Fake funeral

Once Anaya, Liam, and Alec were gone, Celia explained her plan to her family.

Fortunately her brothers had forced her to keep the wires that connected her to the machines telling her that they were long enough for her to move around the room if she wanted to.

To finish convincing her, they had told her that if she removed them she would have to manage the doctors in addition to their parents who would soon arrive with the children.

Thanks to the foresight of her brothers she could carry out her plan, it was very simple, she just have to die... again.

Celia took an onyx stick out of her magic bag, she told her parents: "You should go home with my babies, I'm going to make a clone out of my body and make the doctors think I'm dead, since my brothers are going to stay here normally the hospital will not bother you, this is the best solution for everyone."