The Interview

When touching the crystal ball, Jack could feel something invading his body through a blood vessel like a parasite. Francis guaranteed that this procedure is 100% safe and asked him to relax and let it flow naturally, but cold sweat started to form in his palm.

This is his first experience with something related to magic, so being paranoid is normal.

The stars within the crystal ball spinning faster but quickly returned to their original speed when the foreign feeling in Jack's arm subsided. But for some reason, he still could perceive that the connection is still there.

Jack guessed that the magical device was monitoring his heartbeat constantly and reacted when he was lying. Or worse, it could magically force him to tell the truth.

Either way, honesty is the only shield he has right now.

"Let's begin, shall we. The first question... Who are you, Jack Walker?"

This question is short and simple, but it could reveal the applicant's background and avoid any bad apples joining Adventurer's Guild.

Jack closed his eyes and heaved a long sigh to calm himself before answering, "The truth is… I don't know.

"About fifteen days ago, I woke up in the middle of a pitch-black forest, and the only thing I know of this world is me being a slave. There are so many human corpses around me. Maybe we are attacked by monsters or something else. I don't know. I don't remember what happened before that.

"After salvaging any valuables I could find, I left and walked down the river, fought some monsters, and finally found my way to a village called Toria. I spent a night there before going to Alexandrium.

"When I arrived in this city, I learned that Adventurer's Guild has a good reputation. They have access to knowledge and information from all over Palonia. Everything I need to find out who this body really is, where he comes from, and whether he has a relative or not. So I decided to join as one of its members."

Jack tried to look as innocent as possible while using the word 'maybe' to describe the incident he isn't really sure about and emphasizing that he wants to find this body's origin to avoid telling a lie. And it works like a charm.

Francis stares blankly at the static crystal ball, contemplating Jack's story before trying to match it with his first impression, the magic device reaction, and Selia's assertion.

His first impression tells him that Jack is a normal man. And the magic device verifies that the young man didn't tell a lie, have any ill intent toward the adventurer's guild, or planning something horrible. While Selia's assertions are connecting the dots and convince him that Jack has indeed lost his memory.

It means that asking him another question is useless, so Francis decides to accept Jack's application and add him to the list of adventurers under surveillance.

After becoming an adventurer, they will be secretly monitored for a few months to ensure that the new members do not prove to be dangerous to the guild or worse.

"Congratulations! You are officially an adventurer now!"

"That's it?" Jack blurted out with one eyebrow raised, bewildered by the sudden news.

After showing his kind smile, Francis explained. "Yes. Simple isn't it."

Francis leaned back and clasped his hand in front of his stomach before continuing. "We didn't demand much from an applicant. As long as having he/she will benefit the guild and humanity, we will accept them. The minimum requirement is, having the ability to read and write.

"So, Jack. How much do you know about adventurer's guild?"

Jack blinked a few times before answering. "Not much, just a few rumors from the customer at the Winter Dusk yesterday."

Jack retracted his hand from the crystal ball. After Francis' hand no longer touched the magical device, the blue core was no longer glowing, and his connection with it was severed. It seems that this lie detector device needs a constant supply of mana to be operational.

But Jack didn't know how to activate it. After the device was turned off, he didn't feel anything anymore. To him, the magical device just feels like an ordinary crystal ball after that.

When Jack was still bewildered by it, Francis added. "Hmm… Okay then, I will explain a few things you need to know about Adventurer's Guild.

"First. We are an organization that values freedom, kinship, and Justice. So we didn't tolerate any adventurer that deliberately committed a crime, hurt another adventurer, or abuse their status without a valid reason. You can find more about our regulations at the Guild Hall.

"Secondly. Adventurers are divided by a ranking system that started with Rank-F at the lowest to Rank-S as its peak. To increase your rank, you must first submit an application to the guild. Then, we will assess your performance, skills, and contribution before determining whether you are eligible for a rank promotion or not.

"Every rank has its own benefits, and the higher you could climb, the bigger the benefits you could get.

"For example. An F-Rank Adventurer will only get to rent a cheap room at the guild lodging facility not far from here. Plus access to the second room in Alexandrium Library where combat-related books could be found. If you manage to upgrade it to E, D, or C, you will get lodging with better facilities to rent and free combat training from the guild.

"We provide free Appartement for B-Rank Adventurer and above, plus access to Alexandrium Library third room where more advanced knowledge and fighting techniques are kept.

"Currently, we have eleven S-Rank Adventurers scattered all over Palonia, about fifty A-Rank, and around two hundred B-rank. Most adventurers are C&D Ranked, approximately about 2.700 people, while the rest are in E&F Rank.

"An S-Rank Adventurer will get a platinum badge with a colorful logo, gold for rank A&B, silver for C&D, and bronze for E&F.

"Ah! Talking about adventurer badges, I forgot to order yours. Wait a minute."

Francis pulled a string that connected to the ceiling a few times. A few moments later, a knocking sound could be heard before a female guild staff entered through the opened door.

Jack's pupils shrank, his mouth fell open, startled by the look of female guild staff who suddenly entered the room.