Tarud's Past

'A Legendary grade weapon?! And a magic weapon at that.' Jack was shocked, but he was expecting it. A great Adventurer like Tarud should be wielding a weapon that matches his status.

He turned his head toward Tarud and asked, "A magic weapon? Why can't I find any of it in the warehouse?"

"Excellent observation skill." Tarud sighed before continuing. "To a blacksmith, being able to make magic weapons is their utmost dream. Sadly, the method to create them was strictly controlled by Galilea and Aruvindell Kingdom. That's why my master and I are trying so hard to study it from scratch.

"We used all of our earnings as a blacksmith to buy a magic weapon from the black market, then disassemble them. From that bit and pieces, we try to understand how it works before trying to replicate it.

"After a decade of hard work, my master finally gained insight about the underlying principle behind it, and together we created this hammer. He tried to pass on his concept of a magic weapon to me along the way. But the inexperienced me could only grasp its superficial theory.

"When our work was finally completed. Galilea King, Udrordoth Bronzemight, visited us and bestowed my master with the title of Royal Blacksmith. He also invites him to work at the palace. Bullsh*t! Their only concern is how to keep the forging method unknown to the public.

"From that day onward, I never saw my master again. I tried to visit him multiple times, but the palace guard always rejected it. I don't even know that he was still alive.

"I was angry and frustrated. Crushed by disappointment, I left Galilea and became an adventurer. Since then, I have tried to replicate my master's achievement. But after more than a decade has passed, I failed to fulfill my master's expectation."

Tarud's face turns sad as he reminisces about his past. From the look of it, he still couldn't let go of the fact that his master is being imprisoned because of his own hard work.

Once in a while, he will spare some effort to hire an adventurer or employ an information broker to gather information about his master. But the good news never comes.

After hearing Tarud's explanation, Jack becomes eager to know more about magic weapons. He asked every question that popped up in his mind and got a satisfactory answer from Tarud every time.

It seems that the brown beard Dwarf didn't care about the secrecy of the information he was giving to Jack anymore. He shares all his knowledge about magic weapons without limitation, leaving Kyle totally flabbergasted.

Sharing a secret like this is not his master's usual trait. Usually, he only reveals part of the secret to arouse his interest in blacksmithing.

"To tell you the truth. I really hope that you are willing to help me forge a magic weapon.

"From our brief interaction, I could tell that you are unique. I have a feeling that you could help me make my greatest dream come true."

As long as he could become an Arcane Blacksmith, revealing those secrets to the masses is a cheap price to pay. Besides, this could become one form of his revenge on the Galilea Kingdom.

Jack was glad to hear it. Having Tarud as his personal blacksmith will lighten his burden and expand his connection at the same time. It was akin to hitting a flock of birds down with a single stone. How could Jack possibly refuse?

"Alright. But I can't promise you that I will be of any help in this matter. After all, I am no blacksmith, never specifically learn about it, and have no interest in becoming one. Regardless, I will give my utmost effort to help you realize that dream of yours."

A kind smile finally blooms on Tarud's face. The heavy aura exuded from him was no longer present as if a heavy burden had been relieved from his shoulder. A warm feeling suddenly occupied Jack's chest, made him feel like here was where he belonged.

His next objective is choosing a weapon. After sparring with Kyle, Jack begins to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each weapon.

Swords are the most balanced weapon that can be used to attack and defend with average damage. But to master, it requires a tremendous effort and time that Jack couldn't afford to spend right now.

While spear is a mid-ranged weapon that is great at facing multiple opponents but almost useless at melee fights. For a newbie like him, picking it as a weapon was akin to suicide. Because with his current speed and strength, the opponent would simply force him to do close combat.

Bow and arrow are also a good choice. With a ranged weapon like this, Jack could hide and attack without facing his enemy directly. Unfortunately, it won't work in the real world.

Even when he has a friend to protect him like Kyle, the flow of battle tends to become chaotic as time passes. Without a means to protect himself, his death is only a matter of time.

Greatsword has devastating damage because of its size and weight. It also has a certain level of blocking capability. Yet its advantage also makes it least suited to Jack right now. Club and hammer are also excluded for the same reason.

Magic staff is also an option. But Jack has already decided that he will use his magical ability as a secondary weapon or a force to strengthen his combat power.

Another weapon that Jack was interested in is a combination of a short sword and shield. This fighting technique is popular among newbies because of its heavy defense. Hiding behind a shield also gives them a sense of security during a battle.

Moreover, a shield could protect them from physical and magical damage. This weapon combination is more suitable for Jack.

The only drawback is its low image among adventurers. This weapon combination is severely underestimated because most of its users only hide behind their shield when the battle starts.

This image leads a sword and shield user to become cast out, making it difficult for them to get a party.

Unfortunately, Jack didn't have another choice but to choose this fighting technique. Although it couldn't make him the strongest, it could keep him safe while familiarizing himself with this new world, where he must put his life on the line while fighting.

Besides, he already has Kyle as a party. And for a person that comes from a peaceful world, a bad reputation is better than dying.

After pondering for a while, Jack approached Tarud and expressed his intention to join Dragon Hammer Workshop. He also ordered a short sword and a shield that match his crow armor. With this, the next thing he needs is a combat master that uses a similar weapon.