Adventurer's Guild

The next morning, Jack left Winter Dusk Inn and Restaurant in an excited state, inundated with countless expectations about Adventurer's Guild that he heard yesterday evening.

After going to his room, he returns to the restaurant area to savor his night snack while gathering some more facts about Adventurer's Guild.

In short, Adventurer's Guild is more like a platform for adventurers to get a job that could help people build a better community. And to join them, someone must have a particular qualification that supports their idealism.

Rumor says that since ten years ago, the test has become quite hard, and buying the title is no longer possible. Hence, not many people can become an adventurer even if they have a lot of money.

Unlike the Adventurer's Guild Jack ever heard or read about on Earth, they have a wide variety of fields to choose from other than just accepting missions to get a commission from it. Such as fields of Science and Technology whose task is to carry out research, development, improvement, and implementation of potions, tools, and new methods.

Magical fields that tirelessly researched about ancient magic in order to create new magic that can help humanity. They also study anything related to magic like mana stone, magical plants, magical phenomenon, and many others.

Knowledge fields that have a goal to preserve all knowledge in the Library of Alexandrium.

Field of training with its group and private guidance programs. An adventurer can apply to become an Instructor or a student. Apart from increasing the fighting abilities of adventurers, this program also aims to reduce the risk of adventurers killed on a mission.

Each field has its own organization, and under it, they are divided into various divisions with more specific goals.

Although Adventurer's Guild advises it, joining an organization is not mandatory for every member. It is more like a place to channel their talents, interests, and/or ambitions. Or just a place to hang out with people with the same hobby.

Adventurer's Guilds also has another type of association known as a Workshop, with the primary objective of pursuing profits. They make their own products such as weapons, armor, shields, farming tools. They also even daily necessities such as woodcrafts, paper, ink, and any other product that people need. As long as it can generate income, they have it.

Each workshop has members that come from various fields, so they can combine their knowledge and skills to create unique products. Usually, each workshop has its own signature product.

The more Jack hears, the more eager he becomes to see it for himself. So he wakes up early and leaves before the sun even dares to show itself.

The Blue Moon is still present in the sky, illuminating the streets of Alexandrium when Jack walks toward Adventurer's Guild Building at the heart of the city. With its lukewarm glow, the city didn't need additional lighting at night to keep its magnificent structure being seen by its townspeople.

Unlike what he had imagined, the city was already bustling with miners leaving for work. The sidewalk was also full of street vendors selling steamed bun, rice porridge, boiled sweet potato, and other morning foods. Yet not a single trash could be seen along the street, clean as a hound's tooth.

The Alexandrium residents cared so much about their city's sanitary until the drainage beside the road always flowed with crystal clear water. Or maybe it's because the Adventurer's Guild manages this town really well. Either way, this town is a really comfortable place to live.

Jack also saw some groups of adventurers donned in their best armor and weapons walked in the same direction as him. Most of them wear leather armor with some metal plate in a few key places such as the chest, arm, shoulder, and legs for better protection. This kind of armor is very popular with adventurers because it didn't hinder their movement too much like full armor.

After walking for half an hour, Jack finally arrived in front of an enormous three-story building with a front door that matched its size.

The door seems to be made out of some solid black wood that needs at least six adult men to open it. An octagonal star represents every cardinal direction with two swords crossed in front of a shield carved beautifully at its surface, the symbol of Adventurer's guild.

Petrified dust below both of the door panels indicates that they haven't been moved for a very long time. Of course! Unlike some convenience stores on Earth, this headquarters is really operational 24/7.

After taking a deep breath, Jack walked through the already opened double door and witnessed the daily life of an adventurer that he could only imagine before.

In the luxurious Guild Hall, Jack could see three long mission boards that stick on the wall, beautiful guild receptionists in a matching blue uniform, and groups of adventurers. That made Jack feel like he is watching a 4D anime or haven't woken up from his sweet dream.

Without him realizing it, his heart was already racing hard with excitement.

His mouth agape in amazement. Jack never thought that one day he would witness this gorgeous view directly with his own eyes. If he has a phone with him, Jack will definitely take a selfie before showing it off to all of his friends through a status.

Jack was dazed for almost ten minutes until another group of adventurers looked at him with a strange gaze when they walked past his position. Spontaneously his face turned red with embarrassment.

After rubbing his face with both hands a few times, Jack walked towards the empty reception desk to register as an adventurer.

The sweet receptionist girl with curly golden hair blinked a few times when looking at Jack's "weird" appearance. Only after a few rounds of inhaling and exhaling some air, she finally composed herself and spoke.

"Good Morning, Sir! How can I be of assistance?" The siren-like voice that came out from the sweet receptionist's mouth made Jack's heart beat faster.

"Er… I want to become an adventurer…" Answer Jack nervously.

"Sure. Please fill this form first before we can proceed to the next step." Said the receptionist before handing a piece of paper to Jack.

Jack's eyes widened when looking at the strange and complicated letter written in the yellowish-brown paper he got from the receptionist.

'What the fu...?!'