved the guards away. He took a step towards Lucia. "I'm bored with this. Whatever this is, I'm not interested."

"Please, let me finish." Lucia implored.

"Husband. No, I should say, wife, right? What is it exactly that you expect from me? Let me dispel any notion you may have about this marriage. We are married in name only. We will live our lives separately for the sake of our nations. As you once said, this is our duty, nothing more."

"I don't expect you to love me. What I did was wrong but will you at least let me explain why I did it?"

"I already know why you did it!" Keitel snapped. "You and your pathetic country have been grovelling for the Empire's crumbs for years. But you hatched this scheme without enough thought. The Emperor will not allow you to continue autonomously. You will bend to the Empire soon enough."

"You think I planned this? That I conspired with Ramelle to become a princess?"

Keitel smirked. "It was a nice touch, dressing as a boy. Pretending to reject me. Saving my life. All just to ensnare me into this godforsaken marriage!"

Lucia recoiled in shock.

"Consider yourself lucky we weren't able to track down the assassins. No doubt we would find Ramelle at the heart of it," Keitel made a line for the door. Lucia stepped in front of him.

"You're wrong," She told him firmly. "About everything! I was not working with Ramelle. I didn't hire assassins to kill you or dress as a boy to get your attention. I rejected you because I didn't want us to be trapped in this marriage either! You don't know how I wanted to say yes but I knew this would happen,"

"That's my point. You KNEW this would happen. You could've told me that day. But you didn't because you wanted this to happen!"

"I wanted us to be trapped in a marriage where you could never love me?!" Lucia screamed back. Her own voice startled her. She pulled herself back. Her fists were already shaking.

"This is not what I wanted to talk about." She said trying to regain her composure.

"If it hasn't occurred to you yet, LUCIA..." He said her name with a disdain that pierced her heart, " I don't care what you WANT!" Keitel stormed out of the room.