A quicker way to make money

Celia and Aiden walked through the force field and once on the other side Celia said to him: "I think it's okay, you can remove the force field protecting us now."

The city was still similar as the one before, it was still a modern one but the cars to move where replace by flying skateboards, flying carpets, or flying wagon that looked like to be used as taxi.

The names of the shops had changed too, and it was focused on magic devices, magic weapons, magic pills and magic herbs, everyone there was either mages or fighters.

Celia led Aiden further forward, she was looking for a shop that sold both magic pills and magic herbs, she had also taken with her copies of scrolls to make magic pills for level seven and eight, that should be enough to assure her family an unlimited income.

Aiden ended up showing her a big building, "AUCTIONS" was written on it, he said: "Do you want to try it out? It'll be a quicker way to make money, don't you think so?"