Chapter 47: Gods and Demons

*Song recommendation( Right in two - tool) * 

Neri shot out of the smoke. He flew towards Lucia at high speed. Lucia launched herself forward. 

She landed across the length of the fort, her fist still clenched. She stumbled forward. She dropped to one knee. She peeled back breathlessly to face Neri. He stood hovering amongst the flames. A gaping hole protruded out from his silhouette. His body fell to the ground and was engulfed by the flames.

Lucia came unsteadily to her feet. She made her way to the barrier. Keitel emerged behind her. They both glanced at each other. They both instinctively knew what the other was thinking. Together they stepped into the veil. Lucia prayed Michael had made it through.

Lucia and Keitel passed the purple veil. At once, their eyes readjusted to the darknesses. In front of them, the door loomed untouched. Michael stood by the altar with Clover by his side. The ceremony was still going ahead. 

All they needed now was for Keitel to give his blood and the ceremony would be complete. Michael continued chanting in front of the door while Clover brought forth a bowl. Keitel cut his hand and squeezed the blood into the vessel below. 

"This is it," Clover dipped a finger into the bowl. He marked the door with Keitel's blood.

Michael pressed his hand to the wall using his mana to pierce the wall between their world and the void. He began to say the last words. Lucia watched zealously. Finally, it would be over. She felt all her pain and suffering would be sealed with it.

Lucia heard a noise from behind. Before she could turn, she felt a push from behind. There was a plume of black smoke. Keitel disappeared from sight. Lucia fell to the ground with a slam. In the split second her eyes closed, a figure whizzed towards Michael in a flash. She clambered to her feet but it was too late.

Lucia watched as the shadow struck Michael down. A scream left her throat and echoed around the chamber. She clambered to her feet and raced to Michael's side. He was covered in blood but still alive. Lucia's eyes panned up to the dark figure.

At the same time, Keitel cut through the black smoke and tumbled out into the broil. His eyes widened in disbelief. He looked the figure up and down. 

"What are you doing?" Keitel gasped.

Victor pulled down his cloak and chuckled. "Surprised to see me, old friend?" 

"What have you done?!" Keitel raged. He lunged towards Victor. As he did so, Victor held out a hand. A ring of daggers circled Lucia's throat. Keitel stopped in his tracks.

"It can't be much of a surprise. Surely, you must have seen it coming." Victor shrugged. 

Keitel stared back, completely lost for words.

"You see, there was never a chance that the door would be sealed. Not if I had anything to do with it. " Victor laughed. 

Keitel's head shook. He glared at his friend. He could hardly speak

"Why?"He spluttered. "What possible reason could you have for doing this?! I loved you like a brother. You would have had everything if you stayed by my side!"

"The Empire is sick, Keitel. It has been for years..."

"What are you talking about? I thought you loved the Empire!"

"Love the Empire? As if I had any choice." Victor's eyes twitched. "The man I called father, he was anything but. I was just another thing he bought in, to fulfil the role of son. The Finance Minister needed a way to cosy up to the Emperor. My real parents were beggars who sold me on for a few coins. I was forced into this life to perform the role of your friend,"

Keitel shook his head in disbelief. "That's... so that's why you're doing this? To get revenge?"

Victor convulsed with laughter, "Don't be ridiculous. You don't get it, do you? I don't blame my parents or even my adopted father. We live in a world where everyone has a role to play. Son. Knight. Friend.

But it doesn't really matter what we choose because whatever we do, it will all amount to nothing in the end. This Empire is fuelled by greed. We are the richest because we have stepped over the poor and declared it our right to do so. 

Outside the dazzling Empire, you have no idea what it's really like. How could you? You, a beautiful Prince with everything the world can offer you. I was always destined to be your shadow. It's all a beautiful lie. A grand performance. But who is watching?

They say your family is chosen by the gods to rule. What gods?! The gods allow greed and inertia to run rampant. Divine right is bullshit - and you know it! It's all a ridiculous joke

All I had to do was make a few grand promises and your own brother was ready to sacrifice everything for his own selfish greed.  The Empire could never reach its full potential as it was. All across the continent, the nations get poorer and darker. Look at Ramelle - there's another that would chew off its own legs for a bit of coin. 

All of them were just begging for light. A bright purifying light- A great reset. That's what this door is, a thundering equalizer. No more rich, no more poor. No more Ramelle, no more Empire."

Everyone stared at Victor in silence. The daggers still hung around Lucia's throat. Michael was passed out in her arms. Lucia had recovered enough mana to fortify herself against Victor's blades. She signalled to Keitel who released a wall of ice blocking her from Victor's view. She jumped out with Michael in her arms and fell by Keitel's side.

Keitel's eyes grew dark. He glared at Victor murderously. "What now? You know you can't leave here alive. You're outnumbered"

"Am I? Any minute now, the Demon Lord will break through the barrier surrounding this door," Victor smirked. "And then reckoning will truly begin!"

Keitel lunged towards Victor. The two flew into intense blows back and forth. Victor's dark magic created illusions and guises that evaded Keitel's attacks. His magic had only grown since the entrance exam. His mana emitted turbulent and demonic energy. Keitel struggled to fight through.

Meanwhile, Clover reached Lucia's side.

"Michael has already initiated the incantation to start the sealing. I should be able to do it without him. It's just a matter of getting close enough to the door," Clover whispered.

"Keitel can handle Victor. The problem is what if he's right? We don't know what's happening on the other side of the barrier. If the Demon Lord does break though, I don't know if we'll be able to hold him back long enough for you to complete the spell," Lucia exhaled.

She tore a piece of material from under her armour to tie Michael's wound. Using healing magic, she began to treat Michael's wounds. Clover put a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't forget, the Sword Saint is still on the other side of the barrier. We can still do this," Clover reassured.

Keitel managed to land a hit on Victor. Victor fell back and sent a wave of daggers towards Keitel. Victor disappeared into a cloud of smoke. Keitel blocked the blades and scanned the area. He knew all of Victor's tricks. His eyes caught onto the slight motion of a shadow from behind. Keitel prepared to block Victor's incoming attack.

However, the shadow instantly faded from view. Keitel was hit with a blade in the shoulder. He staggered back. Victor looked down on him with smug satisfaction.

"Did you really think I'd make the same mistake twice?" Victor laughed. "I've learned a thing or two from the demons. Once you embrace their philosophy, it opens up new doors. "

Keitel pulled the dagger from his shoulder and let out a grunt. His eyes settled icily on Victor. With one hand, he iced over the wound and shuffled the sword into his free hand.

"Do you even hear yourself?"Keitel spat. "What philosophy?! All you've done is tear our home apart. Do you even care how many will die because of you? How many have already died? I can barely recognise the person in front of me!"

"I'll take that as a compliment," Victor smirked. "Not that you ever really knew me."

They resumed an exchange of frenzied attacks.

" We grew up together. You could have come to me. We could have changed the Empire together" Keitel snapped.

"You always were so small-minded! I don't want to change the Empire. I want to watch it burn - and out of its ashes, a new world order will be born,"

"And who will sit in judgement of this new world order? You?"

"Of course not. That seat is reserved for the real god of this world."

"The Demon Lord? You can't be serious"

"The Demon Lords are just emissaries. Once the void opens, the whole world will be swallowed up. And then, you'll see. You will all see."

"No, old friend. I don't think we will," Keitel finally cut through Victor's defence. His blade impaled Victor on the spot. The bloody metal pierced Victor's chest. Keitel pulled out the blade. Victor fell to the ground with a smile on his face.