Chapter 21: Princess Leila

As the sound of the door slamming behind Keitel echoed throughout the room, Lucia sighed. She ate her breakfast in silence. He was not going to yield on this. He was too angry. It was a shock to hear what he really said about her. More than anything, Lucia had gone into this new life to write the wrongs of the past. She wanted to prove that she wasn't who they said she was. Yet, in doing so, somehow she had made herself a villainess.

Mary sought Lucia out later that day. After showing her to the study, Mary unravelled a long list and presented it to Lucia. It was a list of duties and responsibilities which fell to a new princess. Lucia heard that the Empress died many years ago. She wondered who had been in charge of the palace all this time. There seemed to be an endless amount of work to be done. As Lucia scrolled down the list of expectations and obligations, she felt nauseous.

She never connected with her role as a lady in society. Any opportunity to do so had long passed. To Lucia, this marriage was part of a scheme and as Keitel had pointed out, was in name only. A part of her hadn't really processed what being a princess would entail.

The first thing on the list was to greet the ladies of the court. Traditionally a tea party would be held. The Princess would be expected to host, make pleasantries and form political bonds. However, what little Lucia did know about being a lady in society was specific to Ramelle. She had no idea about etiquette in the Empire.

Lucia peeled her eyes up at Mary who was still standing, waiting for Lucia's response. Lucia set the list down.

"Mary, as you know, I am not familiar with the customs in the Empire." Lucia watched a flicker in Mary's expression. "Will you be able to educate me in these matters?"

"Me? Your ladyship, that would be quite inappropriate. I think it would be better to call the royal governess to provide instruction." Mary asserted.

"I see. Very well, please contact the royal governess." Lucia replied. Perhaps, there could be an opportunity in this. By becoming acquainted with the ladies of the court, she might find allies who would believe her. As Mary turned to leave, Lucia called out to her once more.

"One more thing," Lucia added. "If not you, then who had been performing these duties?"

"The Princess," Mary stated flatly.

"What Princess?"

"Princess Leila," Mary replied matter of factly. " Your husband's sister." She added with a hint of contempt in her voice.

Lucia had never heard about the princess before. Since she didn't have her husband's favour, it would be difficult to impress the ladies of the court. She needed someone on her side.

"I wish to meet with Princess Leila," Lucia proposed. "Can you arrange it?"

Mary curtsied and made her way out of the room. She hadn't left long before Lucia heard a knock at the door. She rose to her feet. Was it Keitel?

"Come in,"

Lucia's eyes widened. She came out quickly from behind her desk.

"Clover!" She exclaimed. "I thought I would never see you again."

Clover smiled and wrapped their arms around Lucia. There was a mischievous twinkle in Clover's eye.

"You didn't think you could get rid of me that easily did you?" Clover giggled.

Lucia pulled back and examined CLover.

"I thought you wouldn't forgive me. You were imprisoned because of me after all."

"I never hold grudges," Clover took a seat.

"I'm surprised they let you in here," Lucia said. She pulled her seat out to sit closer to Clover.

"That is the blessing of being a mage. Once they found out, they were all too happy to welcome me." Clover clasped their hands together. Clover inspected Lucia for a moment. "You don't look well," Clover observed.

Lucia exhaled.

"The last few days..." Lucia breathed jaggedly. "It's been a lot," She smiled wearily.

"I can imagine," Clover nodded sympathetically. "Much has changed since I last saw you, no?"

"I had hoped it wouldn't come to this," Lucia sighed thoughtfully. "I am glad you came, Clover. I haven't heard anything from the others." Lucia added sadly.

"Give it time," Clover suggested. "For now, since I am a guest here, perhaps you can be satisfied with my company?"

Lucia flushed and nodded. "Thank you, Clover."

Somehow, though she hardly knew Clover, their presence was immensely comforting. She felt strangely that Clover was on her side. Even though she wondered why.

"Clover, about what we talked about before..." Lucia began.

Clover held up a finger. "Ah wait! You don't know who could hear." Clover clicked their fingers. A layer of magic enveloped the entire room. It instantly faded. Lucia's brow creased. She looked at Clover estonded. It was one thing to clover a sword in mana or realise a burst of mana, but to cloak an entire room and maintain the mana. Mages really were an entirely different breed. Clover gestured for Lucia to continue.

"It's about the seals, I need to know more about them," Lucia explained. Clover sniffed and titled their head back.

"The seals. Yes, the seals." An expression crossed Clover's face that Lucia didn't quite comprehend.

"Historically, seals were put on the doors just to keep them closed. THis was a way to separate this world from the void. But the demon lord's found a work around. They realised as the seals weakened, that they were able to open the doors by making a contract with humans." Clover explained.

"To combat this problem, the mages worked to improve the technique. They made it so certain conditions had to be met before the door could open. Meaning that even if a contract was made, the door wouldn't open." Clover finished.

"And what are the conditions that have to be met?"Lucia enquired.

"That I cannot say. The conditions are inscribed on the door by the wizard who seals it." Clover replied.

Lucia remembered how close she had come to the door and felt agitations. Clover looked over Lucia once more.

"What exactly is your interest in the door?" Clover asked with an unusually serious tone. Lucia hesitated. Her mind told her to keep quiet but she had been keeping it all in for so long. Everytime she had lied or kept things to herself, it had only back fired. She really just wanted to tell someone. And Clover seemed to be trustworthy. Certainly, Clover knew more about the door than anyone else. It made sense to trust Clover.

Lucia recounted her suspicions about Ramelle, how she had found the door in the Empire and about Duke Morton. Clover listened patiently without saying a word till Lucia had finished. Lucia looked at CLover eagerly, wondering if they would believe the story. Clover put a hand on Lucia's arm.

"You were very brave to go hunting for the answers yourself," Clover smiled. The way Clover made them seem much older than they appeared. "I see now why you are so opposed to this marriage. Do you think that your marriage is related to one of the conditions on the door?"

"That must be it! I don't know what other motivation Duke Morton could have. I don't know how far he's gotten. He could already be able to open the door. And if so, what is he waiting for?" Lucia spluttered.

"And the Prince, what does he say?" Clover rejoined.

"The Prince?"Lucia paused. "He doesn't say anything. He's too angry to listen. I think he hates me."

"I see. Then, perhaps I can help you!" Clover jumped up and smiled. "I can go to the door and find out what is written there!"

Lucia gaped at Clover in amazement. "You would do that for me?" Still in shock.

"Of course, It's a good idea, no?" Clover twirled around.

"It is," Said Lucia slowly. "But why? Why are you helping me?"

"Does there always have to be a reason to help someone?" Clover leaned in close to Lucia.

"No, but it's a lot of effort to go to someone you just met," Lucia exclaimed.

Clover smiled but said nothing. Lucia rose to Clover's side and clasped their hand.

"Thank you, Clover," She said earnestly. Clover gave a playful bow and skipped to the door.

"I'll be back in no time at all. You'll see!" Clover smiled.


Over a week passed before a letter arrived from Princess Leila. Lucia had been tutored daily by the royal governess. Outside of her lessons, she felt increasingly isolated. Keitel avoided her at all costs. While Mary remained as cold and unsympathetic as usual. Lucia felt lonely.

She could not leave the palace. Nor had any other letters come for her. She worried about Clover and whether something had gone wrong. But she had no way of finding out more information. She was watched closely by the guards. She wrote to Michael and DB but no response came. She wondered if they even received the letters at all. It felt like there was nothing she could do.

Lucia scanned Leila's letter eagerly. Princess Leila invited Lucia to tea the following day. Lucia had tried to find out more about Princess Leila from Mary. However, Mary would hardly answer her questions. Princess Leila remained somewhat of a mysterious figure. From what her governess said, she was universally loved in court. Yet, she rarely made public appearances.

Lucia prepared for their meeting. She needed this to go well. Five minutes passed by the arranged time. Lucia sat anxiously at the tea table. She had personally selected the treats and tea. After another few minutes, the door clicked.

A pale young woman with long black hair entered the room. She had the delicate elegance that was popular in the Empire. She walked in a refined and poised manner. As Lucia rose to greet her she observed the same sharp blue eyes as Keitel. The girl seemed familiar. Despite Leila's warm smile and fragile physique, there was something dominating about her air. They exchanged greetings and took a seat at the table.

"I apologise for my delay in responding to your letter," Said Leila, taking a sip of tea. "I was busy with other duties as you can imagine."

Lucia nodded sympathetically. "I have learned that Princesses of the Empire have a lot of responsibilities,"

"The men of this family are great with the sword and waging battles but they often neglect the social obligations of being a royal. Though my brother is the exception," Leila responded eloquently. "We must lead by example," Leila added.

"That is part of the reason I wished to meet," Lucia began. "I don't if I am qualified to meet all the expectations of my role. I hope I can learn from you, Princess."

Leila gave a restrained smile. "I don't know if I can be much help there. My ill health prevents me from many of my duties as it stands. I only do what I can."

"From what I can tell, the palace is still managed very well," Lucia smiled.

Leila set her cup down. Her eyes narrowed as she appraised Lucia. "That is because of my brother's tireless efforts on my behalf. Perhaps, your husband would be better equipped to educate you on the management of the palace." Leila added icily.

Lucia swallowed. She recalled where she had first met Leila. It was the night of the knight's ball. Leila and Keitel seemed to be closer than she had realised.

"I would ask him, but he will not speak to me. If you could help me to make amends I would be in your debt," Lucia implored.

Leila let out a laugh under her breath.

"I don't know what your brother has told you..."Lucia started.

"It's not what he has told me but what I have witnessed myself," Leila interjected.

Her expression grew cold. "First, you trap my brother in a political marriage. Then, you humiliate him in front of the entire Empire. And now, here you are grovelling behind his back. Speaking of duty of which you know none of, what exactly do you expect me to say? You dare ask me to help you? Why would I?" Leila laughed again.

Before, Lucia could respond. Leila tapped the table loudly.

"This, everything around you, it will belong to my brother. You are nothing. Do you understand? You will not usurp one single gold coin from us. As soon as my brother is Emperor, you will be shipped back from whence you came. Until then, expect that your time in the Empire will be befitting of the greedy pest that you are." Leila rose to her feet. "Now, you must excuse me. I do have another appointment to attend to."

Leila opened the door. She turned to Lucia and smiled sweetly. " I have enjoyed our time together. Let us do it again soon."