Chapter 27: A Good Wife


"What do you want from me?" Lucia questioned Laurence.

"It's simple, go with your husband to Ramelle." Laurence smiled.

"What are you talking about?" Lucia asked, confused.

"Ah, he hasn't told you. Typical. Keitel is going to Ramelle in a few weeks from now. He's there to negotiate a trade deal. Well, a negotiation implies Ramelle has a say. Of course, they don't in this case. I want you to go with him."

Lucia looked at Laurence doubtfully. Laurence, seeming to read her expression, pulled her in again. This time, the dance was coming to an end. Lucia tried to pull away but Laurence pulled her in tighter.

" It's not that hard. Do this for me and I'll tell you all the information I have on the door." Laurence continued. Lucia pried herself away. Laurence waved with a smile as Lucia walked away. She ducked out into the hallway. His grip had marked her skin. She took a deep breath.

Back in the hall, Keitel pulled Laurence aside.

"I warned you. Stay out of my business," He threatened.

"It was just a dance, brother," Laurence threw his arm in the air, feigning innocence. His eyes glanced to the crowd surrounding them and back to Keitel with a smile. 

Keitel released him reluctantly and followed after Lucia. She was leaning against the wall. Bracing herself with her elbows. She looked up startled.

He marched toward her. She stood up straight and met his gaze. Keitel took her hand. She followed reluctantly.

"Where are we going?" Lucia demanded.

"We're leaving. That's enough for tonight." Keitel declared.

"What are you talking about? The party isn't finished yet!" Lucia broke free from his grip.

Keitel turned swiftly on his heels. He dived behind Lucia and lifted her up.

"What are you doing?!" Lucia gasped, flustered.

"I don't have the energy to fight you tonight, Lucia," He told as he marched down the hall.

"Put me down! I will walk," Lucia breathed. Her face was an inch from his. She could feel the warmth of his skin. Her face and chest blushed. 

"Ah look we're almost there now," Keitel dismissed.

"Why are we here?!" Lucia squirmed as they approached the door.  This was not her room. It was the royal bedchamber.

"Guard the door," Keitel instructed the knights as he passed.

He set Lucia down on the bed. She scrambled up.

"What's this about?" She demanded angrily.

Keitel inhaled. 

"I had magic placed on this room. No one can hear us. My study is the same." He gestured to the walls.

"Then why didn't we go there?" Lucia retorted.

Keitel laughed. Lucia had hardly seen him smile before. He looked like a carefree young man when he laughed. IT was strangely moving. Lucia's anger dwindled. Keitel scratched his head.

  "I wanted to talk to you. Isn't it more comfortable here?" He lay back on the bed.

Over the weeks, he had become less guarded with Lucia. However, this was a first. As he laid back, he unbuttoned the top of his shirt. Lucia caught a glance at his collar bone and chest. She set her eyes forward. He leant on his elbow. His eyes became serious.

"Tell me what he said," Keitel said earnestly.

"What are you talking about?" Lucia didn't meet his eyes.

Keitel's fingers skirted around Lucia's thighs.

"Don't play games with me, Lucia." He sat up and leaned in close to her. "Laurence. Tell me what he said to you. Aren't we being more open with each other now?"

Lucia turned to him. She shivered when she noticed how close he was. He nuzzled her shoulder and neck. Lucia bit her lip.

"Just tell me. I promise I won't be mad." Keitel whispered. They both fell back on the bed. Keitel bent over her. His arms at either side of her head. She looked into his eyes. Her heart began to pound.

Lucia raised a hand to his chest. His heart was beating fast too.

"Answer me one question and I'll tell you." She levelled.

"Fine," Keitel traced the line of her neck with his hand.

"Is it true the door is going to be sealed?" Lucia's eyes fell on him sharply.

He exhaled and began to pull back. Lucia grabbed the back of his neck and the two tumbled over. Lucia emerged on top of Keitel.

"Answer." She said softly. She put a hand to his face. He looked back with a blank stare.

"Yes." He replied. He pulled her down lower so they were face to face. His hand was on the back of Lucia's neck. "Now you answer my question."

"He told me you're going to Ramelle. Is it true?" Lucia looked to Keitel earnestly.

"He shouldn't have told you that." Keitel sighed. He turned his cheek. Lucia turned his face back to her with her hand. She held it there. Keitel didn't fight her.

"Why not? Why didn't you tell me?" She questioned.

"I know you. You would have interrogated me as to why and then we'd come on to the door again." Keitel sat up. Lucia slid back on his lap. 

"You still don't believe me?" She looked down at his face searchingly.

"It's not a matter of whether I believe you or not. You have an obsession with that door. It brings something out in you that scares me."

Lucia scoffed. "I scare you?"

"Is it so hard to believe?" Keitel answered flatly.

"I thought nothing scares the Empire's sun," Lucia replied mockingly.

"Nothing did until now." Keitel pulled Lucia in close. Their lips grazed.

"I want to go with you." Lucia breathed.

"No." Keitel countered.

Lucia pressed her lips to his. Keitel's hand's found the small of her back and pulled her in tightly. Lucia felt her hands up his muscular arms. The kiss deepened as they embraced. It wasn't like the kiss before. It was passionate but tender.

Lucia pulled her head back and took a breath.

"Take me with you." She said more firmly than the first time. Keitel looked into her watery green eyes.  He shook his head.

"What is it about you?" He laughed softly. "For the first time in my life, I feel like I can't control myself."

He lifted Lucia onto the bed and stood up. Lucia caught the edge of his shirt.

"Is this your answer?"

Keitel bent down and kissed her hand.

"Don't bite off more than you can chew, little wife." His eyes glowed longingly. Lucia felt heat spread over her body. Keitel stood up and made his way to the door.

"I'll think about it," He said before turning the handle. 


Lucia was surprised the next morning to receive another letter. This time it was from Princess Leila. Lucia exhaled. She had almost had enough of the royal siblings. The letter invited Lucia for tea. After the last tea they had, Lucia felt reluctant. Still, over the last few weeks, Princess Leila had been nothing but cordial.

Lucia decided to go. Mary tied her into a soft pink and white dress. She made her way to Leila's parlour. A tea spread was already laid. A four-tiered rack of cakes and biscuits were prepared. The maid poured a cup of tea from the dainty pot.

Leila's long, black hair was tied back elegantly. Her ruby lips broke into a smile as Lucia sipped her tea.

Her thin wrist extended to Lucia.

"Tell me you're not still thinking about last time, sister," Leila implored. "You did receive my letter?"

"Yes, It was very gracious of you to welcome me back to court," Lucia answered politely.

"My great flaw is this wicked temper you see," Leila took a sip of her tea. "It can be hard to breath in the court," Leila smiled sadly.

"Sometimes it all just bubbles up." Leila set the cup down. "But enough about that. I hear you are planning a trip to your homeland."

Lucia flinched. She set her eyes on Leila. " I don't know where you heard that but nothing has been decided," Lucia replied firmly.

Leila clasped her fingers together.

"Oh my! I hope you don't think I'm prying. It's only that I was hoping to ask a favour." Leila blinked.

"What would that be, Princess?" Lucia replied calmly.

"I am not well enough to leave the palace often as you know. The problem is my friend in Ramelle wrote to me with an invitation to a gathering. I don't think I can manage to attend but I would feel bad about turning down the invitation. The favour I want to ask is for you to attend in my place."

"You want me to go to Ramelle with your brother? Your brother Laurence asked me for a similar favour." Lucia gave a restrained smile.

Leila grinned. "Please don't think I'm in league with my brother. The thought offends me." 

Leila tilted her head back. "Haven't you noticed that Laurence looks different than my brother and I? I think it's because he's the product of an affair. I've never considered him to be my real brother. We don't have a relationship." 

Lucia nodded. She didn't know how to respond. She decided to bring the subject back to the matter at hand.

  "Even if I wanted to go, I doubt that Keitel will allow it," Lucia said thoughtfully.

"Your husband doesn't own you," Leila smiled. "Besides, I know my brother hates to say no to me. If I ask, I'm sure he would change his mind. That is if you would honour me with this favour?"

Lucia hesitated to reply. "I will tell him and see what he says," Lucia answered carefully.

"What a good wife you are!" Leila giggled.