The Library of Alexandrium

It's not the receptionist's fault. The man who wanted to register as an adventurer looked like a caveman who was visiting modern civilization for the first time while carrying his tattered clothes and homemade weapons. But even when afraid of him, she is still obliged to serve according to procedure with a wide smile.

But after a few minutes passed, the caveman still hadn't written his own name. Instead, his face turned a little pale, and beads of cold sweat in his forehead started to look very visible to her.

'Is he can't write his own name? Or even can't write at all?' The receptionist started to doubt Jack's ability to write and want to help him. But before she was able to do so, Jack already grabbed a quill and dipped its tip into the ink bottle next to it.

'Sh*t! I was too eager to formulate a grand plan to conquer this world that forgot about trivial things like this. But, is this really a letter? I mean… I can understand it, but isn't this too weird and complicated to be called a letter?'

The letter used in this world is indeed beyond hieroglyph. Imagine it like a Japanese Kanji but with more complicated parts.

Jack thinks that if he wants to write it right, he must become an artist first. Right now, trying to write his own name is akin to an amateur drawing his own face with a brush that he touches for the first time. He can, but…

Jack spent another 15 minutes writing his own name, and it made the receptionist start to get impatient. But she didn't dare to show it, afraid that Jack would get angry and start raising a ruckus.

Jack wiped his forehead and puffed out a lot of air trapped in his chest before giving the yellowish-brown paper back to the receptionist. He could notice that her mouth twitched a few times when looking at his grade school level of writing. But she professionally restored her sweet smile again before saying.

"Thank you. Please wait a minute, sir. We need to cross-check it first with our database before your application can be processed."

After that, the receptionist left through a door behind her and came back 15 minutes later. Because this world hasn't invented the computer, she needs to check it manually to ensure that Jack wasn't on their blacklist or already registered.

Usually, it only takes about five minutes to do it. The remaining ten minutes were spent consulting with a supervisor.

The receptionist returned with a broader smile on her face because his boss decided to handle this matter personally.

"Thank you for your patience, sir. We have received your application. After paying five silver coins for the registration fee, you can proceed to the interview stage later in the afternoon."

Jack's eyebrows raised when hearing about the five silver fees, but paid them straight out without hesitation, made the receptionist reevaluate her first impression.

After taking the money, she reminds Jack once again about the interview. "Thank you for your payment. Please take notice that the registration fee can't be refunded if you didn't show up for the interview until the day is over."

She handed Jack a slip of payment before continuing, "Please go straight to the second floor and find Mr. Francis in the afternoon to start the interview. Remember to come before the sun is set, and thank you for visiting the adventurer's guild."

Jack nods before leaving the receptionist's desk for the front door. He realized that he needed to learn about the common sense of this world before doing an interview.

An interview means that he needs to lie, and lying needs more knowledge than just telling the truth. So his next destination will be the Library of Alexandrium.

After seeing this world paper for the first time, Jack was curious about what the books looked like or how big is the place dubbed the biggest library in the Continent of Palonia.

According to the folks in Winter Dusk, the library is not far from the adventurer's guild building. And he can't possibly miss it if he walks toward the south from there.

And they are right.

Only a blind man will miss such a grand and flashy building. Even the adventurer guild building can't hold a candle against this one.

Another three-story building in the vicinity, only this one is full of windows with colorful glass as its outer wall. The upper floor is smaller than the first one in a pyramid shape, only it has a flat top. Rather than a library, it looked more like a modern art building. He wondered how much it cost to build such a place in this world.

The magnificent building is surrounded by trees and has a normal-sized front door guarded by two muscular men and a nerd. The nerd is sitting behind a small desk while reading a book with glasses in front of his eyes.

There are hundreds of small lockers with keys hanging below its handle right next to him. In front of it, five empty weapon racks could be seen lined up nicely without any speck of dust in it, as if people who are responsible for that place are a clean freak.

When Jack passes in front of him, the nerd clears his throat loudly before speaking to him in a cold tone, "No weapon or bag. Put it there before going in.

"And don't forget to clean your feet and clothes first before entering the library. It's filthy." Add the nerd a few seconds later before correcting his glasses position.

He keeps his eyes on Jack until all his orders are performed before moving it back toward a thick book in front of him.

After crossing the entrance, Jack finds that half of the first floor is located below the ground surface. And he must descend a few stairs first before finally entering the library area.

After entering, Jack was greeted by another magnificent view that made both of his eyes wide open. The book, the smell, and the temperature of the room are perfect, like a harmony that produces tranquil beauty.

The first five-meter was occupied by a semi-circular receptionist desk made from golden brown wood. Behind those desks sit ten librarians in a white robe that seems occupied with their own business.

After that, the place is like a forest of books neatly arranged in four-meter tall bookshelves. The bookshelves stretch from the floor until the first-floor ceiling and are arranged in rows of more than fifty meters.

Jack never sees a library with this massive collection of books before. If you also consider a scroll as a book, of course, because that thing is filling most space here.

As he suspected before, the technology in this world is really far behind Earth technology. It means that the window of opportunity is still wide open for him.

Not wanting to waste his time standing, Jack approaches one of the librarians that sit close to the entrance.

Because the librarian didn't seem to notice him, Jack whispered in a low voice. "Excuse me. Do I need to register before reading the book here?"

The old man in the white robe keeps writing for a few seconds before finally putting his quill aside and looking at Jack.

After looking at him from head to toe, he smiled before saying. "How can I help, young lad?"

Hearing the librarian's deep and old voice makes Jack taken aback because his way of speaking and appearance is identical to Gandalf the White from Lord of The Rings. The only difference is his white hair still has a few shades of grey in it.

But that's not all. The way the old man reacted when seeing him for the first time was contrasting with other people he meets in this city. Jack can feel that his gaze didn't just stop at his outer appearance but continued to penetrate into the soul and peeking at his real personality.

Hearing his question, Jack said in a polite manner. "I want to read a book. Do I need to register first?"

"Aah… No, if you are already an adventurer. But judging from the pieces of paper in your top pocket, you are about to become one." Said the old man while keeping his smile.

"But I haven't interviewed yet."

The old man gave a soft laugh before responding, "Don't worry, young Lad, the interview is just a formality. You just need to tell us who you really are, and you will pass."

After seeing nervousness in Jack's face, he added, "Don't worry. I will take responsibility. Now give me the paper. I need to write your name in our logbook."

Jack takes out the paper from his breast pocket and gives it to the old man while saying inwardly, 'That's the problem, old man. Revealing my true self is no different than put my head in a glutton.'

A few moments later, the old man returns the yellowish-brown paper to Jack while saying, "Welcome to Alexandrium Library, Jack Walker. Now, you can read any book in this room because you will need an adventurer badge to proceed to the next one. And don't forget to wash your hands first before touching them. Happy reading."

The book is already categorized into their respective category, so Jack could see the History and Geography section from a mile away. After thanking the old man and washing his hands, Jack starts engrossing himself in a sea of knowledge.

And two hours later, Jack was surprised for the umpteenth time today. But this time, he was surprised in a negative way.

"This… This can't be…

"If this is true, my grand plan is…"