Choosing Combat Instructor

Francis was arranging some documents on top of his desk with a solemn expression. This document was something that guild master Tigreal asked of him. Next to it is a light brown folder titled Shadowcifer that is written with blood-red ink.

Suddenly, a knocking sound was heard from the door.

"Come in." His brows suddenly raised when seeing Jack.

"Ah, Jack! What can I do for you today?" Realizing that the visitor is not the one he was expecting, Francis hurriedly put the documents together before hid them inside his drawer.

Jack slowly walked toward the center of the room. After scratching the back of his head, he said. "Sorry to bother you again today. I have thought about what you suggested yesterday and made up my mind. I want to hire a combat instructor."

Without showing a panic reaction, Francis responded. "Aahh… Sure. Sit down. I will get the catalog for you."

Francis took away a thirty-centimeter thick bock from the bookshelf beside his chair before putting it on the table for Jack to see.

"Good decision, Jack. Preparation is essential for successful adventuring."

After sitting with one leg above the other, he asked, "So, what kind of combat instructor do you want to hire?

"We have experienced adventurers that are proficient in many kinds of weapons and arcane arts. But you have to know that even if you hire them, there is no guarantee that they will teach you their secret technique or spell. And each one of them has their own preferences when taking a disciple.

"Some want money, some prefer an obedient disciple, zealous, diligent, or have a similar character with them. But don't worry, only high ranked instructors are strict with their requirements, most low ranked one only wants money."

Jack answered without hesitation. "I want to hire an adventurer proficient in sword and shield technique, someone who could teach me a basic foundation. I want a quick result, so a good instructor who could teach is preferable. The price is not a problem."

'I have 5 gold and 10 silver. Spending all the gold coins is my budget. I am willing to pay more as long as I can get a good mentor.' Added Jack inwardly.

After pondering for a few seconds, Francis opened the book with great familiarity. The next second, the page that he was looking for already opened. His index finger slowly slid down on the name section while his mouth mumbled something.

"Ah! Here is it. Jeacock Sharman, veteran adventurer, 42 years old. A C-Rank adventurer with 20 copper coins for one practice season. He already has three disciples and only available 3 days a week.

"Another one is Nardar Ironsong, 36 years old, B-Rank adventurer. In my opinion, he is the strongest fighter that uses sword and shield combination as a weapon. But, the man rarely speaks, and his teaching method is rather unique.

"He has a secret technique that brings his strength equal to A-Rank adventurer, so many adventurers requested him to be their mentor. Yet, no one has ever succeeded because Nardar only gives a practical lesson. A harsh physical training makes them give up after a few practice seasons. His rate is one silver."

Jack secretly commented while rubbing his chin, 'So, he just beat his disciple mercilessly like a sparring partner. Hmm… As an experienced gamer, I could smell a secret quest from him.

'Maybe I could make him teach me his secret technique using a few tricks I learned from novels. Besides, what I need now is physical combat experience. I realize that my mind could think of a way to counter Kyle's attack when we spar, but my body couldn't move the way I wanted to.'

Seeing that Jack looked hesitant, Francis, who already rested his back in his chair, said, "I suggest you pick Jeacock Sharman. His teaching method is more... "

But before he could finish his sentences, Jack interpreted him, "No. I choose Nardar Ironsong. I need more combat experience. Besides, three times a week is not enough for me."

Francis was a little surprised to hear it, but the choice is not his to make. "Okay, I will make the letter of introduction right away."

Before he could move from his chair, Jack interrupted him. "Wait a minute! I also need a magic instructor who has a vast amount of knowledge in arcane arts. The more, the better. Do you have a good candidate?"

His aim is, of course, Izack Newtown, but he didn't know if the old man was registered as an instructor or not.

Francis sat straight and tapped the table with his index finger before answering. "Hmm… Being enthusiastic is a good thing, but doing magical training on top of a physical one is not healthy for your body. I did not recommend it."

"It's okay. I will focus on learning about magical knowledge for the time being." Said Jack with a firm tone.

Seeing Jack so confident, a thought was flashed through Francis's mind. "Are you already awakened?"

"Yes." Jack gave a short and simple reply.

"Okay then."

After hearing Jack's answer, Francis closed the catalog book before opening the first pages. He showed a few instructor candidates that matched Jack's criteria.

When listening, Jack finally found what he was looking for. He pointed at a name before asking, "This! Is he available?"

Francis was quite surprised. "Professor Izack Newtown? He is our leading researcher in arcane art. Also, the only human that could match an elf in terms of magical knowledge.

"It's possible, but don't expect too much. From around a thousand candidates, only about five matched his criteria, and all of them stopped after a few training seasons because he charged one gold coin for one lesson."

Even though he knew that Jack had enough money, spending one gold coin to hire an instructor was too wasteful for an F-Class adventurer like him. His peers could only raise that much money if they kept all of their income over the years.

'One gold for one meeting? The old man sure is expensive. I could only have five seasons with him before the paper business started. I should use it well.' Jack made a quick calculation.

After he made up his mind, he said. "I will hire him." Said Jack.

"Are you sure? The payment is not refundable because you will pay them directly to them after the season is ended." Francis wanted to confirm for the last time before he could proceed to the next step.

"I am sure." Jack didn't waver.

Finally, Francis was convinced. "Ok then, I will make the letter of introduction for both of them. After that, you only need to meet the Instructor to get their approval."

"Thank you, Francis."

Jack left the adventurer's guild and walked toward Alexandrium Library to find Izack Newtown. After sparring with Kyle, his body could not survive if he went straight to training with Nardar.