Chapter 48: Valentus

No sooner had Keitel turned back to Lucia, a thunderous sound came from above them. There was a booming reverberation from above. Clover stared up at the veil with them. The purple veil lit up with each thundering impact.

"Quickly Clover, the barrier is weakening. Finish the Ritual," Lucia instructed. Clover raced to the door. Lucia sat Michael aside and stood up. She held the blade in her hands and faced the wall. Keitel advanced to her side. They both prepared for what was on the other side.

Within a matter of moments, the veil began to fracture. The blows from outside penetrated the boundary. The entire veil shattered and faded from view. Keitel and Lucia were brought face to face with the burning ruins of the fortress. From atop of the barrow where the door sat, they could see the battle still waged on.

The demons were in remission and Ramelle's forces had dwindled. However, the air was heavy with a sinister force. The atmosphere made all around shuddered. Unfathomable dark energy loomed towards the door. All eyes fell on the calamitous figure approaching through the flames.

First, the bloodthirsty red eyes emerged from the shadows. Then the full form of the figure came into view. A tall, ominous man with long white hair and a tall stature approach. His muscle bulged with menacing strength. Lucia and Keitel sensed at once the man's true identity.

It was the Demon Lord.

His fists were covered in blood. His eyes fell threateningly on the door and then upon Lucia and Keitel. More lower-demons paraded out from behind him. They braced for attack.

Suddenly, a great sword swooped down from above. It was the Sword Saint with the Ogre-slayer in hand. The blade cleaved straight through the first demon. The others rallied around the Demon Lord.

Lucia and Keitel joined the Sword Saint. As Lucia and Keitel cut through the demons, Valentus circled the Demon Lord. Valentus began the onslaught with a hulking blow to the Demon Lord. Keitel solidified the Demon Lord's feet in ice while Lucia released a cascade of fireballs his way.

Nonetheless, out of the smoke, the Demon Lord marched unscathed. His eyes fell cruelly on the Sword Saint.

"How you've aged!" The Demon Lord sneered. "Is this all the mighty Empire has to offer now?" 

The Demon Lord pulled a great, blood-soaked war hammer from his waist. His blow was so devastatingly quick, it could barely be seen. The Sword Saint lunged forward to protect Keitel and Lucia. The sound of the hammer against his sword sent out a resounding toll.

The impact of the blade had enough force to drive Lucia and Keitel back with just the air surrounding it. Another hit came down, this time, Valentus was driven back. His feet were ground into the earth from the force of the blow. Valentus returned with a deadly swipe of his blade.

The Demon Lord parried at lightning speed. They furiously exchanged blows. The Sword Saint appeared to be falling back. However,  at the last minute, he peeled back and swiped a clean blow on the Demon Lord. The Demon Lord absorbed the hit but appeared undeterred.

The Demon Lord raised his hand to the sky. A volley of black spheres appeared in the air. They violently shot down from above.  Each ruptured the earth as they belted the surface below. Everyone was sent back. Only the Sword Saint remained. Valentus tore through the jagged pounds of earth and launched another furious attack on the Demon Lord.

This time, the Demon Lord met his attacks by raising his hand against Valentus. A wave of black walls rose to shield him from Valentus' hits. Meanwhile, Lucia and Keitel fended off another wave of monsters and demons who were encroaching upon the door.

The fierce battle between the Sword Saint and the Demon Lord continued. Each time, Valentus' holy magic penetrated the Demon Lord's defences, another volley of dark spheres rained down. Valentus cut through with a deadly swipe. It spiralled out from his sword across the uneven plane. It sliced clean through any monster in its path and hurtled towards the Demon Lord.

In response, the Demon Lord began to gather dark energy. It drew in around his war hammer like a black shroud. He met the white light of Valentus' attack with a strike of his hammer. The two sides clashed in a great wave. The sheer power of both forces was blinding.

Nevertheless, the Demon Lord emerged from the attack still alive. He gained the distance between him and Valentus. His vehement presence knocked Valentus back.  The Sword Saint began to falter under the Demon Lord's relentless attacks.

Lucia cut through the remaining demons and hurried back towards Valentus. As soon as she was in range, she released a battery of fireballs. Keitel froze the Demon Lord's legs in place. All the while, Valentus dealt several more blows on the Demon Lord.

Unfortunately, it wasn't enough. The Demon Lord batted the fireballs away with a swipe of his hand. Unlike the other demons, the attacks weren't merely absorbed, they were deflected. Lucia's fireballs redirected towards Keitel. He managed to evade just in time. The Demon Lord shattered the ice at his feet and pushed Valentus back.

Lucia focused her holy magic and took aim at the Demon Lord. As Valentus fell back, Lucia thrust forward. The Demon Lord caught the bare blade in his hand. He was able to switch between absorbing and attacking in an instant. Before Lucia could evade, he knocked her clear out with a swing of his hammer.

Keitel braced to catch Lucia who went shooting back. They both crashed together and were sent tumbling Valentus. The Demon Lord peered down on Valentus with ruthless vindication. He caught Valentus by the throat. Valentus swung his blade from underneath but the Demon Lord crushed the blade in his hands.

"You didn't train them well enough," The Demon Lord surveyed mockingly. "Do you have any idea what you've forced me to endure?" His hands tightened around Valentus' throat.

"Stuck underground like rats. The wound you dealt me took years to heal. How I suffered! Through it all, I waited for this day. All for the moment, when I could break you under my grip."

Valentus struggled against him but even his mighty strength could pry the Demon Lord's hands away.

"A pitiful stain on my existence," The Demon Lord continued. " How I longed to watch the light fade from your eyes -and erase the humiliation you inflicted upon me,"

The Demon Lord's knuckles convulsed with rage. Finally, there was a snap. The Demon Lord cast Valentus' body to the ground. His lifeless body fell to the floor. The Demon Lord roared with laughter.

From the distance, Keitel and Lucia surveyed with horror. 

"Master!" Keitel screamed. He wrenched forward. His whole body was shaking. Lucia gritted her teeth and pulled him back.

"It's too late," Lucia bit down on her lip. Keitel stared down incredulously. His lips parted but no sound came out. The Demon Lord went on to batter Valentus' body. He began to ruthlessly kick him across the field.

"He's provoking us. If we go over there without a plan, we're finished," Lucia told Keitel.

Keitel's eyes were still rigidly set on his master. He breathed out unsteadily, barely holding back tears. Finally, he tore his eyes back down to Lucia. 

"What can we do? If the Master is dead.." His voice trailed off. He suddenly seemed to regain his focus. He turned to Lucia "Lucia, we need to protect Clover until the door is sealed or all this will be for nothing. "

"What are you saying?" Lucia returned. 

"I'll hold him off. Protect Clover until then," Keitel answered.

"No!" Lucia snapped. "You are the Emperor..."

"Exactly, Lucia. I am the Emperor. How can I ask all my men to fight and die for the Empire if I cannot risk my own life to do the same? If we are to prove Victor wrong,  I cannot run or hide from our enemies." Keitel spoke with conviction Lucia had never heard before. Lucia didn't know how to respond. She glanced at Clover who was still in front of the door. 

Lucia truly believed that door was the reason she had been brought back to this world. It led to her death. It had brought out the worst qualities in everyone who had looked upon it. Moreover, it carried the potential to bring destruction like no one had ever seen before. There were millions of people whose lives would end if the door was not sealed.

In the past, Lucia had resented her own sense of duty and loyalty to Ramelle because she believed they had betrayed her. She told herself to throw away those parts of herself to get her revenge. However, for the first time, she comprehended that it was a part of her very soul.  She wanted to save those who could not save themselves.

In Keitel, Lucia first realised the potential for a different version of herself. Now, more than ever she wanted to protect him. Nevertheless, before they were Keitel and Lucia, they were the Emperor and Empress. They had both accepted the Empire into their hands. 

Lucia thought of a plan. It would mean risking everything. But Lucia had resolved to protect the door until the end. So no one would have to suffer as she had suffered, she would give her life to ensure it was sealed.