Chapter 49: The Demon Lord

Keitel sent shards of ice projectiles catapulting towards the Demon Lord. The Demon Lord Shattered them with a wave of his Warhammer. He eyed Keitel with a measured glare. Keitel charged a lightning attack and released it on the Demon Lord.

Once again, the Demon Lord was able to cut through the attack. Keitel narrowly avoided the massive weight of the Demon Lord's swings. Before he could strike again, the Demon Lord closed the distance between them. 

The Demon Lord leaned in and inhaled deeply. Keitel shuddered and sliced the air where the Demon Lord had been standing.

"Your blood..." The Demon Lord smiled perversely, "You are the bind. It is your bloodline that opens the way for my kin,"

Keitel scanned the area for the Demon Lord. His voice came hissing out of nowhere and then would disappear every time Keitel turned towards him.

"Your family were the first to call out my name," The Demon Lord chuckled. "How fitting I find you here once again,"

"What are you talking about?" Keitel replied flatly. He needed to figure out where the Demon Lord would come from next. He waited for a reply to come.

"Hundreds of years ago when your kind first claimed this realm, we were called by a lowly slave," The Demon Lord breathed so close to Keitel it made the hairs on his neck rise.

"To free himself from the bounds of his master, he promised us a passage to this realm. But, like all the others he rescinded his offer once he found the power to drive us back," the Demon Lord recalled. "But, it was too late. His blood would ever be the key to our revival. Now that is your blood."

Keitel watched for any sign of the Demon Lord. Without warning, the Demon Lord released another blast of demonic energy. Keitel tumbled back. Regaining his balance, Keitel clashed with the Demon Lord once more.

"With your blood, I'll make sure no one ever dares close the door again," The Demon Lord pushed Keitel back. "You will be an example. I'll keep you just on the cuspe of life. Your every waking moment will be agony." The Demon Lord's face twisted into a perverted grin.

As Keitel met the Demon Lord in combat, Lucia raced to Clover's side. She cut through the small swath of monsters in her way. She found Clover with both arms held up to the door.

"How much longer, Clover?" Lucia called casting an eye back. 

"It is almost done." Clover glanced around. "Where is the Emperor?"

"He's facing the Demon Lord. We don't have long." Lucia focused on Clover. "Clover, is it possible to hold the gate open for a short period of time?"

"What?!" Clover's eyes met Lucia perplexed, " Open it? IT can be done but..."

"Clover, it only needs to be for a second, " Lucia said seriously. " If we can't kill the Demon Lord, then we can do the next best thing - Push him back through the gate,"

Clover's eyes widened. "Lucia, I don't know if we can..."

"We have to," Lucia interceded.  "The Sword Saint is dead. This is the only way we can get rid of him. Once, he's in, you can close the gate,"

"Lucia, the spell is nearly done. We won't have much time," Clover hesitated.

"I trust you, Clover," Lucia returned. Clover averted their gaze and refocused on the door. 

"Very well," Clover replied drily.

Lucia set her eyes on Keitel and the Demon Lord. Keitel had erected walls of ice as a barrier but the Demon Lord had cut through them easily. Black spheres showered the earth with holes. Keitel barely managed to evade. The Demon Lord caught up with him easily. He whispered into Keitel's ear before sending him flying into the distance. Keitel was thrashed with such force he didn't rise again.

Lucia clenched her fist. He had given her the time to enact her plan, she couldn't waste it. The Demon Lord set his eyes on the door and began to move towards them. Lucia met him at the bottom of the barrow. He towered over her with an aura so crushing, it Lucia to her core.

"Now they send a child to face me," The Demon Lord jibed. "Consider it an honour. Once the door is open, I will be rejoined with my kin once again. Offer your life for their freedom!"

Lucia remained unmoved with her blade in hand. Her eyes met the Demon Lord's. They were the clearest green with unwavering determination. The Demon Lord looked down with a laugh.

"Your armies wait on the brink. Your Sword Saint has fallen. Your Emperor lies face down in the dirt. There's no one left to save your dear Empire. The bodies will be piled up as high as the eye can see. We'll build our great castle from your brethren's bones. Only then will you know my suffering,"

"As long as I am breathing, the Empire remains, "Lucia levelled. "You will not lay your hands on a single soul,"

The Demon Lord beckoned Lucia to him. 

Lucia hurtled a barrage of fireballs at the Demon Lord. He cut through them like water. His hammer came down to meet Lucia's sword. Lucia evaded the blow. A storm of demonic spheres knocked her down. She pulled herself up and continued to blast the Demon Lord. 

She knew couldn't survive a hit from his hammer.  She fell back towards the door. The Demon Lord followed. Lucia continued to evade until the Demon Lord was close to the door. 

As soon as the Demon Lord came close enough, his eyes immediately panned over to Clover. Their back was still to the Demon Lord. 

The Demon Lord sent a volley of black sphere's down on Clover. Lucia interceded and imploded the blows with her magic. However, in the same instance, the Demon Lord closed the distance between them. Lucia was sent airborne with a glancing blow of the war hammer.

Clover pried a hand away from the door. Using their free hand, Clover sent a wall of earth up out of the ground to soften Lucia's fall. The Demon Lord's eyes narrowed. He gleaned upwards as Lucia came flying back down with a fist full of holy magic.  Before the Demon Lord could evade, Clover caught his leg in a tomb of clay. 

Lucia's holy magic hit the Demon Lord at point-blank range in the jar. He fell to one knee. Lucia kicked back with all of her strength. Lucia signalled to Clover. The door began to open a fraction.

Lucia released everything she had into one blow. 

Everything that had tied her down before was gone. She had no doubts.  She knew she had to succeed. Her mind was completely lucid. Her magic was not from a place of rage or anger. She didn't feel afraid anymore. With this, she could finally save the people she cared for.

The Demon Lord's skull penetrated the opening in the door. However, before Lucia could send the rest of his body through, the Demon Lord pulled up a shield of demonic magic. Lucia was deflected back and Clover lost their grip on the door.

The savage, bloodthirsty red eyes of the Demon Lord followed him back through the door. He clicked his jaw to the side. He dashed the blood from his lip and stared down at Lucia. 

"Looks like your Sword Saint was busy after all. Too bad he won't be around to see his precious disciples torn apart." The Demon Lord bellowed. Lucia raised her sword just in time to defend against the Demon Lord's attack. She was sent hurtling down the barrow. She slammed into the ground with such speed, she felt something snap. The pain rippled through her leg but she was still conscious. 

Next, the Demon Lord's eyes fell on Clover who was still standing by the door.

With her adrenaline still pumping, Lucia struggled to her feet. Her head was ringing from the blow. She couldn't make out the words but she heard Clover say something to the Demon Lord. The Demon Lord began to attack. Both Clover's hands came up and trapped the Demon Lord in the ground once more. 

Unlike Keitel or Lucia's mana, the Demon Lord struggled to break free. Clover's magic kept forming as quickly as it was destroyed. The Demon Lord flailed wildly as he struggled to get free. Lucia raced towards them. She ascended the mound as fast as she could. 

She fought her way up the barrow, digging her nails into the earth to crawl up on her one good leg. Finally, she reached the top and came to a stand. Clover glanced towards her. Blood trickled down from Clover's nose. Between sealing the door and fending off the Demon Lord, Clover's mana seemed to be at breaking point.

"Quick, Lucia!  I can't hold him for much longer," Clover cried. 

Lucia propelled herself forward.  She focused on what was left of her mana. The Demon Lord was about to break free from the trap. She aimed her sword at the Demon Lord.