Chapter 31: Neri

A cloaked figure appeared in front of Lucia. They crouched down looking up at her.  The face tilted up. A grotesque mask peered back at Lucia. The face painted on the mask was contoured with a great wailing mouth. The eyes behind glinted a barely visible red.

Lucia's mouth was no longer gagged but her throat felt too hoarse to speak. The neck ring was still tightly compressing her skin.

The mask tilted to the side as the figure looked closer at Lucia. They passed behind Lucia. She could hear the sound of gushing water. The figure reappeared in front of her.  They held up the glass.

"Are you thirsty?" The masked figure asked. They brought the glass close to Lucia's lips. Before she could take a sip, they set the glass to the floor.

"Yes, yes. You must be thirsty." The masked figure continued with delight. Lucia looked down contemptuously at the figure. She looked more closely this time. She could see now that the frame of the figure was smaller than her own. Was it a child? It was hard to tell under the gloves and dark cloak.

"Who am I? Good question. OR is it a bad question?" the figure giggled. "You can call me Neri I suppose. Not that it matters."

Neri shoved the glass to Lucia's lips. Their eyes glowed intently. Lucia spluttered as the water hit the back of her throat. She coughed back another gulp. Just as suddenly as they had given it, Neri set the glass back on the floor. Neri sat crossed-legged on the floor, swaying from side to side.

"I wonder how long it will take. It feels like I have been waiting for ages," Neri exclaimed indignantly.

Lucia peered down. "Where I am?"

Neri crossed their forefingers over one another in the shape of a cross. "Wrong!" Neri shook their head. "Try again?"

"Why can't I use my mana?" Lucia asked.

Neri rocked back and forth. They spilled forward, leaning their elbows on Lucia's lap.

"Better!" Neri declared. Then Neri tumbled back and jumped up with childlike acrobatics. 

"I made sure to put the collar on before you woke up," Neri said proudly. "Master said you'd be difficult without it. I'm so clever! "Neri titled their head back. The laugh echoed through the hallowed room. Neri's neck remained titled back, they suddenly stopped laughing. They stood rigidly still.

"Oh, I suppose you don't know what it is?" Neri returned to normal with a disappointed tone.

"Is it magic?" Lucia returned.

Neri put their head to one side. They burst into laughter again.

"Oh, you are funny!" Neri sat back down. "It is the opposite of magic, silly."

"The opposite of magic?" Lucia repeated confused. She had never heard of such a thing. "What is the opposite of magic?"

"You ask a lot of questions!" Neri pointed a finger at Lucia. "But since I am bored with waiting, I guess I'll tell you."

"There is life and the opposite...?"Neri said with a leading tone.

"Death?" Lucia replied.

"You're not very good at this game. Wrong again." Neri sighed. "There is life and then there is nothingness. Such an easy question. Are you even trying?"

"What does that have to do with my mana and this necklace?" Lucia's eyes narrowed.

Neri recoiled excitedly. "Oh! Don't make that face again. It scares me." Neri laid their eyes back on the floor.

Lucia inhaled. "How about now?" She forced a smile.

"I guess it's a bit better. I don't really like that one either though." Nevi said examining Lucia's face.

"The necklace?" Lucia reminded.

"What? Oh, the necklace. Yes, it is from my home. It is the opposite energy, I guess. It pulls all your life mana away. That's why I hope they come quickly. Master will be angry if I let you die." Neri squirmed.

Lucia tried to remain calm. "Who is your master, Neri?"

"Master is master." Neri replied irritated.

Lucia was determined to try again. Neri's childlike mannerism gave her the hope that she might outwit them. 

"Who are we waiting for?" Lucia questioned again.

"Enough with the questions!" Neri exclaimed, becoming agitated. "Why don't we play a game instead?"

"How can I play when my hands are tied?" Lucia said with a smile. Neri looked at her restraints and then back to Lucia.

"Hmmm." Neri came closer. "If you want to play without the restraints, I'll have to cut your legs off," Neri traced a line across Lucia's thigh. Neri drew a straight line across as if practising for the cut. Lucia's blood ran cold. Her skin pricked as Neri's fingers peeled away from her.

"Nevermind. I can play as I am. What game did you have in mind, Neri?" Lucia stuttered, trying to change the subject. Neri clasped their hands together playfully.

"You guess who I am?" Neri stood up. They shirked the hood of the cloak back. A swath of tight curly blonde hair popped about. Neri pressed the tops of the curls on to the forehead of the mask. They stood upright and motioned like a guard making patrol. Neri turned suddenly as they heard something from behind and feigned a fall to the floor.

"Well?" Neri asked sitting up.

Lucia blinked rapidly. 

"A guard?" Lucia guessed.

"Oh!" Neri exclaimed. "You're much better at this game. Yes, I'm the dumb guard."

Lucia suddenly comprehended the words. She breathed in unsteadily.

"Did you kill him? That guard?" She said trying to keep her composure.

"You're playing the game wrong," Neri dismissed. "I said I'm bored with the question game."

Lucia clenched her fist and gritted her teeth. She tried again to break through the restraints with her mana. Neri observed her for a moment. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Neri remarked.

Before Lucia could answer, she felt a wave of dizziness come over her. The room started to spin. Black splotched began to impede her vision. Her head toppled down. Neri lifted her head back. Lucia was passed out.

"This one doesn't listen so well," Neri said letting Lucia's head dropdown. 

The sound of a horse's whinny and armour rattling reverberated from the other side of the door. Neri twirled around giddily. 

On the other side of the door, Keitel approached the rundown shack. The knight's guard followed close behind. Keitel gave the signal, they began to surround the dwelling. Neri kicked the door wide open. Keitel spotted Lucia hunched over behind.  He made a move toward the door. The instant he took a step, Neri struck out a wagging finger.

"Rude. This one is rude." Neri shook uncontrollably. 

"Get out my way," Keitel growled. He looked down at the small figure. At first, he thought it was a child, but his instinct told him otherwise. Other than Neri, the place was abandoned. Who could or would capture Lucia? Then just leave a child to defend their base - It didn't make sense.

Keitel unsheathed his sword and held it to Neri's neck.

Neri clinked their neck from side to side.

"Rude." Neri restated. Taking a finger, Neri swathed the sword away. Although, it seemed like only a slight touch. The sword fell heavily to the floor. Keitel instantly jumped back. This time he lunged at Neri with force.

With every swipe, Neri dodged and ducked. Flipping over onto their wrists, Neri sprung backwards. They landed comfortably on one hand. Without drawing a weapon or using a drop of mana, Neri continued to dodge Keitel's attacks without attacking. 

Behind Neri, the knights crept closer to the door. As Keitel continued to distract Neri, they began to untie Lucia. 

"You don't seem to be trying very hard," Neri observed. Something seemed to click. NEvi turned abruptly behind. Like a flash, Neri sprung back to the door. The knights took aim. Neri dodged their attacks and dropped a kick on each. The knights flew back. Crashing through the wall of the old shack, the knights landed a way back in the foliage. Lucia fell to the ground.

Keitel watched carefully. No mana. How was it possible for this kid to have so much power? Keitel decided not to take any more chances. This time he released a wave of voltaic energy. He blasted a charged shot at Neri. Neri held up a hand. The magic dissipated.

"Not enough!" Neri laughed, charging towards Keitel. Keitel jumped back just in time to miss the first punch. Neri continued to swing with lightning speed. Keitel managed to hold back the blows with his sword. As Neri's fist met the blade, Keitel felt the pressure force him back. He had never seen a person with such intense physical strength. It took everything just to block the blows. Keitel knew that a direct hit would knock him out cold. 

The sound of more horses came rumbling from the distance. Albaric flew off his horse and charged towards Keitel. 

"Are you trying to shorten my lifespan?" Albaric gasped. "I told you to wait till we had scouted the shack."

"She's there," Keitel gestured behind. The rundown shack looked even worse with the gaping holes where the guards had flown through. Lucia lay face down on the floor.

"Leave this to me," Albaric told Keitel.

Keitel sent a wall of ice towards Neri. 

Albaric address Neri. "Hey kid, playtime's over. It's way past your bedtime isn't it?" 

Neri flipped back and looked over Albaric.

"Are you sure? You don't look very strong, Mister knight." Neri teased. 

Albaric drew his greatsword. It was a massive hunk of metal with a gaudy hilt. Albaric charged like flash towards Neri. Neri dodged the first strike. However, the next hit came sooner than expected. Neri went flying back through the trees. 

"That won't hold that kid long," Albaric signalled to Keitel

Keitel ran to the door. He pulled Lucia up and over his shoulders as quick as he could. A rustle back from the pushes. Neri sprung into the air. The moon hung ominously behind Neri's figure as they descended towards them. Half of Neri's mask was cracked. The glow of red eyes locked onto them menacingly. 

A small face peered up at them with glaring, monstrous eyes. Neri's skin sparkled in the moonlight like smooth mahogany. The juxtaposition of the beautiful boy was met with maleficent energy that emanated from the child. Neri threw his cloak to the ground. His arms were marked with white paint.

"I really don't like you, mister knight." Neri scowled. Neri began to pull at his blonde curls with agitation.

"The master said I could only kill the one with the black hair," Neri whispered to himself. "Oh, but isn't it too unfair? He destroyed my mask. This one has to be punished. What to do? What to do?" Neri whimpered.

"Go!" Albaric beckoned. Keitel took Lucia and hurried into the woods. Neri's eyes widened in horror. He raced towards them. Albaric barred his way with a swing of his sword. Neri jumped back.

"I guess it doesn't matter. I'll kill you then, I can go kill the others in peace." Neri declared.