
The Gungans surrounding Thexan stood in awe of the person before them, gone was the fun loving man and in his place stood a warmonger. A man so deeply steeped in war it showed, in his eyes, in his stance, in his very existence. It was akin to standing in the presence of a war god.

Thexan himself was completely unaware of those around him, focusing more on the task set before him by others and himself. Unlike most generals, Thexan was also a soldier, refusing to sit in a command center. He would be fighting together with his troops.

Seeing the enemy MTT's (massive troop transports) Thexan estimated how many enemies his army would have to fight, weighing his strengths and weaknesses. Where his strengths would have most impact, and where he would need to cover his weaknesses.

Thexan started the attack as soon as the enemy tanks stopped firing. Having the vanguard, hidden behind towering energy shields, take the fight to the melee. While the ranged troops with their strange balls of anti-robot, rained malfunctions on the trade federation's protocol droids with blasters.

Once the enemy army got near the massive energy dome protecting The gungan anti bot troops. Thexan himself joined the battle, becoming a whirlwind of gold and black, droves of droids fell by his hands, some by saber, some by arcs pf high voltage lightning that danced from the palm of his hand, chaining from droid to droid. Each arc taking hundreds of droids at once.

Some gungans stopped fighting to admire the scene. At one point Thexan became tired of the current situation, deciding instead to end it here and now. Floating a few hundred units (see chapter 6 for unit explanation) off the ground. Thexan telekinetically lifted some of the tanks and MTTs and began hurling them one by one at the droid army. The impacts causing explosions that took out more droids than the actual transports.

In the throne room, Viceroy, Queen and Jedi were staring in awe of Thexan's combat skill. Qui Gon thinking back to when Thexan said that raiding the Jedi temple would be easy, seeing proof of it before his very eyes.

Barely an hour passed before the entire invasion army was decimated. Nothing left standing. Minutes later the call came through that a kid in a fighter blew up the command ship. Thexan smiled, knowing who this kid was.

The war for Naboo was over, and the winner... was Palpatine, who had no idea his victory was rather hollow.

A celebration ensued, where Nubians and Gungans came together in peace for the first time in the history of Naboo. The Jedi standing proud where all could see. Thexan was more occupied with tasting the food on display during the carnival.

To Thexan's great surprise Qui Gon was able to enroll Anakin as a Jedi. He even got special treatment too, what with his mother being offered a job at the temple as a droid mechanic.

Thexan gave Anakin a few words of advice. "Never deny your emotions, they are a part of who you are. However giving in to your emotions is just as bad as ignoring them. Control, Anakin, that is were peace and power lie." Due to Thexan having freed Anakin, Thexan held a special place within Anakin's heart. This caused The kid to listen to Thexan with rapt attention, memorizing every word.

Later when the party was in its after glow, the Queen thanked Thexan from the bottom of her heart, stating that if he had any requests she would do her best to arrange it.

Thexan, asked only for a ship with updated starcharts. Being granted his request, Thexan set the coordinates manually to take him to Zakuul, fearing what he would find.


I wrote this while eating pizza

Sorry for the lateness of this chap, was having a hard time coming up with ideas for the battle.

If you think I could something better, don't hesitate to tell me.

It seems my phone becomes slower the longer these chapters are. Sorry about that, I have plans to acquire a computer, until then I might have a solution.

A Thank you to one of my earlier readers David for the idea of sending Thexan to Iokath, I was already going to send him to Zakuul during the ten year timeskip between movies, but this adds more meat to the bone so to speak. Not to mention Iokath holds a lot of importance in The Eternal Empires lore.