Chapter 30: With you

"Look at your hand," Keitel gestured to Lucia. Her hand was white-hot with mana. Keitel placed her hand in his palm. His cool mana extinguished the flame. Lucia looked at her hand reproachfully.

"That was an accident. It's never happened before," She remarked in genuine surprise.

"Lucia, is he the reason you hate Ramelle?" Keitel's eyes narrowed.

Lucia's eyes fluttered. Her eyes didn't meet his.

"What will you achieve by confronting him like this?" Keitel asked calmly.

"I know you don't believe me, but he is the one plotting against the Empire," She pointed towards him. 

Duke Morton didn't seem to notice. He was in conversation with two other lords of the court. The sound of the party-goers made it impossible to hear their conversation.

"Then let me come with you," Keitel suggested. "We are working together now aren't we?"

Lucia nodded thoughtfully. The pair made their way to Duke Morton.

"Oh? What's this? A meeting with me, now?" Duke Morton laughed. "You will forgive my surprise, your Majesties. Only, I am here to celebrate like everyone else. Why Prince, won't I see you tomorrow in the trade negotiation anyway?"

"That is a separate matter," Keitel replied in a deep voice.

The corner of Duke Morton's mouth flickered. His eyes seemed to wander for a moment. He shifted his weight back and tilted his head up.

"Very well," He smirked. "I see no harm in it."

The Duchess provided them with a separate room to talk. 

  Duke Morton stretched back into his seat with a conceited grin. He leant back with his chin perched on his knuckles like a king on his throne. His eyes scrutinised Lucia and Keitel with an unsettling gaze.

"What could be so important that even his royal majesty demands it on such a day?" Duke Morton said with a tone of haughty indignation.

"If it is marital advice you are seeking, I am unmarried myself. I doubt I can offer you much in the way of example." Duke Morton laughed. His eyes focused only on Keitel.

"My wife believes that you are planning on breaking our treaty. I thought it best to discuss with you in person before raising it with the court." Keitel replied indifferently.

Duke Morton let out a grunt of offence.

"Your Majesty, while I can tell you are quite taken with your lovely bride, you mustn't forget yourself." Duke Morton's eyes glowed ominously.

"You are making an accusation that is quite unforgivable. Are these the words of your father, the Emperor or your own personal assertions?" Duke Morton continued.

Keitel looked back at him unflinchingly. "I am the Empire's representative. My father does not have to tell me to protect his interests."

Duke Morton's nostril flared. His eyes turned to Lucia who had so far been quiet.

"You should be ashamed of yourself young lady. Don't you see, your malicious lies spread the seeds of doubt between our noble kingdoms. Just what are you playing at?" He growled.

"I know about the deal. Did your spy in the Empire tell you?" Lucia levelled.

"What deal would that be?" Duke Morton raised an eyebrow challengingly.

"Whatever deal you are planning to make with those demons. It won't succeed. If you turn back now, we won't be able to bring any charges against you. But eventually, you will have to out yourself. The time is already running out before the door is resealed. The conditions will be changed. It will be impossible for you to open the door."

Duke Morton sniffed. He rubbed his chin with a grin from ear to ear. He turned back to Keitel. "Are you sure you should be concerning yourself about such speculations, your Majesty?"

Keitel didn't answer. Duke Morton leaned forward. His face grew dark.

"If I were you, I'd be placing my attention much closer to home." His eyes narrowed malevolently like a snake.

Keitel flinched. "What do you mean by that?" 

"All I mean is, we ought not to throw stones in glass houses." Duke Morton slunk back. His expression changed. "Word is, the trade deal you will be demanding tomorrow is akin to forced labour, is it not?"

"It was you who made the offer. We didn't force you to sign the treaty. You came to us." Keitel returned.

"Don't dodge the issue," Lucia interjected. "This really is your last chance to turn back."

"What an ungrateful young woman you turned out to be! This is what I get for helping you marry above your station." Duke Morton rose. He turned to Keitel. 

"I hope you will be more professional in our trade meeting tomorrow."

Keitel said nothing. Duke Morton left the room.

"You saw how he dodged the question. He didn't even try to deny it." Lucia said flustered. "I know it's not evidence but don't you think his attitude was too brazen. Especially towards you. It was though, he knows something that we don't."

Keitel's eyes were focused ahead. His expression was serious. Keitel rarely believed anything without evidence. He would follow each thread to its logical conclusion. It seemed this matter was as he had first surmised. Yet, seeing the Duke himself, he felt apprehensive.

"There's something wrong," He muttered to himself.

"Exactly," Lucia enthused. "He's hiding something about the door."

"It's not that." He said slowly. Keitel rose quickly. "I need to talk with the escort. I want to leave early tomorrow." He turned on his heels. Suddenly, he paused.

"Will you be okay here? I want to go ahead to the capital."

"I'll be fine," Lucia answered sheepishly.

The party passed without further incident. Lucia was due to journey to the capital to meet Keitel the next day. The Duchess had offered Lucia a room for the night. That knight she found DB stationed at her door. At first, there was an embarrassing exchange of pleasantries.

"You look well," DB managed to get out.

"So do you," Lucia replied. " Did you receive my letters?"

"I wasn't ignoring you," DB prefaced. "It's only we've been really busy recently. The Sword Saint has been training us like crazy. I finally awakened my mana!" He added enthusiastically.

"I'm happy for you," Lucia answered with a small smile. Michael told me you've been working on the door?"

"Right. It seems Clover is some kind of genius mage. The Sword Saint is confident we'll be able to seal the door soon. You don't have to worry about it anymore." DB reassured.

Lucia inhaled. "DB," She began. "I didn't tell you..."

"You don't have to apologise for that." DB interrupted. "I don't agree with the current policy in place. You were just as capable, if not more capable than any knight I have ever seen. I only wish we could still be patrolling together." DB sighed with a sad smile.

"Thank you, DB."Lucia rejoined. They said good night.

Lucia felt glad as her back hit the bedsheets. It was a huge relief to hear those words. She pulled the covers in closer and let her eyes close. 

She hadn't been asleep long when she heard the floorboards creak. Her eyes shot open. She felt a tight sensation around her throat. She sensed a heavyweight pressed against her neck. There was a hard ring gripping her neck tightly. She looked around startled. Everything was utterly black. She called out but no noise came out.

Lucia tried to jump up but she couldn't move her arms or legs. She felt the jagged edge of the material around her head. The floor beneath rumbled. She was moving. Lucia felt the contours of a rocky road. Was she on a carriage? She listened to the sound of the wheels turning. She could hear the clack of horses' hooves hitting the ground. The floor beneath Lucia jolted. She fell on her face with a crash. The ring dug into her neck.

Lucia tried to turn herself over. She heard voices above her. She tried without success to call out again. This time, the gag made her choke. Lucia struggled to breathe. The voices suddenly stopped.  A heavy force crashed down on the back of her head. She hit the ground with a thud. Everything began to swirl around her. She lost consciousness again.

A sharp pain brought Lucia back to her senses. The light made her wince. She fluttered her eyes open trying to see what was in front of her. Her hands and legs were restrained. As her eyes began to adjust to the fire's light, Lucia realised she was tied to a chair. In front of her, she could see the bare brick of a burnt-out fireplace. The room was dusty and covered with spider webs. The height of the chair back prevented her from looking around. 

  Lucia looked down at her restraints. The rope grated against her bare skin as she began to pull against them. Lucia tried to use her mana to burn through the ropes. Nothing happened again. Lucia began to panic. She pulled harder at her restraints. The floorboards creaked.

"You're awake." A voice came from behind. "Then we can begin..."