Chapter 22: The Villainess

Lucia scoffed. She had never met a woman quite like Leila. Or more accurately, she had been surrounded by men for most of her adult life. She was surprised that such savage words could come from such a delicate-looking lady. She could definitely tell that Leila was related to Keitel. That icy temperament seemed to run in the family. Only, Laurence seemed to be different from his siblings.

Lucia leaned back in her chair. She looked at the spread she had prepared. Leila had barely finished her tea. The interaction had not gone to plan. But it did explain a lot. This was why Mary and the other servants around the palace were so cold. It seemed everyone had a poor impression of her.

Lucia decided the ladies tea party would be the first step to remedy this. Over the next week, Lucia worked tirelessly to arrange the party. In truth, she needed something to occupy herself. It was the only way to combat the feeling of powerlessness she felt.

The day of the tea party came at last. Lucia had gone over the etiquette with the governess again and again. Everything was ready. Lucia sat in the parlour waiting for the guests to arrive. Time passed, one by one letter began to arrive. Every lady of the court she had invited wrote in with some tedious excuse as to why they could not attend.

The timing of the letters all arriving on the day of the party was odd. Finally, the last letter arrived. It was from Princess Leila. It said there was another tea party being thrown on the same day. Lucia questioned Mary.

"Why am I only receiving this now?"

Mary resisted the urge to shrug. "It just came now." She answered somewhat rehearsed.

Lucia understood at once what was happening. This was what Leila had meant by befitting treatment. Lucia couldn't help but smile at the irony. She was trying to do things the right way. Ultimately, she was trying to do the right thing. Yet, she had driven away everyone.

She had resisted the title of villainess for so long. But that was who she was to everyone. Lucia was tired of trying to appease everyone. If they wanted a villainess then maybe that's what she would give them.


After the failure of the tea party, Lucia retreated into herself. Between her husband and Leila, she had no respite from the cold treatment. She sat staring out of her window. She felt like a prisoner.

"Maybe, I'm being punished by the gods," Lucia considered.

She was disturbed from her thoughts by a rattling from behind her. It was the door of the wardrobe. Lucia took a blade from the table and proceeded to the door. As she reached for the handle, the door swung open. Clover tumbled out. Lucia lowered the blade and helped Clover to their feet.

"How did you get in there?" Lucia gasped. Clover clicked their head to the side.

"A little mages trick. Seems I'm a bit rusty though," Clover said dusting themself down. Clover collapsed onto one of the chairs. Lucia stood by hopefully.

"How did it go? I was worried about you." Lucia gushed.

"It did not go to plan. There were more guards than anticipated. I only got a quick look before they started chasing me," Clover let out an exhausted sigh. "Here," Clover passed Lucia a scrap of paper.

"What does it say?" Lucia said looking at the strange symbols.

"It's one of the conditions. The wizard used a cypher. I had to go back to the tower to decipher it - that's what took so long," Clover leaned forward. "It says 'blood of the Blue Sun'."

"Blue Sun? What is that?" Lucia asked.

"That is the old way of calling the royal family in the Empire," Clover revealed.

The words took a moment to sink in Lucia. Perhaps, the marriage was never about her part. Maybe it was about the Prince's part!

"Then they mean to kill the royal family?!" Lucia cried.

Clover shrugged their shoulders. " Could be."

"Clover, I have to go!" Lucia rushed to the door. "Sorry, I'll be back."

Clover waved her off.

She didn't quite know why she was running. But she felt now Keitel would have to listen. After all, she had proof. She soon found the Prince's study. She burst into the room.

Keitel was writing at his desk. He looked mildly annoyed. Victor stood at his side leaning over the desk. His eyes looked over Lucia appraisingly.

"I'll come back later," Victor stated. He passed Lucia, eyeing her suspiciously.

"What do you want?" Keitel inhaled.

"I need to speak with you!" Lucia asserted.

"This conversation feels oddly familiar," Keitel said rising from his desk.

"This is important. It's not about us. It's what I was trying to tell you before. There's a plot to harm a member of the royal family. Now I can prove it," Lucia revealed the scrap of paper.

Keitel didn't react. He began to file the papers on his desk without looking up.

"Are you listening?" Lucia questioned.

"I am," Keitel said flatly, continuing what he was doing.

"The truth is that Ramelle is plotting to open the Demon Door in the Empire. That is why I came to the Empire originally. I found out the door could be opened early by making a contract with a Demon lord. Just now, I got confirmation that the seals can be broken by using the blood from a member of the royal family," Lucia said breathlessly.

"The door in Veldeer? And this is why you snuck out there?"


"So if you are saying you're not working with Ramelle, how did you know the door was there in the first place?"

"I didn't know what would be there. All I knew was that there was something in the Empire that Ramelle was after. This is why I was against the wedding. It's somehow involved in Ramelle's plot" Lucia looked to the Prince eagerly.

Keitel turned to face her and leaned back against his desk. "I see,"

Lucia began to smile. "You do? Oh, I thought you wouldn't believe me. I wanted to tell you before but I didn't know how. I'm not a spy for Ramelle. All along, I only wanted to find out what they were scheming. You have to know, I hate Ramelle. I need you to believe me," Lucia unconsciously moved towards him.

"I do see. It's clear to me now," Keitel placed a hand on Lucia's cheek. Lucia beamed. "You've completely lost your mind," Keitel said coldly. He passed Lucia and headed to the door. Lucia grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

"Are you really so blinded by anger and pride, that you would endanger the Empire?" She yelled.

"I'm blinded?" Keitel snapped. "What about you? Do you not hear yourself? Ranting and raving about some door. Ramelle will never get near that door. Never. I think the real reason you've bought into this conspiracy is that it makes things easier for you."

Lucia recoiled. "Easier for me? Do you know how hard it was to even say this to you?"

"It's easier to blame all your problems on Ramelle than admit the mistakes that YOU made."

"I already said I was wrong. You're the one who wouldn't accept my apology."

"And what exactly are you sorry for, Lucia?"

Lucia blinked incredulously. "I know I kept things from you but don't you think you're taking this too far?"

"Even in the story you told me just now, you don't see it do you? This whole time you were just using me. And look at you now, you're still trying to manipulate me." Keitel pried Lucia's hand from his arm. "I hate people like you the most."

Lucia's arm fell at the wayside. She felt her eyes prick with tears. She clenched her fist.

"Then how about I reword this," She stared at him angrily. " You won't help me and I can't give up on this. So, why don't we settle this once and for all? One-on-one combat. If I win, you will help me."

Keitel smirked. "And if you lose?"

"I'll do whatever you ask. Send me away. Have me locked up. Do as you please."

Keitel looked over at Lucia and grinned. "You haven't held a sword in weeks. You sure you're up for it? You can't make excuses later."

"If you recall, I don't need a sword to beat you." Lucia sneered.

"Fine. Just don't regret it. I won't hold back," Keitel sniffed.

"I never expected you to," Lucia marched to the door. " Tomorrow at dawn?"

"I'll tell the guards to escort you to the training grounds." Keitel smiled.


The sun streaked into Lucia's room the next morning. She was already wide awake. The previous night, some knights had brought her sword and armour. She dressed herself that morning. She left behind her hairpiece. There would be no perfume, makeup and dresses today. She stared at herself in the mirror. She felt more like herself than she had in weeks.

The previous night, Clover had tried to dissuade her from the fight. However, Lucia was resolved to fight to the end. She wasn't going to let Ramelle get away with what they had done to her. She refused to be used as a pawn in their schemes. Even if that meant, bending Keitel to help, she would do it.

In the end, Lucia felt all she had was her revenge now. Call her villainess if they must. She didn't care anymore.

The knight arrived to escort her. They brought her to the training ground. Victor and Albaric were already there. They stood by as the Prince eyed Lucia. She was glad to see Clover had come. At least there was one person on her side. The Prince twisted his sword around in his hand, he stepped towards her. She met his piercing and fierce gaze defiantly.

Lucia unsheathed her sword.