Our moment

I open my eyes and feel lightheaded for a moment. I still felt dizzy, so I closed my eyes once again.

I reopened them, this time slowly. And what stared back at me was a plain white ceiling.

I manage to look around and see the plain room is empty.

Obviously I'm in an hospital but why I'm here, I do not know.

Then in a rush, all the events that happened earlier came back.

I hit my hand against my forehead.


I fucking brawled out in front of Matt freaking Harper. Then I gave a lame ass excuse to cover up my embarrassment.


Just great.

The door opens and I see the devil himself walk in.

I was thinking about faking I was still asleep, but our eyes already met.

"You're awake." He points out before he walks to my side and sits.

"Yeah, seems so." I mutter a response


Seems so? Really Alex??

"Want me to raise your bed?" He asks and I nod. Fearing if I should talk, I'd just sputter out rubbish.