Chapter 26: Laurence

  She passed down the pathway and down the stairs. Michael was standing in the gardens looking at the dead flower branches. He was dressed in uniform. Lucia inspected him, hardly knowing what to say.

"It's been a while, Princess," He said sarcastically. Lucia tensed.

"I wrote to you. To both of you," Lucia said slowly.

"I'm honoured, I'm sure." Michael retorted. "Just look at you. I can hardly recognise you."

Lucia felt somehow embarrassed by his words. Her eyes flashed back to the balcony.

"Don't worry, I don't intend to keep you long."Michael cupped his hands and breathed into them. His breath steamed in the cold night air.

"I just came to give you this," He handed Lucia a letter. She couldn't make it out in the dark.

"It's from Clover," Michael explained. "We've been going through some of the wizard's old things. Clover knows a lot about magic. We might have found a way to seal the door again. Anyway, just read it,"

Micahel turned to go. Lucia reached out and grabbed his arm.

"Wait." She entreated. "You're still looking into the door?"

Michael turned back. "Yeah a few of us. It was Clover's idea."

"Clover never told me."

"Well, we've all been busy." Michael began. " I don't know why I'm even telling you this. It's nothing to do with you anymore,"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lucia interrogated.

Michael shrugged. "Well, you're a princess now. Haven't you got other things to do?"

"Don't you think this takes priority?" 

"I don't know where your priorities are," Michael returned looking over Lucia appraisingly. Lucia turned her back angrily. She marched back up the stairs and left Michael standing in the garden. As soon as she was on the balcony and out of view she tore open the letter. Her eyes scanned the page. She clenched the letter tightly in her fist. 

Lucia made her way back into the ballroom. Before she could take another step, a hand thrust out in front of her.

"Dance with me, sister?" Laurence beamed. Lucia hesitated. She couldn't think of an excuse. She smiled politely and took his hand.

They stepped onto the dance floor. His green eyes sparkled malevolently. His hand gripped her back as he pulled her in. Lucia flinched instinctively. He seemed not to take notice and they continued to dance.

"A little bird told me, there's mean noise about the door in Veldeer," Laurence smiled.

Lucia's eyebrow raised. She eyed him suspiciously. Before she could reply, Laurence interjected.

"Don't look at me like that," Laurence chuckled. "I am a prince after all. I must keep apprised of these things. You're little friend sneaking in here, wasn't exactly covert anyway."

"What about it?" Lucia answered coldly.

"Well, let's say I'm not the only one who knows," As they twirled, Lucia caught Keitel's eye. He had a look of hostility. Laurence leaned in again and whispered into Lucia's ear.

"But unlike your husband, I happen to believe the door is the real deal," Laurence smiled. "And I have a bit of information that just might pique your interest."

"Tell me," Lucia demanded.

"Ah, not so fast. First, you have to do something for me." Laurence smirked.


Earlier that week a meeting had been held. 

*One week ago*

The Emperor sat as in front of the court with his usual forbidding and piercing glare. 

"Valentus, update us with the latest on the door," He commanded.

The Sword Saint cast a grave glance over the rest of the court. "The royal mages have still been analysing the door. However, without the Cirilian wizard, they weren't able to make much progress,"

"And now?" Keitel asked. 

Laurence eyed his brother with a half-hearted smile.

"Now, brother. We have an accurate translation. Thanks to the passing mage, we've figured out how to reseal the door without the Cirillian wizard," Laurence smiled proudly.

The Emperor looked down coldly on his son's.

"Your brother has been proactively working on the door since it was first discovered." The Emperor addressed Keitel disdainfully. Keitel's expression remained firm.

"We've been lucky," Valentus interrupted. " That the mage came when they did."

"Where did you say that mage came from?" The Emperor questioned.

"I believe brother knows this best. After all, he had the fellow locked in the dungeon." Laurence said contemptuously. Keitel's eyes set on his brother.

"We didn't know at the time who the mage was," Keitel responded.

The minister of finance stepped forward. "Well, I say we put the mage into our employ and have them seal the door. The dark energy seeping out of it is attracting more monsters. Livestock, crops and even labourers- we're haemorrhaging expenses," He puffed out his chest.

"We don't yet know if this mage can be trusted," The minister of defence interjected.

"I have been keeping a close eye. As far as I can tell we have no reason to doubt. That mage is the closest we'll get to magic like the Cirillian wizard. I believe it is the best course of action to go ahead with the resealing as soon as possible, better sooner than later." The Sword Saint asserted.

"With all due respect, I have to disagree," Keitel cut in. " The door doesn't need to be sealed right away. We still have time.  I think Ramelle's offer to become part of the Empire coincides too closely with the discovery of the door. And then this mage appears offering a solution to all our problems, it's too suspicious."

Laurence chuckled under his breath. "Brother was it not your own wife who brought that mage here?"

The Emperor's brow raised. His eyes glowed a simmering pale blue. Keitel turned to Laurence.

"My wife has nothing to do with this." He stated flatly.

The Emperor tapped his finger impatiently on his throne.  "We got a good bargain out of that woman. You country girl in exchange for a whole country. Are you saying my judgement was flawed, Laurence?"

Laurence flinched. "Of course not father! I only meant..." 

"Enough." The Emperor snarled. Laurence tensed and stood rigidly upright at the sound of his father's voice.

"If Valentus trusts this mage, I will believe in him." The Emperor announced. "How long will it take to make preparations?"

"It will take at least two more seasons to finish preparations," Valentus answered.

"Why so long?" The Finance minister interjected.

" Once we have everything, we can begin the sealing. The trouble is what happens whilst it is being sealed. The veil between this world and the demonic dimension temporarily drops. In that time, anything could happen. Worst-case scenario, we could have another demonic attack. It's better that we spend time clearing the area out first and set up a perimeter of the entire forest. It's a big job. Resources are limited"

"Well let's have our new friends in Ramelle do their part. They're part of the Empire. LEt's have them send over some manpower," The Emperor grinned.

"Father, I don't think..." Keitel began.

"Be quiet, boy! You will take your pretty little wife and go knock on Ramelle's door. Tell them the time has come for them to make good on their bargain." The Emperor instructed.

Keitel gritted his teeth and bowed. The rest of the court bowed after him. Keitel marched out of the courtroom. Laurence chased after him.

"How lucky. You get to go on a honeymoon with your wife!" Laurence smiled. Keitel glanced behind. He continued walking.

"Isn't good. At least you can separate her from that pesky mage. I heard he's been seeking late-night council in her room. I wonder what they've been talking about?" Laurence said following him.

Keitel stopped abruptly and turned to his brother.

"Have you been spying on my wife?" Keitel asked. His eyes grew dark. Laurence laughed in Keitel's face.

"Spying on your wife? Brother, you can't be seriously interested in that woman. It's as your father told you. She's a tool to be used. I have the right to know what she does, she belongs to the Empire - not to you!"

"Laurence, you've changed so much. I can hardly recognise the little boy who used to be my younger brother." Keitel said soberly.

Laurence's eye twitched. "Perhaps, I'm merely stepping out of your shadow brother. Maybe you resent I'm becoming my own person? Father is finally beginning to see my value, hmmm. Yes, I don't blame you for being jealous. Some else is in the spotlight."

Keitel looked at his brother pitifully. He placed a hand on Laurence's shoulder. " You don't need father's approval to be who you want to be, little brother."

Laurence slapped his brother's hand away in irritation. "Easy for you to say. Father never takes his eye off you. Even in the face of your obvious indifference, he keeps pushing you. I have to work twice as hard just to stand beside you"

Keitel looked over his brother seriously. "I mean it, Laurence. I don't like who you are becoming. I can overlook your hostility towards me, but sooner or later I won't be able to protect you anymore."

"What's that supposed to mean?" The corner of Laurence's mouth flickered.

"I know it was you behind that stunt in the woods." Keitel levelled. " I had the matter secretly investigated again. You hired those assassins to kill me."

"Oh, those are some serious accusations! Considering that it ended up with you barely being injured, They mustn't have tried very hard,"

"I'm telling you this because I had the matter dropped. But this is the last time I'm going to warn you. You're taking it too far these days. Now, you're trying to involve my wife. Stay out of my business, Laurence."

Laurence's face twisted into a grin. "Or what, brother?" 

Keitel met his Brother's eyes unwaveringly.  He didn't need to say anymore. Laurence's face grew red and he averted his eyes to the floor. Keitel walked away, leaving Laurence standing in the hallway.

Laurence clenched his fist so hard his nails pierced the skin. A drop of blood fell to the carpet. Lawrence's eyes glowed indignant with rage.