Chapter 29: Young and in love

Keitel caressed Lucia's cheek. His lips met hers.

She rolled her fingertips over his chest as he pulled her closer. His black hair was swept just over his dark eyes. Lucia looked carefully at the contours of his jaw and smooth skin. She traced along his neck until her hands found their way to his hair.

Keitel's kiss dotted down her neck to her chest. Lucia let out a moan. Keitel's fingers followed down to Lucia's chest. His touch sent a tingle down her spine.  As his kisses reached down her nightgown, Lucia let out an unsteady breath. Keitel pulled the nightdress below Lucia's chest.

"Wait. Before we go any further, I have to tell you something," She breathed.

Keitel pulled his face up and smiled.

"I'm sure it can wait, little wife." Lucia felt Keitel's breath on her chest as he kissed her again.

Lucia took Keitel's face in her hands. Her chest rose heavily as she tried to catch her breath. Keitel's hands rose to meet hers. 

"Fine,  quick tell me. I can't wait anymore."He smiled mischievously.

"This trip," Lucia panted. "I want to be honest with you. Laurence told me to go with you. He said he would tell me about the door if I did."

Keitel's face grew dark. His jaw clenched visibility. Lucia quickly leaned down and pulled his face to hers. He averted his eyes.

"Why are you telling me this now?" He asked in a low voice.

"It didn't seem like the right time before. But I knew I told you after this, it would be worse," Lucia pleaded.

"You're right about that. I thought we were done with this. Are you doing this on purpose?"

"I'm not trying to ruin things. I want to go into this with no more secrets. A completely fresh start. I meant every word I said to you today!" Lucia kissed Keitel deeply.

Keitel didn't respond. Lucia kissed down his neck. Keitel suddenly became animated. He pulled Lucia up. He kissed her hard and aggressively. They both fell back onto the bed. Lucia turned her head gasping for breath. Keitel grabbed her chin and pulled her back. Lucia pushed out from under him to catch her breath. He let out a jagged breath.

"You drive me crazy," He exhaled. "I can't do this again." Keitel turned away from her.

Lucia felt her eyes prick with tears. She caressed his back.

"Please, can't we go back to how it was?"

"I think the moment has passed." Keitel lay back down and settled with his back turned to Lucia.

A hot tear streamed down Lucia's cheek. 

"I'm sorry."


The next morning was met by awkward silence on both ends. Keitel barely spoke a word. Lucia in turn, kept quiet, feeling anything more would only lead to another confrontation. The pair descended to the carriage in the same manner.

As the horses began to trot and the carriage rolled over the cobbled streets, there was a cold air between them. Lucia laid her eyes on Keitel but he wouldn't meet her gaze.

"I shouldn't have said anything," Lucia said breaking the silence.

"It's better that you did," Keitel answered, his gaze still adrift outside the carriage window.

"But you're angry?" Lucia added with a questioning inflection.

"No, I'm not," Keitel answered categorically. Another silence followed. The sound out of the coachman's voice carried in the wind. The day was sunny but strangely bare. All the leaves on the trees had fallen. Keitel watched the tree branches rattle as the wind passed through.

"I hate this. I told you last night I was sorry. What more can I do? How can I make things like before?"Lucia's voice wavered. "I would rather that you just admit you're angry." She added.

Keitel finally focused back on Lucia. He looked tired. His blue eyes descended unwaveringly on Lucia.

"What's done is done." He said decidedly. "I don't want to talk about this anymore."

"No, I think we should talk about it," Lucia insisted. "I know I'm in the wrong here, but every time we come to an impasse, it's like you just shut down. You lock me out. I feel like you're punishing me."

"I'm not punishing you. I'm punishing myself." Keitel rejoined. His eyes drifted back out the window.

"What does that mean?" Lucia cried.

"It means I need time." He turned back to Lucia with a weak smile. "I'm not angry."

The rest of the time passed in silence. Finally, they arrived at the gates of the Duchess' manor.

Decorations had been strewn from the edges lining the path, up to the canopy. A shooting range had been laid out. The gentlemen were holding bows and aiming at the target across the lawn. Meanwhile, the ladies were bundled in rich furs around the tea table. 

Lucia and Keitel were met in the courtyard by the Duchess. She was a stout middle-aged lady with dimpled cheeks and bright red lipstick. She hurried over to them at once. She gestured to the servants who summoned her youngest son to her side. The boy who was no more than 10 years old, bowed under his mother's watchful eye. The Duchess curtsied.

"I can't believe I have the honour of the Crown Prince at my son's party." She beamed. She pulled the boy in front of her. 

"Give your greetings George." She patted him on the back reassuringly.

The small dimpled faced boy with flaxen hair gave his greeting.

"Very good," His mother cooed. "Now you may go back and play."

"Congratulations, Madame," Keitel said firmly.

"Thank you for your invitation. Princess Leila was saddened not to be here. She hopes you will accept her apologies and our presence in her place." Lucia smiled kindly.

"Oh my!" The Duchess blushed. "Of course! Of course." She nodded eagerly.

She showed Lucia to the ladies table before leading Keitel to the archery table. Duchess Mildred returned to the rest of the ladies.

"There's not much entertainment for the ladies until later this evening I'm afraid." The Duchess explained to Lucia. " George insisted on having the archery for his birthday. We'll have a formal party later. I didn't expect your majesties to come to this little morning affair" The Duchess's rosy cheeks reddened more.

"It's quite alright." Lucia returned politely.

"I suppose this is your first gathering in Ramelle since your marriage?" The Duchess pried.

Lucia nodded.

"How lovely it is to be young and in love!" The Duchess smiled.

Lucia gave a restrained smile. The Duchess continued to make pleasantries. However, her eyes were drawn back to Keitel. He glanced over then averted his eyes back to the gentleman addressing him.

The morning passed by quickly. Lunch was served and eventually, the party moved indoors. A number of well-known guests began to arrive. Lucia recognised the members of Ramelle's court. It was then she caught sight of her father. She made her way towards him eagerly.

"Lucia?!" The Duke of Trimaund exclaimed. I mean, your majesty, I did not expect to see you here." He corrected.

Lucia restrained herself. She gave a formal greeting. Her Stepmother followed with her two children. As soon as she laid eyes on Lucia, her face shrivelled in agitation.

"Your Majesty," The Duchess of Trimaund curtsied with a pursed smile. Her two children followed.

Lucia felt a sense of gratification watching them bow before her. Terin's eyes burned with humiliation. She hated seeing her sister exalted to such a position. It didn't make any sense to her. What did a Prince see in plain old Lucia? If Lucia could attract him then surely, she was a much better candidate.

Roman met Lucia's eyes with his usual aloof candour. Lucia took her father's arm. Her stepmother squirmed with displeasure.  Lucia and her father took a turn of the room.

"You look well, Lucia," Her father observed. "How is married life treating you?"

Lucia smiled wearily. "It's much harder than I imagined." She admitted.

"Everything will make itself right. You must give it time." Her father encouraged. Hearing her father's voice was so comforting.

Lucia smiled. "I've missed you, father."

Her father smiled quizzically. "You know Lucia, lately I've been thinking I was too hard on you before. It was just that everything happened so soon. I didn't expect my daughter to leave my side so quickly. But, I think married life suits you."

"I don't know about that..." Lucia blushed. She was about to continue when a figure caught her eye. Lucia felt her blood boil. It was Duke Morton.

"Excuse me, father," Lucia said, walking towards him. Her fists were balled. 

Duke Morton slipped into the corridor. 

She marched towards him. Keitel stepped in front of her. Lucia's eyes looked past him. She wanted to confront Duke Morton. Keitel followed Lucia's eyes.

"The king's brother," Keitel recalled. "What are you going over there for?" He asked Lucia appraisingly. Lucia's eyes flickered up as if coming out of a trance.

"What do you mean?" She replied sharply.