Do not Worry.

Honestly, she did not know how to react about the marriage at all. So, she decided to full on praise the Emperor for bestowing the marriage. If she seemed reluctant or angry about the marriage it will be like not giving the Emperor face, and she could end up in jail.  But to save her precious life she decided to sincerely talk nonsense.

When the Emperor asked her if she had grievance or not, Chou Lian wanted to scream, 'I DO!'. But our sensible little Chou Lian kept her thought locked deep inside her heart, and tried to answer this question in perspective of Shi Lian. A woman she has never met yet,  Chou Lian has relived Shi Lian's 20 years of life through her own memories. Shi Lian was really lonely and a neglected child. Shi Lian was once full of life as she dreamed of a bright future,  where she would be accepted, loved and cherished. The only person to love her was her mother, but her mother too sometimes would sadly exclaim, 'How great it would be if a son was born in your place. I really wish I could have a son.'

Shi Lian was deeply hurt by such words, but as too often heard this words she became immune to it. Yet, the pain she felt every time she tried to bury in her heart. She really desired to be married to someone who would really love her, and see her true worth. However, the fate was too cruel near her prime time her mother died, and this gave Duan Tong Yen the opportunity to delay her marriage for a long period of time. Shi Lian was devastate by it and truly heartbroken because she knew now even if she got married it would be as a concubine to others, and in no way was Duan Tong Yen going to allow her to marry a good person. Therefore, she would simply leave one hell place to enter another hell place. Forever living on other's mercy. This was a major reason for Shi Lian ending her own life.

As Chou Lian kept talking from Shi Lian's experience, somewhere in the middle it got intertwined with her own memories and experience. Maybe, she was not much different from Shi Lian to begin with. She too as a child wanted a loving and warm family. Wasn't it the hunger for her grandfather's affection that drove her to those battle grounds and to engage in fighting from such an early age? Maybe, she wanted to be needed, be loved, and most importantly needed by someone by her side. For which marrying a woman was not of big deal if they could be loyal to each other. A companionship was enough. It was just she thought, but this feeling was not specifically directed to the princess. Because she was sure the princess was being forced that marry her. Thus, up to acertain extinct what Chou Lian answered the Emperor was true, and from the bottom of her heart.

After she asked the reason for her marriage, for a little time no one answered her. It worried Chou Lian, 'Rather than asking it I should have waited for them to talk about it first.' But she never imagined what followed. When the high priest was done explaining the reason behind the marriage Chou Lian couldn't help but blurt out, "I am not shocked. Anything else?"

What else was left?! Now even if anyone told her that she was an alien or monster or, vampires, fairies, existed she wouldn't be shocked. Nothing could shock her anymore. She could only accept it. Her new life was too exciting for her own good and it just gave her a headache.

"Pardon.", the high priest said not understanding what Chou Lian meant.

"I..I meant I am so shocked. How can this be? The princess is the other half of this lowly noble. Please forgive this lowly noble but how can I help the princess when I have no medical knowledge or medicinal skills. What if I cannot do anything and the princess' health worsens?! Forgive me, Bixia! What do I do?!", Chou Lian said worryingly as she kneeled.

" Don't kneel. This ritual is really ancient therefore, I do not how you can help, but maybe there will be something which can help the princess.", the high priest said with an apologetic smile.

" Stay in the palace for a few days and accompany the 6th princess. You should spend some time with her and get to know each other. A few days before the marriage we will send you back so that we can bring you back in a grand way. You should only devote your time and yourself to the 6th princess and Zhen promises you to help you to deal with others. Now get going, there will be servants waiting for you outside.", the Emperor said to Chou Lian.

Chou Lian bowed to them both, and then got out of the room. The servants waiting outside hurried her to the bath palace. It was a grand bath place. It was like the ancient pool. But more luxurious as there were jewels inlaid on the huge tub. There were two gold lion like head from which warm water flowed. There were rose petals and other flowers flowing with scented candles lighted to calm her mind. This bath was so comforting after all the mental stress she had to go through few minutes ago. She could feel tense muscles relaxing as she floated on the water. The female servants wanted to help her bath, but she begged them all to give her some alone time. They too pitied her and obliged.

"Other half? What does it mean? Does it mean 'soulmate'? How come the princess was my other half? Does it mean she was guaranteed mine?", Chou Lian murmured as her cheeks got painted with crimson red. She soon shook her head lightly and knocked her right hand knuckles on her temples. Thinking like this was too frightening! Her heart cannot take it! It was more easier to battle against the powerful nations than to think about being the other half of a princess. She has no experience of love! She remained a single dog in her last life and still was! She has always been alone and never thought about having a companion. Suddenly, being forced to have a companion gave Chou Lian such a mixed feeling.

After a relaxing bath, the servants helped her change into baby blue silk robes which were so light and comfortable to wear. But Chou Lian not having experience of wearing such luxurious clothes made her skin actually itch to take it off and wear Shi Lian's worn out robes. Though she didn't do that because in eyes of these servants she was to be the consort of 6th princess and to match her status she had to wear this clothes. Her hairs were gently combed and then adorned with a jade hair pin with a cherry blossom design, as she refused to wear more than one hair pin on her head. The rest of the shiny smooth black hair was let to flow behind her. The servants wanted to apply make up on her, but then how Chou Lian let them.

"I wish to wear no make up. As you all know the 6th princess is poor at health, I do not want to dress up too much as it will seem inappropriate when meeting her.", Chou Lian said righteously with a small smile.

The Eunuch, who went to read the edict at Shen's place, was overseeing her and seemed pleased with her answer thus, told the servants to listen to Chou Lian.

'Phew. That was a close one. Make-up and me doesn't fit together.', Chou Lian thought as she looked herself in the mirror. She tried to dress up as plain as she could actually. Because with make-up she would not feel like herself. She cannot imagine herself being too feminine. When she looked herself in the mirror she found her original face from Earth, but it felt someone had used beauty filters, invented in the 21st century, to enhance her beauty. She admired her looks but then again she would rather have more fighting abilities than beauty.

Chou Lian followed the Eunuch through twists and turns of the palace before coming in front of the 6th princess' room. Chou Lian wasn't nervous to meet her, but she felt the princess might actually have resentment towards her.

'Which woman from this era would not when being forced to marry another woman?! Except me.... Wait! No that's not what I mean! Chou Lian get yourself together.' Chou Lian was thinking inside her head.

The Eunuch and servants all stayed behind as she entered the room to finally meet the 6th princess called Wu Ying Yue. She had assumed the room to be lavishly decorated, but in reality it was plain. Compared to a commoner it can be said to be lavish, but when it comes to a princess of such a big prospering nation it was really lightly decorated with a few jade and expensive wood furnitures and artifacts. There were flowers arranged and kept in large vases, at every corner of the room. The pleasant smell of flowers drifting in the air made Chou Lian feel calm. Upon entering she did not see anyone so walked deeper into the room, and there she found the 6th princess lying on the bed.

Chou Lian, from the decree, assumed the 6th princess to be extremely beautiful and gentle. However, seeing her in person she was actually saddened. No, she wasn't disappointed nor she pitied the person, but she didn't know why her heart felt quite painful. The person lying on the bed was so thin that her cheek bones were visible at once. Her skin extremely pale, and her lips were dried blue. The green and blue veins all visible. She seemed to be sleeping so Chou Lian was reluctant to wake her up, and thought of waiting for her to wake up.

"It is not good for you to stand up. Just take a sit.", the 6th princess suddenly spoke without opening her eyes.

Though the voice was quite hoarse it was actually pleasant for Chou Lian to hear. When she looked around there nothing to sit on nearby so Chou Lian was at a dilemma, but then the 6th princess opened her eyes and calmly looked at her before gently saying, "If First Lady Shen doesn't mind would you  like to sit on my bed?"

Chou Lian nodded and sat near the edge of the bed while looking at the princess.

Wu Ying Yue sized up her with a gaze which Chou Lian felt was really hot for a moment, and after what seemed like ages she said with her hoarse gentle voice, "Do not worry."

"Pardon.", Chou Lian didn't get the meaning behind her words.

"It must be quite evident that I do not have much time to live. So, First Lady Shen do not have to worry about this marriage. I apologize to inconvenience a lady like you, but once Father Emperor and high priest makes a decision it is difficult to change their mind..", suddenly Ying Yue started to cough.  Chou Lian got worried and after looking she found a cup of water on the tray near the bed. She quickly got up and helped the princess to drink some water, before she kept the cup on the tray and went back to sit.

" .. I am speaking so much after awhile..", the princess said as her temple got wet with sweat, " As I was saying, First Lady Shen even if you are against this marriage I hope you will still marry me. Just let me borrow some months from your life if only it can make Father Emperor and the high priest happy. After I am can move on...marry a guy of your choice and settle down. I will leave all my  possessions to you. So, both of us can benefit from this marriage.", Ying Yue said with all strength she could accumulate, and once she was done her throat and lips again felt dry.

She looked at the cup of water and Chou Lian followed her eyes. Without saying anything Chou Lian stood up and again helped the princess to drink some water. Chou Lian was not good at taking care of others so, the second time she tried to help the water spilled a little which made her panic. Trying to wipe the water hastily she suddenly used the front of her right hand. Though the princess was so sick her skin was still so soft to touch that Chou Lian was quite shocked. She unconsciously wiped her lips with her fingers. The lips were dry but when water was rubbed it got a little smooth to touch. Suddenly their gaze met and Chou Lian quickly retracted her hands and apologized hastily. The feeling of the soft and smooth skin still evident at tips of her right hand fingers. Chou Lian was kinda dazed as she looked at Ying Yue.

" really want to marry..someone like me?", Chou Lian suddenly blurted out.

The princess remained silent, but suddenly looked her straight in the eyes with a soft smile. Those dimples at the corner of her dry lips visible. Those weak heather coloured eyes suddenly a little bright . The whole aura was so elegant even after being so sick that it tied Chou Lian's tongue.

' Guess who was getting herself a wife?', Chou Lian sighed inside.