Spending Time.

Like always a clean, cool and fragrant air came from the open window. The orange sunlight that came from the window was getting lighter indicating the sun was setting outside. Chou Lian slowly closed the book, and found herself looking at the window from where she was sitting. She then retracted her gaze to the person sleeping painfully by her side. The frowns and sweat visible. The lips looking dark blue and dry. Chou Lian used a soft piece of cloth to gently wipe the sweat away, with utmost concentration. She then lightly ran her fingers through Ying Yue's few hairs that she had by now. She didn't even realize how it has already been a month since she has spent her time like this with Ying Yue. She was supposed to be send back soon, but Ying Yue requested to let Chou Lian be left by her side till the wedding. The wedding was set at an auspicious day a month from now.

At first, Chou Lian wasn't sure what to do while staying in the palace. But everyday she would be woken up in the early morning and was told to spend all her time with the princess, after her meal times. She was reluctant to do that. How could she gobble all these delicacies knowing she would next be forced to spend her time with a sick stranger, but soon to be wife?! When Chou Lian was sent to the princess' room after breakfast she didn't know what to do, but like the first time the princess told her to sit on her bed. The princess made small talks before getting tired, and the thing that shocked Chou Lian most was when the princess told her to feed her. Chou Lian just stared at her with wide open eyes and pointed a finger at herself, "The princess wants this lowly noble to feed you?!"

The princess nodded slowly with a little visible smile. Chou Lian was baffled as she has never fed any other human being! She clumsily scooped a spoon of congee and blew some air over to cool it down before she tried to feed the princess. She was worried she would spill the food, like she did with water thus, she gave all her concentration when she fed the princess. It took a lot of time to feed a bowl of medicinal congee to the princess, and when she was done Chou Lian could feel the cold sweat on her back, and on her temple. She took some deep breath in and slowly let them out. How can feeding a person be more tiring than practicing martial arts or fighting battles?!

She then helped the princess to lie back down, and when she was about to leave she heard the princess call her with a small hoarse voice, "Can you spend some more time with me?"

Chou Lian reluctantly walked back to her bed and took a sit near her. She squeezed her hands awkwardly and tried to keep her gaze on her hands.

" Is it okay to stay here like this when the princess should be resting?", Chou Lian asked.

" Why not?", that's the only reply Chou Lian heard from the princess after a while.

" Can you pick up a book and read it to me?", the princess then added.

" This lowly noble has never read a book out loud for someone before. This lowly noble is not good at reading, this lowly noble apologies for not being able to do something the princess wants me to do.", Chou Lian quickly made up an excuse to refuse the princess.

" ...It actually doesn't matter. I just want to hear your pleasant voice.", the princess said in a small voice but it was kind of domineering with no room for rejection.

Chou Lian was crying inside, ' I think I should run away instead.' She then slowly stood up to walk to the shelves and pick a book to read out loud. She took her time looking through the books. Does all princesses have books in their rooms? She thought the shelves would be filled with romance genre books, the typical stereotype to have for such beautiful woman. Instead it was filled with books about landscapes, about the origins of their Kingdom, and their early Monarchs, the nobility and the generals. Chou Lian found the books really interesting and as she kept on looking through she even forgot about the princess, but then heard some severe coughing which brought her attention back to the princess. She quickly picked a book without giving much thought and walked faster to the bed.

She helped the princess drink some water, but the coughing just won't stop. From such a close proximity Chou Lian could feel the princess' whole body shaking badly. Chou Lian felt so worried she unconsciously held the princess in her arms, the back of the princess was against her chest. Not seeing the coughing stop and the strong body tremors, she panicked and called for the nearby servants to quickly bring the imperial doctor. By the time imperial doctor the coughing reduced a little but her body was trembling. Chou Lian just kept a hold on her while trying to wipe her sweat with her bare hand.

" Quickly see what is wrong with the princess! Just do something! Is she gonna be okay?!", Chou Lian rushed the doctor to check on the princess.

The imperial doctor quickly took the pulse of the princess. Then he took out some herbs crushed them till their juice came out. The juice was then mixed with some water and fed to the princess. After some time the tremors stopped and the princess stayed motionless in Chou Lian's arms.

"Is she alive?", Chou Lian worriedly asked the imperial doctor. The old man smiled at her and replied, "6th princess is fine now. She is just asleep. I think changing the medicinal congee she eats in the morning was not a good idea. Her body was actually rejecting the new medicinal herbs used for her treatment. Do not worry miss. But do call me anytime if you see anything wrong again."

After the old man left Chou Lian breathed a sigh of relief. She was well aware how sick Ying Yue is but seeing her suffer through her own eyes was really saddening. Chou Lian helped Ying Yue lie on the bed. Her hair was wet with sweat covering her temple. The already dark dry lips looked more sickly. The blue veins visible on her face as her skin more pale. It looked she could drop dead anytime. She slowly removed the sweaty hair from her temple then lightly dragged her fingers down and gently caressed her cheeks; all unconsciously.

" First Lady Shen, you can leave now. We will take care of the princess." one of Ying Yue's closest maid said to Chou Lian. Chou Lian slowly nodded without looking from Ying Yue's face.

" Umm.. can you let me meet the princess once she wakes up? She..she wanted me to read her a book.", Chou Lian as she scratched her neck, not sure herself what she was saying.

" Sure. Don't worry First Lady Shen we will call you.", the maid enthusiastically smiled at her.

Before Chou Lian knew spending time with the princess had become a everyday thing for her. She wasn't aware how but her day would start with the princess and end with her. It wasn't like she would spend every single minute of the day with her. She would actually have to spend some timing learning etiquettes to be a proper princess consort and to be a proper member of the imperial family. She was also made to interact with the imperial doctors, whose care Ying Yue was under. Though she had no medicinal skills she tried her best to know what herbs are used in Ying Yue's treatment, their properties, benefits and their drawbacks. Honestly, she still couldn't grasp how were those herbs helpful when the doctors could not even detect what was actually wrong with Ying Yue.

As her day time was filled with Ying Yue, at night she would go into her space and practice martial arts there. The spiritual energy was of the best quality, and practicing in the space would leave her feeling refreshed every time. Once she was done with her every day practice she walked leisurely towards the river. She then crouched down to scoop some water with her bare fingers to drink. The water was sweet and refreshing like always. Looking at the glimmering clear water it suddenly dawned onto Chou Lian, "Would feeding the water help Ying Yue a little?"